Curriculum Vitae
Professional Experience
Current primary positions
Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism Administration, Boğaziçi University, 2004 -
Research Associate, Center for Disaster Management (CENDIM), Boğaziçi University, 2001-
Part-time Faculty Member, Management Engineering Department, I.T.U. 2009-
Other positions held
Visiting Scholar, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, KANADA, June-July 2009.
Board Member, Turkish Psychology Association Istanbul Branch, 2008-2010
Vice Chairperson, Department of Tourism Administration, Boğaziçi University, 2006-2007
Guest Professor, Center for Disaster Management and Risk Technology, Karlsruhe University, GERMANY, Jan 2006.
Lecturer, Department of Tourism Administration, Boğaziçi University, 1999-2003
Research Assistant, Department of Management, Boğaziçi University, 1996-1998
Teaching Assistant Department of Psychology, Boğaziçi University, 1994-1995
Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Boğaziçi University, 1993-1996
1996 -2002 Department of Management, Boğaziçi University
Social Sciences Institute Ph.D.
Management and Organization Studies Doctoral Program
(High honors with a PhD graduation GPA of 3.72/4.00)
1998 -1999 Jönköping University, Jönköping, SWEDEN
Jönköping International Business School (Entrepreneurship Emphasis)
Doctoral Exchange Program
1993 - 1996 Department of Psychology, Boğaziçi University
Social Sciences Institute M. A.
Social Psychology Master’s Program
(High Honors with a master's graduation GPA of 3.55/4.00)
1989 - 1993 Department of Psychology, Boğaziçi University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences B. A.
Psychology Undergraduate Program
1988 - 1989 Department of Psychology, Middle East Technical University
Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Psychology Undergraduate Program
1980 - 1988 Istanbul High School Diploma
Postgraduate Certificates
May-July 2005 10th EUROLOC, Budapest, HUNGARY
Leadership and Local Democracy: Does Leadership Make a
Difference? (with scholarship)
Apr-Jul 2003 Central European University, Budapest, HUNGARY
Catastrophes and Globalization, CEU SUN (with scholarship)
Feb-May 2002 Columbia University, NYC, USA
Disaster Resistant Istanbul: Urban Planning (with scholarship)
Articles, Books, Reports and Theses
Zeytinoglu, I.U., Yilmaz, G., Keser, A., Inelmen, K., Uygur, D. & Ozsoy, A. (in progress) Flexibility, job security and job satisfaction: An examination of the issues in Turkey. European Journal of Industrial Relations.
Inelmen, K. (under review).Role of trust in mediating the effects of commitment and satisfaction on employee performance. Boğaziçi Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies.
Inelmen, K., & Zeytinoglu, I.U. (June 2010). The Relationship of Career Commitment to Satisfaction, Support and Stress. Paper accepted for the 12th ISSWOV Conference and the Book of Proceedings, Lisbon.
Zeytinoglu, I.U., Inelmen, K. Uygur, D. (November 2009). Perceived Job Security, Stress and Job Satisfaction: Frontline Hotel Employees in Istanbul, Turkey. Paper presented at Work, Stress and Health 09 Congress, Porto Rico.
Alvarez, M., İnelmen, K. & Yarcan, S. (2009). Do Perceptions Change?: A Comparative Study. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 20 (2), pp. 401-418.
İnelmen, K., Uygur, D. & Zeytinoğlu, I.U. (2009). Gitmek mi, kalmak mı?: Beş yıldızlı otel işgörenlerinin örgütte kalma niyetini etkileyen faktörler. (Should I stay or should I go?: Factors affecting five star hotel employees’ intention to stay). 17th National Management and Organizational Studies Congress Proceedings, 447-453. Eskişehir.
Inelmen, K. (September 2008). Restoran Çalışanlarının Performas Algısında, Örgütsel Bağlılığın ve Amire Güvenin Etkileri. 15. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi Özetler Kitabı. Paper presented at the 15th National Psychology Congress. Istanbul.
İnelmen, K. (2008). ”Katılım ataleti” ile başa çıkmak: Liderlik ve güvenilirlik sorunu. G. Fişek & H. Kabasakal (Der.) Afet ve İnsan: 1999 Marmara Depreminin Yansımaları, ss. 142-160. İstanbul: BUPRESS.
Kabasakal, H., İşeri-Say, A. & İnelmen, K. (2008). Türkiye’de afet yönetiminin yapısı. G. Fişek & H. Kabasakal (Der.) Afet ve İnsan: 1999 Marmara Depreminin Yansımaları, ss. 127-135. İstanbul: BUPRESS.
Kabasakal, H., İşeri-Say, A. & İnelmen, K. (2008). Sonuçlar ve uygulama önerileri. G. Fişek & H. Kabasakal (Der.) Afet ve İnsan: 1999 Marmara Depreminin Yansımaları, ss. 199-216. İstanbul: BUPRESS.
Alvarez, M.D., Yarcan, S. & Inelmen, K. (2006). Perceptions of culture tourists in Turkey: A historical perspective. 24th EuroChrie Congress Proceedings (CD), P. Tsartas, Christou, E. Sigala, M. (Eds), Thessaloniki.
Yarcan, S. & Inelmen, K. (2006). Perceived image of Turkey by US-citizen cultural tourists. Anatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research, 17(2), pp. 305-312.
Bottom of Form
Inelmen, K. (2006). Subordinates’ trust toward their supervisors in high-end hotels. In S. Stashevsky (Eds.) Work Values and Behavior, pp. 145-151. Proceedings of the 10th ISSWOV Conference, Tallinn. CD ISBN 9985-4-0487-4.
Iseri-Say, A., Inelmen, K. & Kabasakal, H. (2005). Örgütlü katılım ve afet yönetimi etkileşimi (Interaction between organized participation and disaster management). Öneri: Journal of Marmara University, 6(23), 9-18.
Inelmen, K. (2005). İşletmelerde Temel Kavramlar: Amasya İlinin Yeni Pazarlara Açılımı Eğitim Programı. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Printhouse. ISBN : 975–518–244-6
Müderrisoğlu, S, Inelmen, K., Iseri-Say, A., Fisek, G. & Kabasakal, H. (October 2004). The Role of NGOs and CBOs in Preparing Communities toBetter Manage Natural Hazards. Paper presented at the Hazard Risk Management Workshop, organized by World Bank
Inelmen, K. (Editor) (2004). Destination Risk Management: A Multidisciplinary Outlook. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Printhouse. ISBN : 975 – 226 - 8
Inelmen, K. (2004). Coping with disaster related risks and their impacts on tourism. In K. Inelmen (Ed.) Destination Risk Management: A Multidisciplinary Outlook, pp. 73-81. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Printhouse.
Inelmen, K., Iseri-Say, A. & Kabasakal, H. (2004). Participation lethargy in disaster preparedness organizations within the framework of a Turkish CBO. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, 24 (10/11), pp. 130-158. (Indexed: Sociological Abstracts; Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts).
Inelmen, K. (2003). Nature of trust creation and expansion. In M. Stasiak (Ed.) Values in an Era of Transformation, pp. 141-184. Lodz: The Academy of Humanities and Economics Publishing House.
1/03 – 8/18/2003: Earthquake Master Plan for Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality - Administration module, sponsored by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (Project Team Member)
Inelmen, K., Iseri-Say, A., Kabasakal, H. & Akarun, L. (July 2003). Participation Lethargy in Disaster Preparedness Organizations within the Framework of an Active CBO: The Case of Gayrettepe. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Reports CENDIM .
Inelmen, K. (2002). Trust in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: A Small and Medium Sized Enterprises Perspective. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Boğaziçi University.
6/01 – 12/31/2002: “Organization and Communication Systems for Disaster Management in Turkey”, sponsored by Boğaziçi University Research Fund, (Project Team Member).
Grava, S., Jacob, K., Gencer, E, Inelmen, K., et al. (May 2002). Disaster Resistant Istanbul: Urban Planning Studio Final Report. NYC: Columbia University.
Iseri, A., Inelmen, K., Kabasakal, H. & Akarun, L. (August 2002). An Investigation on Low Levels of Participation in CBOs and NGOs for Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation: The Case of Mimarsinan. Istanbul: Boğaziçi University Research Reports CENDIM 2002-02.
Alpay, G. & Inelmen, K. (2002). Small enterprise owner’s trust perceptions across conventional and novel sectors. In A. Sagie & M. Stasiak (Eds.) Work Values and Behavior in an Era of Transformation, pp. 7-12. Papers from the 8th ISSWOV Conference, Warsaw.
Kabasakal, H., Akarun, L., Iseri, A. & Inelmen, K. (October 2001). Organization and Communication Systems for Disaster Management. Paper presented at the “Urban Risk Management for Natural Disasters” Workshop jointly organized by CENDIM, Boğaziçi University & CHRR, Columbia University.
Barbarosoğlu, G., Fisek, G. Kabasakal, H., Iseri, A, Inelmen, K. & Aydogdu, M. (July 2001). Osmaniye Earthquake Field Research Report. Prepared for American Red Cross Turkey Field Office.
Alpay, G. & Inelmen, K. (2001). Küçük işletme sahiplerinin sürekli iş yaptıkları toptancılarına duydukları güven ve kaynakları (Trust in interorganizational small business relationships and its antecedents). Proceedings of the 9th National Conference of Management and Organization Studies, pp. 817-826.
Inelmen, K. (1998). Genç Yetişkinlerde Özdeğer (Self-Esteem in Young Adults). Selected Papers from the IX. National Psychology Congress, pp. 577-582. Istanbul: Turkish Psychology Association Publications.
Inelmen, K. (1996). Relationship of Sex-Role Orientation to Two Measures of Self-Esteem. Unpublished master’s thesis. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul.
Sunar, D., Inelmen, K., Israel, E., Karabatı, S. & Karamolla, N. (1995). Self-Esteem and Its Sources in Two Turkish Groups. Poster session presented at the IV. European Congress of Psychology, Athens, Greece.
Other Academic Activities
Journals referred for
2009 - Organization Studies
International Journal of Human Resource Management
2008 - Equal Opportunities International
2007 - International Journal of Cross Cultural Management
2002 - Boğaziçi Journal Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Sciences
M.A. Thesis Committee Memberships
“Board Composition in the Affiliates of Family Business Groups in Turkey: A Longitudinal Analysis” by İdil Ziyaoğlu: M.A. in Industrial Trade at Boğaziçi University, 2009.
“Understanding Voice Behavior of Blue-collar Employees: Managerial and Job-related Antecedents, and the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment” by Lale M. Çelik: M.A. in Psychology at Koc University, 2007.
“Motivational Processes Involved in the Relationship between Leadership and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors” by Aslı Göncü: M.A. in Psychology at Koc University, 2006.
International Conference Organized
Member of Steering Committee. “International Destination Risk Management Conference”, International conference jointly organized by Applied Tourism Administration and Research Center (ATARC), Boğaziçi University & Institute for Crisis, Disaster and Risk Management, The George Washington University. Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, TURKEY, June 7-8, 2004
Marital Status : Married
Citizen of : Republic of Turkey
Birth Date : September 21, 1969
Special Skills
Languages: Native Turkish, fluency in English, good command of German.
Computer Literacy: SPSS 17.0 for Windows, AMOS, Microsoft Office
Fellowships, Grants, Awards and Committee Memberships
SSHRC Research Grant, McMaster University, CANADA (2008)
B.A.P. Research Grant #08N101, Boğaziçi University (2008)
Incitement Awards, BUVAK (2002, 2004, 2006)
Research Grant, Karlsruhe University, GERMANY (2006)
Fellowships, Central European University, HUNGARY (2003, 2005)
Travel Grant, Boğaziçi University / Columbia University, USA (2002)
Scholarship, Boğaziçi University/ Jönköping University, SWEDEN (1998)
B.A.P. Research Grant #94B0573, Boğaziçi University. (1994)