September 18, 2013
The Board of Commissioners of Lorain County, Ohio met this day in a regular meeting, in the J. Grant Keys Administration Building,
226 Middle Avenue, Elyria, Ohio, at 9:31 a.m. with the following members present: Commissioner Ted Kalo, President, Commissioner Lori
Kokoski, Vice-President, and Commissioner Tom Williams, Member and Theresa L. Upton, Clerk.
Commissioners said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Kalo presented a 1 ½ year old female German shepherd mix found on Dellfield and available for adoption tomorrow or choose form 27 others.
Clerk Upton administered an oath to Brian Moore, Deputy Dog Warden
There were no job & family services bills this day. ______
a.2 RESOLUTION NO. 13-774
In the matter of confirming Investments as procured by the )
Lorain County Treasurer )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby confirm Investments as procured by the Lorain
County Treasurer.
DATE / DESCRIPTION / AMOUNT / INTEREST EARNED / ON / INV WITH / ACCT #1 / 9/10/2013 / INT EARNED / $134.24 / August 1-31, 2013 / STAR OH / 15132
2 / 9/10/2013 / INT EARNED / $2.76 / August 1-31, 2013 / STAR OH / 01-14171
3 / 9/10/2013 / INT EARNED / $3.66 / August 1-31, 2013 / STAR OH / 62106
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: All.
Motion carried. ______
a.3 RESOLUTION NO. 13-775
In the matter of authorizing various appropriations)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various appropriations.
$ 409.36 to be appropriated to: refund overpayment amount for waiver fees received/solid waste
$ 409.36 to 2260-0000-100-000-05-7070-0000
$ 135,000.00 to be appropriated to: project and dept needs for remainder of yr/mvgt
$ 15,000.00 to 2580-0000-300-300-04-5080-5080
$ 100,000.00 to 2580-0000-300-000-04-6200-6218
$ 8,000.00 to 2580-0000-300-300-04-6050-6052
$ 1,000.00 to 2580-0000-300-000-04-6000-6002
$ 11,000.00 to 2580-0000-300-302-04-6100-6105
$ 5,500.00 to be appropriated to: exp for 13/volunteer guardianship probate court spec proj fund
$ 4,000.00 to 2840-2846-500-000-01-7200-0000
$ 1,500.00 to 2840-2846-500-000-01-7200-7200
$ 5,000.00 to be appropriated to: exp for 13/probate court dispute resolution trust
$ 5,000.00 to 2850-0000-500-000-02-7200-0000
$ 5,000.00 to be appropriated to: unexpected elevator repairs for 13/golden acres
$ 5,000.00 to 3420-0000-100-000-05-6380-6381
$ 482.00 to be appropriated to: reimburse brownhelm twp for mowing heritage ridge ditch/ditch maintenance
$ 482.00 to 4000-4020-100-000-04-7070-0000
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: all.
Motion carried. ______
a.4 RESOLUTION NO. 13-776
In the matter of authorizing various account & fund transfers)
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various account & fund transfers.
$ 5,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-108-01-6000-0000 inv for quality communications/telecomm
To 1000-0000-100-108-01-6200-6218
$ 26,000.00 from 1000-0000-100-136-01-5080-5080 payment to vermilion city for 2nd half 12 and 1st half 13 for 2/5
To 1000-0000-530-000-02-7070-0000 share/muni courts
$ 4,600.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-5000-5005 salaries to supplies and vehicle exp for end of 2013/sheriff gf
To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6380-6380
$ 3,500.00 from 1000-0000-550-000-03-5000-5005
To 1000-0000-550-000-03-6000-0000
$ 35,200.00 from 2060-fy12-100-116-07-6400-6400 recategorize exp to fall in line w/state accounting proc/cdbg fy12
To 2060-fy12-100-116-07-6050-0000
$ 15,405.00 from 2560-2560-280-280-03-5080-5080 hospitalization to supplies to cover proj exp/adult prob intensive super
To 2560-2560-280-280-03-6000-0000 felony
$ 500.00 from 3460-0000-100-000-03-6000-6009 annual maintenance agreement for shimadzu lab equip/crime lab
To 3460-0000-100-000-03-6200-0000
Resolution No. 13-776 cont. September 18, 2013
$ 500.00 from 8100-fy13-100-000-14-5040-0000 conf and help me grow visiting adv/cffc
To 8100-fy13-100-000-14-7070-0000
$ 500.00 from 8100-fy13-100-000-14-5040-0000
To 8100-fy13-100-000-14-7220-0000
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: all.
Motion carried. ______
a.4a RESOLUTION NO. 13-777
In the matter of authorizing various fund transfers for the )
Payment of life insurance for county employees for the )
Month of September in the amount of $13,868.25 )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize various fund transfers for the Payment of life insurance for county employees for the Month of September in the amount of $13,868.25
Sept. life insurance / NEW ACCT. / AMOUNTWORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT / 1000.0000. / $ 33.00
GENERAL / 1000.0000. / $ 3,547.50
PROSECUTOR IV.D / 1000.0000. / $ 107.25
SUPPORT/DOM / 1000.0000.400.406.02.5080.5081 / $ 90.75
NEW RUSSIA TWP - SHERIFF / 1020.1023.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE / 2000.2000.620.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 41.25
ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE / 2000.2004.620.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
COMMON PLS SPEC. PROJ. 2010.0000.360.000.02.5080.5081 / 2010.0000.360.000.02.5080.5081 / $ 66.00
JAIL TAX / 2200.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 1,204.50
DOG & KENNEL / 2220.0000. / $ 16.50
SOLID WASTE / 2260.0000. / $ 49.50
HUMAN SERVICES / 2280.0000. / $ 1,006.50
HUMAN SERVICES / 2280.0000. / $ 49.50
HUMAN SERVICES / 2280.0000. / $ 338.25
CHILD SEXUAL PRED. / 2322.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ -
COPS / 2323.2323.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ -
REAL ESTATE / 2480.0000. / $ 148.50
DEL TAX (TREASURER) / 2500.2501. / $ 8.25
TAX UNIT ( PROSECUTOR ) / 2500.2502. / $ 8.25
AUTO TITLE / 2520.0000.510.000.01.5080.5081 / $ 239.25
ADULT PROBATION / 2560.2560. / $ 74.25
ADULT PRO. SUB ACCT. / 2560.2563. / $ 8.25
ADULT PRO PSI / 2560.2564. / $ 24.75
NON SUPPORT GRANT -AP / 2560.2565. / $ 8.25
ENGINEER / 2580.0000.300.300.04.5080.5081 / $ 437.25
VIOLENT OFFENDER / 2600.0000.400.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
IV.E / 2610.0000.400.000.02.5080.5081 / $ 99.00
DRUG COURT / 2620.0000.400.452.03.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
BRIDGE / 2640.0000. / $ 41.25
VOICES FOR CHILDREN / 2680.0000.400.428.06.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
YOUTH DIVERSION 2 / 2680.0000.400.434.06.5080.5081 / $ -
IN.HOME DETENTION 1 / 2680.0000.400.438.06.5080.5081 / $ -
JUNVENILE ASSESSMENT / 2680.0000.400.442.06.5080.5081 / $ -
TRUANCY / 2680.0000.400.448.06.5080.5081 / $ -
SPECIAL PROBATION / 2700.0000.400.410.06.5080.5081 / $ -
RECLAIM OHIO / 2700.0000.400.412.06.5080.5081 / $ 33.00
DAY TREATMENT / 2700.0000.400.414.06.5080.5081 / $ 57.75
STEPPING STONE / 2700.0000.400.418.06.5080.5081 / $ 66.00
SEX OFFENDER / 2700.0000.400.422.06.5080.5081 / $ 8.25
RESTITUTION / 2700.0000.400.430.06.5080.5081 / $ -
YOUTH DIVERSION 1 / 2700.0000.400.434.06.5080.5081 / $ -
IN-HOME 2 / 2700.0000.400.438.06.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
RECLAIM TRUANCY / 2700.0000.400.448.06.5080.5081 / $ -
COUNTY PROBATION / 2940.0000. / $ 49.50
LAW LIBRARY / 3110.0000.650.000.02.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
COURT MEDIATION / 3140.0000.360.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 16.50
CHILDREN SERVICES / 3200.0000.580.000.06.5080.5081 / $ 899.25
MR/DD / 3280.0000.590.000.06.5080.5081 / $ 2,433.75
MR/DD / 3300.0000.590.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 379.50
MR/DD / 3320.0000.590.000.05.5080.5081 / $ 297.00
MENTAL HEALTH / 3340.A100.600.A14.05.5080.5081 / $ 90.75
COUNTY HOME / 3422.0000. / $ 387.75
DRUG TASK FORCE / 3440.0000.550.000.03.5080.5081 / $ 74.25
CRIME LAB / 3460.0000. / $ 16.50
911 / 3480.0000. / $ 156.75
CHILD SUPPORT / 3520.0000. / $ 420.75
VICTIM/WITNESS / 3560.3560. / $ 8.25
VICTIM/WITNESS 2 / 3560.3562. / $ -
FORECLOSURE / 3630.0000.360.000.02.5080.5081 / $ 24.75
PERSONNEL/BENEFITS / 7000.7000. / $ 8.25
WORKERS COMP/JONETTE / 7010.0000. / $ 8.25
SANITARY ENGINEER / 7100.7100.300.304.11.5080.5081 / $ 24.75
TRANSIT / 7200.0000. / $ 8.25
CHILDREN & FAMILY FIRST / 8100.FY14. / $ 16.50
CBCF / 8300.0000.660.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 173.25
HEALTH DEPARTMENT / 8410.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 354.75
HEALTHDEPT/FOODSER. / 8420.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 24.75
HEALTH DEPT/WIC / 8450.0000.630.000.14.5080.5081 / $ 90.75
SOIL & WATER / 8850.0000.640.000.14.5080.5081 / $ -
TOTAL / $ 13,868.25
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt Resolution. Ayes: all.
Motion carried. ______
There were no advances/repayments for this day. ______
a.6 RESOLUTION NO. 13-778
In the matter of authorizing the purchase of supplies and)
Services for various county departments )
BE IT RESOLVED, by the Lorain County Board of Commissioners that we hereby authorize the purchase of supplies and services for various County departments.
LOG # / DEPARTMENT / FUND / DESCRIPTION OF PURCHASE / VENDOR / AMOUNT1247-13 / 9-1-1 Agency / 3480 / Lightening Damage to Grafton Fire Channel / Vasu Communications / 3,376.48
9-1-1 Agency Dept. Total / $ 3,376.48
1248-13 / Adult Probation / 2560 / Unused Grant Funds / Treasurer, State of Ohio / 17,526.72
1249-13 / Adult Probation / 2560 / Unused Grant Funds / Treasurer, State of Ohio / 3,416.26
1250-13 / Adult Probation / 2560 / Unused Grant Funds / Treasurer, State of Ohio / 6,586.49
1251-13 / Adult Probation / 2560 / SBPO Reagents and Supplies for Lab / Siemens Healthcare / 10,000.00
Adult Probation Dept. Total / $ 37,529.47
1252-13 / Airport / 7300 / New Engine in Grasshopper Mower / Country Sales & Service / 3,780.00
Airport Dept. Total / $ 3,780.00
1253-13 / Auditor’s / 2480 / Appraisal Services for BOR / Smith & Nejedlik, Inc. / 1,950.00
Auditor’s Dept. Total / $ 1,950.00
1254-13 / Bd. Of Elections / 1000 / Barcode Tamper Evident Labels, Shipping / Intab / 1,027.95
1255-13 / Bd. Of Elections / 1000 / AVPM Paper Rolls for TSX Units / Election Systems & / 2,179.55
Board of Elections Dept. Total / $ 3,207.50
1256-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000181 Telephone Svc. / CenturyTel of Ohio / 4,700.00
1257-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000187 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 2,500.00
1258-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000190 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 1,500.00
1259-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000194 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 10,000.00
1260-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000200 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 1,000.00
1261-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000201 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 1,600.00
1262-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000204 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 4,000.00
1263-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000206 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 2,500.00
1264-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000207 Gas Services` / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 5,000.00
1265-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000210 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 25.00
1266-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000244 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 200.00
1267-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000245 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 5,000.00
1268-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000247 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 300.00
1269-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000249 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 1,800.00
1270-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000250 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 1,600.00
1271-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000252 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 1,300.00
1272-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000253 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 1,200.00
1273-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000254 Water & Sewer / Elyria Public Utilities / 16,000.00
1274-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000256 Telephone Svc. / Frontier North / 1,300.00
1275-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000274 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 2,000.00
1276-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000275 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 800.00
1277-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000276 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 500.00
1278-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000277 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 40,000.00
1279-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000279 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 1,500.00
1280-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000280 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 1,500.00
1281-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000282 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 1,500.00
1282-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000283 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 500.00
1283-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000284 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 3,000.00
1284-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000285 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 300.00
1285-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000289 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 500.00
1286-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000290 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 550.00
1287-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000291 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 200.00
1288-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000292 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 3,500.00
1289-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000293 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 1,600.00
1290-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000296 Electric Svc. / Ohio Edison / 700.00
1291-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000297 Water & Sewer / RLCWA / 250.00
1292-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000298 Water & Sewer / RLCWA / 30.00
1293-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000302 Cable Services / Time Warner Cable / 1,000.00
1294-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000304 Cellphone Svc. / Verizon Wireless / 1,000.00
1295-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000166 Uniform Rental / Cintas Corporation / 520.00
1296-13 / Commissioners / 1000 / Amend PO 2013000189 Gas Services / Columbia Gas of Ohio / 3,500.00
Commissioners Dept. Total / $ 126,475.00
1297-13 / Common Pleas / 1000 / CourtTrac Drug Test Software Maintenance / CourtView / 1,325.00
Common Pleas Court Dept. Total / $ 1,325.00
1298-13 / Domestic Rel. / 2700 / Repairs on CIP Vehicle# 1415 / Ed Mullinax dba Auto / 1,992.76
Domestic Relations Dept. Total / $ 1,992.76
1299-13 / Drug Task Force / 3440 / Tower Rental Sept 2013- October 2014 / Vasu Communications / 1,616.28
Drug Task Force Dept. Total / $ 1,616.28
1300-13 / Engineer’s / 2580 / Amend PO Jan-Dec 2013 Fuel / Great Lakes Petroleum / 30,000.00
1301-13 / Engineer’s / 2580 / Amend PO Jan-Dec 2013 Utilities – Office / Ohio Edison / 4,000.00
1302-13 / Engineer’s / 2580 / Blue Spruce Trees, Lime, Fertilizer, Etc / B’s Trees / 5,880.00
1303-13 / Engineer’s / 2580 / SBPO Sept- Dec 2013 Fuel / Ports Petroleum Co. Inc. / 250,000.00
Engineer’s Dept. Total / $ 289,880.00
1304-13 / Forensic Lab / 3460 / Service Contract for Shimadzu Equipment / Terra Technologies / 9,440.00
Forensic Lab Dept. Total / $ 9,440.00
1305-13 / Golden Acres / 3420 / OTP Labor, Repair and OT to Fix Elevator / ThyssenKrupp Elevator / 3,102.14
1306-13 / Golden Acres / 3420 / Amend PO July-Dec 2013 Dietary Supplies / S & D Coffee / 3,000.00
Golden Acres Dept. Total / $ 6,102.14
1307-13 / Law Library / 3110 / Law Books / CCH Inc. dba Wolters / 1,073.00
Law Library Dept. Total / $ 1,073.00
1308-13 / Maintenance / 1000 / Emergency Chiller Repairs at Admin. Bldg / AAF McQuay dba / 7,299.59
Maintenance Dept. Total / $ 7,299.59
1309-13 / Sanitary Eng. / 7100 / Amend Cut WWTP Lawns / Denny’s Lawncare / 1,950.00
Sanitary Engineer’s Dept. Total / $ 1,950.00
1310-13 / Sheriff’s / 2200 / 24 Hour High Back Chair – Black / Bobel’s / 2,273.20
1311-13 / Sheriff’s / 1000 / Replace Compressor on Carrier Unit # 1 / L J Heating and Cooling / 1,155.36
1312-13 / Sheriff’s / 3610 / Amend PO Marine Patrol Salary D. James / L.C. Drug Task Force / 5,000.00
1313-13 / Sheriff’s / 3610 / Amend PO Reimburse Marine Patrol OT / Lorain County Sheriff / 7,000.00
Sheriff’s Dept. Total / $ 15,428.56
Motion by Kalo, seconded by Kokoski to adopt, Ayes: all.