9 a.m. Saturday, March 12, 2016

Donner Summit PUD


Directors Present: Craig Doty, Mike Anderson, Eric Lombardi (by phone), Bret Natali, Michael Wilk, Bret Natali

Directors Excused:

Others Present: Brian Silsby-Facilities Supervisor,

Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 am

Approval of Minutes

Minutes of 2/6/16 meeting will be approved at April meeting.

Staff Reports

Management (10 Minutes)

Balance amounts were reported to the Board. Operating, $154,011.69. ESA, $142,874.266. Reserves, $340,002.08. Transition to McClintock Accountancy proceeding.

Facilities Supervisor (10 Minutes)

Water Usage – Brian Silsby reported on water use for the month.1,705,410 gal. CalTrans 125,500 gal. 4327gal/day 1/3 of allowance.

Sewer Inflows – Brian Silsby reported the daily averages. 1,436,400 gal. 49,531/day. Scheduled auto dialer for sewer plant for emergency notifications. Will have to be cellular.

Sewer modifications along river scheduled for employees this spring.

Directors Reports

President: CD Nothing to report

Secretary: EL Nothing to report

Treasurer: EL Nothing to report

Roads: BN Nothing to report

Water: JD See Old Business

Architecture: CD/EL See Old Business

Maintenance/Operation Liaison: BN Nothing to report

Sewer: JD Nothing to report

Communications: MA See Old Business

Old Business

Lot 204 No issues lately.

Work Orders Status

The Board reviewed all work order items with Brian Silsby. Some items have been completed and others have been given estimated completion dates. More items have been added with estimated completion dates as well.

Water Tank Project

Waiting for spring

Unit 6 Parking

Discussion on trailers, RVs, boats, campers, Members using passes. Checking on signage language.

Website Update

Michael Wilk is working on the update.

Nevada County permit update- waiting for snow to melt and work on issues with engineer.

New Business

Board Member Election

Members must turn in name to run for the board positions by May 5, 2016.

Owner Comments on Items not on the Agenda

No comments made.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 am.

Executive Session

No Executive Session