Character Classes pg. 4 (change) The Character Classes listed are not exclusive. Any combination of four Picks per Level that meets the criteria of New Character Classes (pg. 9) is acceptable.

Starting funds pg. 7 (clarification) A character’s starting money is determined by the local game committee. The suggested amount is five silver shillings.

Pick substitution for elves and dwarves pg. 7 (clarification) Substitutions (mage for elves and craft for dwarves) may only be done with a Pick received at first or second Level. If no substitution is made at these Levels, the ability is lost.

Notes on Classes: Philosophy pg. 9 (clarification) A character with Ranks in one Philosophy sub-Branch may never cast a spell or Lesson, or use a Talent from a different Philosophical sub-Branch, including through the use of magic items, such as scrolls.

New Character Classes pg. 9 (addition) The Player must also choose which Pick the character gains at its half-Level. This Pick must be from the Branch with the largest number of Picks per Level. If the character has an equal number of Picks per Level (2:2, 1:1:1:1), the Player must choose.

Branches pg. 11 (clarification) Any number of Picks per Level may be used to acquire Ranks in Utility Skills.

Skills & Ranks pg. 11 (change) There are 48 Skills, not 47.

Synergy pg. 12 (change) Players should disregard any references to other Skills besides Scholarship and Lock Smith that allow Synergy. The only Skills that allow Synergy are Scholarship and Lock Smith. Synergy only works “one way”; ranks in Pick Locks are not Synergistic with Lock Smith. It takes two full picks of a skill to gain the Synergistic ranks; there is no rounding with Synergy.

Detect Traps pg. 12 (addition) A Player with Detect Traps will not notice hidden traps unless he or she is inspecting a trapped item specifically for traps (i.e. when the trap card is hidden).

Fence pg. 12 (clarification) The prerequisite fee can only be paid during check-in. If a character does not pay the fee at check-in, he or she loses the selling ability of Fence for the day.

Alchemy-acids pg. 18 (clarification) Any bonuses to thrown weapons through the Skill Thrown Weapon are added to the regular acid damage.

Physic: Medical Maintenance pg. 21 (change) The last sentence in the Rank description should read “A single character may not benefit from more than one Medical Maintenance plan.”

Scholarship: allowable Skills pg. 21 (change) The Merchant Skill may also benefit from Scholarship.

Scholarship: research pg. 22 (change) For each Rank in Scholarship, the character receives one research point (RP). Each RP takes five copper pennies to use. When researching a new spell or Lesson, the scholar must expend RP equal to the new spell or Lesson’s Rank plus one, squared, so that a Rank 3 spell would take 16 RP (i.e. (3+1) squared). When researching a new craft- or Mage-related item, RP equal to the Rank needed in the appropriate Craft or Mage Skill to produce the item plus one, squared, is required. RP may be accumulated over several game days. Any and all research projects must be submitted to the game committee for evaluation.

Research Points may not be increased as if they were production points. No Skill or item that increases production points will increase RP. The only exceptions are enchanted items and a shop. While a Scholar does not need a shop, he or she may benefit from a shop in the same way as a crafter does. Such a shop is treated as an armorer’s shop for cost. A Scholar may not build his or her own shop, as the shop represents books that the scholar has accumulated.

Craft: item resists pg. 16-24 (clarification) An item with a resist will only protect that item from harm.

Weaponsmith: silvering weapons pg. 23 (clarification) A weapon may only be silvered when first created. The costs represent the silver needed to silver the weapon. The weapon is not made out of silver, which is much too soft. Instead, the blade is engraved with silver over the steel. Creating a silvered weapon takes twice the normal production points, plus the indicated silver.

Weaponsmith: Honing pg. 24 (clarification) A honed weapon loses its bonuses at the end of the game day.

One Handed Blades/Florentine pg. 41 (change) Players are allowed to use the One-Handed Blade Skill to calculate their on-handed damage bonus when using two weapons, as long as the Player has at least one Rank of Florentine. In this case, the off-hand weapon quality does not effect the Ranks in the One-Handed Blade Skill. The off-handed weapon may be used to parry and will strike for one point of damage. This combination does not imply that characters may use shields with two-handed weapons.

Energy Spell List: stored spells pg. 28-30 (addition) The stored spell may be discharged if the mage touches the target (in a legal area) or the target’s equipment or clothing.

Scrollcraft: alchemical formulas pg. 35 (addition) Each formula is treated as a Rank 1 spell for purposes of ink use.

Spirit Spell List: Fumble pg. 35 (change) This spell is too powerful as written. Fumble will only effect one hand, which the caster must specify. The incant is changed to “…I cause you to fumble that X.”, with X being the item to be fumbled. If the target is holding a two-handed weapon, the weapon must be dropped, but the target may pick up the weapon with one hand (the unaffected one).

Void Spell List: Dispel Magic pg. 37 (clarification) Dispel Magic will also remove any Lesson the target currently has on his or her person, regardless of whether or not they are active..

Armor bonus points pg. 40 (clarification) The maximum bonus for a full-torso rep and real armor is four points of armor (two for full-torso rep and two for real armor).

Mystic Arts: use of pg. 34 & 46 (change) Spell points may be used to power any Skill that calls for spell points.

Dark Discourse: Break Item pg. 46 (clarification) This spell will not effect traps and locks.

Dark Discourse: Break Spell pg. 47 (addition) This spell will remove any Lessons active on the target, regardless of whether or not they are active.

Death Discourse: fear inducing spells pg. 51-52 (clarification) A character who is running away in fear may defend themself from attack, but will never turn towards the object of their fear. If attacked from behind, the character must endure.

Death Logic: Cheating Death pg. 54 (clarification) The coins are consumed in the course of the Lesson. They may be of any denomination (copper, silver or gold) but must be actual in-game money. If your game does not use coins, the Player may use the game’s substitute for coins.

Death Logic pg. 54-55 (clarification) The Myrrh is consumed in the course of the Lesson.

Way of Creation Discourse: Strengthen Magic pg. 66 (change) The target of this may not exceed his or her maximum spell point allotment. This spell only replenishes.

Merchant: purchase discount pg. 69-70 (change) When a merchant buys any item worth five or more silver shillings retail, the merchant receives no discount, i.e. the full retail price must be paid. Once a merchant builds a warehouse (Rank 12), the merchant may purchase items worth five or more silver at 90% of retail price. Items worth less than 5 silver shillings are still purchased at 57% (4/7).

Merchant: Prerequisite pg. 70 (clarification) The contact fee must be paid at check-in. The shipping fee may be paid when the Ranks are used.

Merchant: shipping interest pg. 71 (change) At Rank 20, the merchant may spend 40 silver shillings to buy a shipping interest and buy/sell 140 shillings per game day. The merchant pays a flat fee of eight silver shillings to use this capacity (Changed from 60 SS to buy/sell 210 SS for 10 SS).

Safety: Legal Targets pg. 73 (clarification) Shoulders are legal targets and are not considered part of the neck. The groin definition is for the ventral (front of the body) only. The buttocks and hips are legal targets.

Standard Armor Rep placement pg. 79 (change) Left-handed Players with a shield should attach the SAR to their left shoulder not right.

Mystic Metals: quantities pg. 89 (change) Two-handed hafted weapons may have a very small head (e.g. spears). The minimum required mystic metal for any weapon is 16 ounces.

Alchemy Products: Weapon Bond Salve pg. 93 (change) This salve’s duration is one hour, not 5 minutes.

Enchantments: use of pg. 95 (change) If the spell invested in an item directly affects only the holder, the item itself may be used to fulfill the spell packet requirement and the empty hand requirement. If the spell requires a flag, the holder must still display a flag after activating the item. If an enchanted item is ever broken, the enchantment is destroyed. Repairing the item will not restore the enchantment.

Enchantments: investment pg. 95-96 (clarification) Additional charges (either single-shot or rechargeable) may always be added to an item. A charged item may never have more than one spell (with any number of charges) invested at a time. A permanent item, once enchanted, may not have a similar permanent enchantment added to it without destroying the original enchantment (the new enchantment must be more potent). A permanent item may have more than one permanent effect enchanted into it. When enchanting dissimilar effects into a permanent item, all effects must be enchanted before the item is used.

Scrolls: use pg. 97 (clarification) Scrolls are one-shot items and crumble to dust after use.

Economics: retail prices pg. 100 (addition) The retail price for any item is twice the cost of production, unless otherwise specified in this section.

Economics: Prices for Potions pg. 100 (change) All potions are listed as “X Level” potions. These should read “Type X” potions, with the levels equating to the type of potion.

Economics: Prices for Enchanted Items pg. 100-101 (change) The retail prices given for enchanted items are in error. The base cost of an enchanted item is equal to the item cost (Keystone (1 SS)), enchantable item such as a ring or pendant (2 SS), or an enchantable weapon or suit of armor (2 x base cost), or a bonus on a shop or lab (must be a +3 building or set of tools before it can be enchanted.). Added to this base cost is the cost of the actual enchantment (single-shot, rechargeable and/or permanent). The Enchanted Item Price List should read as follows:


Enchantable Items

Keystone1 SS

Enchantable Item2 SS

Armor, Weapons, Other2x cost

Tools or Shop+3 first

Enchantment Costs

Single-Shot; per Rank per charge12 CP

Rechargeable; per Rank per charge24 CP

Recharging; per spell point6 CP

Permanent Ranks 1-5, per Rank5 SS

Permanent Ranks 6-10, per Rank6 SS

Permanent Ranks 11-15, per Rank7 SS

Permanent Ranks 16-20, per Rank8 SS

Permanent Ranks 21-25, per Rank9 SS

Spell Point Batteries

Single-Shot; per 2 spell points1 SS

Rechargeable; per 2 spell points2 SS

Permanent; per 2 spell points5 SS