New Series Proposal Questionnaire

There are many advantages to publishing within a series, in terms of recognition, consistency and profile and our aim is to develop a number of series which compliment our publishing programme of major works. To act as a series editor you will need plenty of ideas and contacts with potential contributors. In return we will offer extensive help and administrative support, academic and financial recognition and high profile promotion and marketing.

In general, when preparing a proposal for a new series the more information you can provide the greater likelihood that your proposal will be accepted.

Series Editor Information


Position and Affiliation:

Professional Address: Home Address:

Telephone: Telephone:

Fax: Email:

Nationality: Place & Date of Birth:

If there is to be a co-series editor, please also provide the above requested information for them.

Facts about the Series


Please give the provisional title of your Series. In general, Anthem Press favour relatively straightforward descriptive titles. For examples please consult our catalogue.

Subject focus

Please list the relevant academic subjects that your proposed series will cover.

Please outline the proposed scope of the book series.

Please outline the academic reasoning behind the proposal – the key themes and reasoning for your Series. What will it set out to achieve?

How do you feel the series will contribute to this area of academic study?

This is your opportunity to sell the idea for your Series. At Anthem Press we will need to sell your Series to other academics in your field, to librarians, to distributors and to booksellers. We need your help to do this. In this information you need to convince us of the academic need for this Series and also that there are enough people interested to make it a success.

Do you envisage each volume in the series to be structured in a certain way? If so, please describe.

The normal extent for one of our monographs should be 200-300 pages or 80,000 to 130,000 words including editorial apparatus. If you believe that your Series will require either a shorter or longer extent than this, you should state so and give reasons for this.

Do you envisage the series as very visual in content? If so please describe how, and whether you have any suggestions for layout/printing format.

Can you identify the criteria you would use to assess each book proposed for the series?

How do you feel this series represents Anthem’s publishing ethos?

Please state how your series will fit with the existing series offered by Anthem Press. Does this relate to any other aspects of Anthem Press’s publishing programme?

How do you plan to source new authors/editors for the series?

Do you have any potential book projects for the series in mind? If so, please include

author/editor name, title, and a brief synopsis for each volume.

In order to give us a better idea of the scope of the series, please give us some suggested titles and brief synopses of book project ideas, and also the names of figures you would like to attract as contributors to the series.

Please confirm whether you are happy to act as the primary referee for volumes within the series.


Please list any competitive book series that you are aware of. If so, please include name, publisher and series editor.

How will your series differ from those currently published?


Please identify the primary readerships for the series.


Please provide a 150 word promotional blurb that describes the series.

Do you feel the series will have a specific international appeal? If so, please define where and why.

Please list any exhibits/events where you feel it would be useful to promote the series (please include date, location, conference organiser contact details if known).

Please list any publications that you feel should receive review copies of books in the series (please include contact name and email address if known).

Please list any contacts you know who would be willing to endorse the series (please include contact details and email address if known).

Please list any mailing lists, websites or blogs that you feel may promote the series.

Do you have any specific ideas or angles for promoting the series?


We need details of who you are and why you are suitable to undertake this project with us. Please provide you biographical details below. Do also try to provide the same details for all the people you plan to involve in the series and their roles. Please let us know if you have their agreement to be involved or whether you just think they should be involved.

Your academic and professional record (please include degree, subject area, college/university and date. Please include any honorary degrees):

Recent positions (please include affiliation and dates):

Research interests:

Offices or memberships of professional associations/societies:

Previous publications (please include title, publisher, publication date):

Other important biographical information:


Please provide information about any associations, societies or institutions that you may feel support the book series financially?

Can you identify conditions the association would require in return for supporting the series e.g. advance copies to distribute to members, logo and accreditation in volumes in the series?

Any other comments?

Please return the completed form to .