As I compilethese resources for rogationtide it has just been announced that this April was the driest on record. Anyone who is trying to grow things in their garden will be aware that the lack of rain is causing severe problems. So understandably this near drought is a worrying time for our farmers, I recently heard one say that his land could do with a good drink. Obviously this dry spell affects livestock farmers as well as the arablefarmers because the grass is not growing. Hopefully by the time we celebrate Rogationtide there will have been some significant rainfall. If this rain fails to materialise then all who farm will be very worried and certainly in need of our prayers and support.

An Extract from Bob baker’s April Thoughts from a Northern Mart

Sheep prices continue to be good partly on the back of the terrible events in Japan which have amongst other things caused a reaction against eating fish. All the surplus lambs from New Zealand and Australia are being diverted from the European market. This has resulted in a strong trade for the British lamb with spring lambs making up to £150 a head and many hogs (yearling sheep)are making over £100. This trade looks set fair and should keep the sheep sector healthy for the coming year. The price of Beef has also rallied from earlier in the year due mainly to the shortage of beef animals on the market, with the butchers having to compete for the stock on offer and more cattle coming through the auction market as the prices on offer from the deadweight centres are lagging behind the auction markets. Some milk prices have had an increase in the past few months these producers are the few on a cost plus contract from the major supermarkets. Some reports suggest that in volume terms this is only about 20% of the market share, with the remaining 80% of the milk being bought at 3 to 5 pence a litre less. Prices for cereals have stabilised a little after the speculators left the market in January and returned to their more usual markets.

As a team here at the Churches’ Rural Project we are trying to raise awareness of Tuberculosis in cattle, a disease that is rife in many parts of the country but is not as yet a major problem in Yorkshire. Whilst bovine TB poses no danger to humans it has had a devastating effect on cattle production and the wild life in certain areas of the country. Here in Yorkshire we are free of any wildlife infection: the outbreaks of the disease have been traceable to cattle moved in from the hot spot areas. We are trying to keep farmers up to date with the latest developments and help them understand the problems through a series of meetings. The message which we want to pass on is that to keep bovine TB out of Yorkshire, farmers have to be sure of the provenance of bought in stock and practice high levels of bio-security.

Bob Baker, Rural Development Officer, Churches Regional Commission

These resources plus other liturgies will be posted on the diocesan website ().. Further ideas for Rogation Sunday can be found in the agricultural section of Times and Seasons and on the Arthur Rank Centre website ().

Parishes may wish to make a Rogationtide gift to one of the following charities which are continuing to help farmers and their families:RABI ( Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution) 01865 727888FCN (Farm Crisis Network) 0845 367 9990 ARC-Addington Fund,9 Barford Exchange Wellesbourne Road Barford Warwick

CV35 8AQ telephone:01926 620135Registered Charity Number – 1097092

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like any further information:The Rectory Cemetery Road Thirsk YO7 1PR 01845 523183 Richard Rowling Archbishop’s Adviser for Rural Affairs



This is the day that the Lord has made

Let us rejoice and be glad in it.


We come before you our God and Sustainer,

remembering that you are our Creator

and the source of all being.

Out of your love the universe was born.

From primordial darkness you put in place all that is needed for growth and saw that it was good…

You have put this world into our hands:

may we recognise your Spirit within it,

disturbing and challenging us to care for creation,

for the weak and the deprived.

Lord we remember that we are called by you

to nourish the earth and its diversity of life,

to share the gifts you have given, with one another

and with the poor of the world. Amen

(Seasonal Worship from the Countryside)

COLLECT (Common Worship)

Almighty God,whose will it is that the earth and the sea
should bear fruit in due season:
bless the labours of those who work on land and sea, grant us a good harvestand the grace always to rejoice in your fatherly care; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,who is alive and reigns with you,in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen

Post Communion Prayer(New Patterns for Worship)

Creator God you give seed for us to sowand bread for us to eat:make us thankful for what we receiveand generous in supplying the needs of othersso all the world may give you thanks and glory,through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Prayers on Rogation Sunday

Intercession. *

Lord of all life one of your rich blessings to mankind is that we may co-operate with you in your provision, and so now, Father,
We sow on earth the seeds of our prayers. Respond from the heavens and give life to our hopes.
We pray for your Church: For evangelists sowing the seeds of faith, for pastors caring for your flock, for teachers building up skills and understanding, for prophets discerning new ways for our changing world and for Apostles sent to minister in new situations.
We sow on earth the seeds of our prayers.
Respond from the heavens and give life to our hopes.
We pray for your world: let love disturb the rich that they may satisfy the poor, let understanding connect the producer and the consumer, let justice mediate between the powerful and powerless, let peace govern the relations between nations
and let truth govern the words of their leaders.
We sow on earth the seeds of our prayers. Respond from the heavens and give life toour hopes.
We pray for those in need:heal the sick, comfort the bereaved, strengthen the fearful, befriend the lonely, guide the perplexed and give insight to those who think they have no needs.
We sow on earth the seeds of our prayers.
Respond from the heavens and give life to our hopes.
Especially today we pray for the farming community:
for subsistence farmers in the third world, that they may feed their families. For commercial farmers seeking to balance the demands of making a profit in difficult times and
caring for the land and livestock, that they may also find time and energy for their own needs and the needs of their families.
For the distressed, the depressed and the defeated,
that they might find the help they need.
For those who have the energy, insight and expertise
to succeed despite the problems,
that they may shine out as a beacon of hope.
We sow on earth the seeds of our prayers.
Respond from the heavens and give life to our hopes.
Heavenly Father, accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayers for a Rogation Procession (LWPT)

For the Community

at a village green or other suitable place

God our father, we give thanks for the gift of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who was content to share the life of his village in Nazareth.

We ask you to bless the life of this village/ town/community and this parish. We pray for all who live in this place, for all who work here, for all who regard this place as home(wherever they may now live) and for all who simply pass through. May your blessing rest upon us all as we live together in your peace.

We pray in the name of Jesus our peace

Lord in your mercyhear our prayer.

At a field or a garden

Creator God, Jesus teaches us through the beauty and abundance of creation to put our trust in you for all things.

We ask you now to bless our fields and gardens

our hills and streamsour rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas

that in all these things we might glimpse a reflection of your glory and your gracious love for each one of us.

Bless, O Lord, the houses and farms and all the homes in this place.

Give us good health, purity of spirit, strength and humility,

hospitality, a spirit of forgiveness and firm knowledge of our need to seek you in all things.

We pray in the name of Jesus, creative Word of God

Lord in your mercyhear our prayer.

By a road or a street

Almighty God, whose will it is that the earth and sea should bear fruit in due season, bless the labours of all those who work on land and sea.Grant us a good harvest and the grace always to rejoice in your care.

Lord you have ordered our life that we are dependent on one another prosper those engaged in commerce direct our minds and hands in the service of you and all with whom we live and work. Grant O Lord that whatever gifts we have, they may be used to the full, for the enrichment of our lives together and for the coming of your kingdom.

We pray in the name of Jesus, the good shepherd.

Lord in your mercyhear our prayer.

Outside the Church

Lord we give you thanks for the gift of your church

For those who first brought the Good News of Jesus Christ to this place for those who built this building and for those who have acted as good stewards so that each generation might discover,hear, and respond to your saving call. Father we remember in your presence all those who have passed this way before us,some are known to us, some are not grant them rest and peace in that place which you have prepared for us all, where pain and tears are no more and where we will share eternity with you. We make these prayers to God our beginning, God our end, and through Christ our true companion on the way.

Lord in your mercyhear our prayer