St. Lawrence County Recreational Trails Advisory Board Meeting
St. Lawrence County Soil and Water Conservation District Office

DRAFT Minutes for January 17, 2012

Present: Dawn Howard, Roger Bennett, Wm Swafford, Warren Irwin, Art Wilson, Schyler Shea, Scott Sutherland, Henry Ford, Tony Arquiett, Danny Collins, Erik Backlund, Walt Paul, Kermit Blanchard, David Irish, Stanley Hewlett, Deb Christy, and Alex MacKinnon.

Guests: Pat Whalen, Ronald Robert, Russell Martin, John Manson and Charles Schloer.

Excused: Judy Wendt, Tom Ortmeyer, Bill Dashnaw, and Spencer Thew.

1. Meeting was called to order at 6:58 PM by Chairman Roger Bennett.

2. Quorum present.

3. Deb Christy moved and Warren Irwin seconded to approve the Minutes. All were in favor.

4. Chairman Roger Bennett turned the meeting over to Art Wilson, Chair of the nominating committee. There were no nominations from the floor. The slate of officers presented was: for Chairman- Roger Bennett, for Vice Chairman – Alex acKinnon,, and for Secretary – Dawn Howard. Warren Irwin moved to close nominations and to hav e the secretary cast one ballot for the slate of officers. Deb Christy seconded the motion and all were in favor.

5. There was no guest speaker.

6. Reports of Committees:

a.  Executive – Roger Bennett. Bill Dashnaw’s contact info has changed. Roger Bennett reviewed the current contact list for any additional changes. Dawn Howard reviewed appointment dates to the Board. Roger Bennett then went over 2011 attendance. Bill Lutz will be sent a letter to determine his interest in continuing on the Board.

b.  Board of Legislators – Alex MacKinnon, Scott Sutherland, and Tony Arquiett.

- Alex MacKinnon has a draft contract for the Trail Coordinator . It is going to the BOL Finance Committee next Monday. The Procurement process must be followed. Hire a contractor and then fill the position. Not a lot of models for this arrangement - trial and error for what works. This is a three year commitment. The money is from the casino dollars that SLC has not received because of a NYS/Tribe disagreement.

- The loss of the grant was disturbing. Alex Mackinnon met with Senator Pattie Ritchie’s staff 2 weeks ago. They will meet with Empire State dDvelopment. Outr other three state legislators will be involved so all four will be on the same page. Our project is not hostage to the grant and will move forward. We can look to the Lewis Co. system . Our new coordinator will need flexability. The Trails Board would like to have a say in the hiring. We need to have a say in hiring and we need a discussion on reporting deliverables. Monthly and quarterly reports would be optimum. There may only be one possible vendor. The BOL will make that determination per the new policy. We also need to adopt a dispute resolution policy.Scott Sutherland reported on possible funding for the trail coordinator. He said Tony Arquiett was on his way to the meeting, but there was a County budget meeting tonight also. Alex MacKinnon is absent because he has a grandbaby on the way

c.  Oversight – Tom Ortmeyer and Kermit Blanchard.

-  Roger Bennett said Tom Ortmeyer sent a report to Kermit Blanchard, but Kermit Blanchard is also not present tonight.

d.  Finance and Insurance – Dawn Howard. No report.

-  Dawn Howard asked the Board what they would like the Committee to be working on. Bill Dashnaw suggested the group be researching all options for insurance i.e. what is available, coverage, cost, etc. 12/31/12 is the end of the grant so we have another year.

-  Dawn Howard also reminded committee chairs to continue to submit time and expenses

e.  Grant Search – Judy Wendt. No report.

f.  Enforcement, Safety, and Education – Judy Wendt. No report.

-  Bill Dashnaw stressed that this is important and we need to deal with it.

g.  SEQR – Alex MacKinnon and Erik Backlund.

-  Bill Dashnaw reported that we are on step 10 out of 11 from the flow chart he had handed out previously. We are behind schedule a few months, but may be back on track by spring.

6. Unfinished Business.

a.  Alex MacKinnon had reported to Roger Bennett that in regards to the proposed draft contract for a coordinator, we need a subcommittee appointed to review at a later date. Tony Arquiett added that the position was in the budget. There has not been a lot of discussion on this by the Board of Legislators. Scott Sutherland added that there may be a couple of legislators against this, but the final budget has not been adopted yet. Judy Wendt reported that a subcommittee had already met with the County Attorney. She will notify these same folks and circulate the draft contract from the Attorney.

b.  Tony Arquiett reported that he had received a reply from the letter sent after the Enforcement meeting. He needs to respond to Judy Drabicki of the DEC. Tony Arquiett will work with Judy Wendt and acknowledge receipt. Judy Wendt will circulate the letters to all.

c.  Bill Dashnaw would also like to correct a comment from last month about no response to the letter sent. There was a response in the letter to Tony Arquiett re the concerns raised. Bill Dashnaw’s interpretation is that Judy Drabicki basically said we need an enforcement plan. Much discussion followed. Bill Dashnaw said we will work on a plan. He is looking for information. Warren Irwin said at the meeting that he requested a copy of the laws that are being enforced.

d.  Schyler Shea asked if anyone had any information on bridges. Bill Dashnaw had some information re the news article that was sent out on an unsafe county bridge that led to a trail closing. Bill Dashnaw said anything over 25 feet that is open to the public is inspected. Private bridges are not inspected, but the landowner is liable. If you are on a County trail, the bridge will be inspected. It will be DOT rated.

7. New Business.

a.  Dawn Howard listed the seven members up for reappointment to this Board. These include: Deb Christy, Stanley Hewlett, Dawn Howard, Dave Irish, Warren Irwin, Tom Ortmeyer, and Walt Paul. All wish to remain on the Trails Board. Art Wilson moved and Wm Swafford motioned for the Board to endorse all seven reappointments. All were in favor. Dawn Howard will collect updated bio sheets to submit to the Board of Legislator's office.

b. Dawn Howard redid the membership list and asked the Board to review it. Roger Bennett asked for clarification on who should be an ad hoc member vs. people on the e-mail list for informational purposes only. List was reviewed and amended.

c. Roger Bennett reviewed Committee membership. John Manson is an ad hoc member of the Finance Committee. Three individuals were added to the Enforcement Committee. .

d.  Roger Bennett asked for a nominating committee for elections coming up. Art Wilson and Wm. Swafford volunteered.

e.  Bill Dashnaw asked if the Oversight Committee would take on the task of looking into potential changes in laws or rules, or any new laws. Judy Wendt asked that this be left with the Enforcement Committee. She said there is still lots' going on in NYS legislative committees.

f.  Art Wilson asked about a new St. Lawrence County Highway Supervisor. Bill Dashnaw reported that the new person will be Toby Bogart. Bill Dashnaw will be staying on our Board after he retires from this position. Art Wilson asked Bill Dashnaw to please invite Toby Bogart to our next meeting. Art Wilson also asked if liability insurance is needed for road side pickups. Bill Dashnaw said you have to have this coverage.

g.  Judy Wendt asked about the status of the Trail Maintenance Agreement. Dawn Howard reported that it is still at the County Attorney’s office. Scott Sutherland will check on this and also the County Land Use Rules. Bill Dashnaw would also like the information.

h.  Art Wilson talked about the railroad and access for snowmobilers from Tooley Pond to Benson Mines. Pat Whalen said this has to go through the UMP. The DEC is doing as soon as possible. A detour is needed around three boulders.

i.  Art Wilson asked if there had been any more thoughts on large equipment. Bill Dashnaw said he will bring the plan back when we get authorization to spend the money.

j.  Bill Dashnaw said we have a landowner who says no ATVs on the railroad from Tooley Pond to Benson Mines. Snowmobiles are ok.

k.  Roger Bennett asked about the Lake Placid to Remsen railroad. Judy Wendt reported that there are now three distinct groups currently involved.

8. Announcements. None.

9. Next Meeting was tentatively scheduled for 12/20/11at the Board of Legislators chambers, but Erik Backlund moved and Judy Wendt seconded to cancel the December meeting. All were in favor. It was decided to hold the next meeting 1/17/12 at 7:00 pm in the SWCD office.

10. Hearings and Comments. Danny Collins introduced Ronald Robert, a new Town of Colton Council member.

11. Warren Irwin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Art Wilson. All were in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Minutes by Dawn Howard