I have personally given Mr. / Ms. ______all the flight training required by

14 CFR 61.87 (c) in the operations and procedures of a ______(make and model of airplane). She / He has demonstrated proficiency in the applicable maneuvers and procedures listed in all of the pilot knowledge and skill requirements of by 14 CFR 61.87 (d) through (k), as appropriate, and is proficient to make safe solo flight in ______(make and model of airplane) under the following conditions:

  1. All landings must be "full stop - taxi back."
  2. Visibility is ______SM or greater. After first solo, visibility may be ______SM or greater.
  3. Ceiling is ______AGL or greater. After first solo, ceiling may be ______AGL or greater.
  4. Mr. / Ms. ______will obtain permission from me prior to the flight.
  5. Mr. / Ms. ______will fly solo only when I or another CFI I have designated has conducted a preflight briefing on the lesson and task to be practiced on the flight.
  6. Mr. / Ms.______will be dispatched by a competent authority (CFI) immediately prior to the flight. The dispatching CFI will run the "IMSAFE" checklist, verify the airplane is airworthy, and that the current and forecast weather is suitable for the flight and for the lesson/tasks to be practiced.
  7. Total wind is ______knots or less. After first solo, total wind may be ______knots or less.
  8. Cross wind component is ______knots or less. After first solo, cross wind component may be ______knots or less.
  9. No passengers.

Instructor: Michael F. Lane ______Date _____/_____/______

I, Mr. / Ms. ______have received the flight training required by 14 CFR 61.87 (c) in the operations and procedures of a ______(make and model of airplane) and have demonstrated proficiency in the applicable maneuvers and procedures listed in all of the pilot knowledge and skill requirements of by 14 CFR 61.87 (d) through (k), as appropriate. I will conduct solo flights only in accordance with the conditions listed 1 through 6 above.

Student Signature: ______Date: ______/______/______
Student pilot certificate # ______

File original document in student's training folder kept in possession of CFI

Copy of this form to student

D:\DOCUME~1\mfl\LOCALS~1\Temp\Solo Endorsement Expanded.doc (orig. 7/87 rev 5/02, 8/04B, 9/04)