5-2-007 EN White Paper

The White Paper of

Taiwan Autonomous Government

Chapter one: Consensus of Formosan Impossible!

On the 70th Anniversary day of August 15th, the end of World War II

Only Taiwan has been trapped in The Colonial Terrorism Rule

Supported by Strategic Ambiguity Policy of USA!

Congratulation to many countries born after the world war II! It was only 42 countries when theLeague of Nationswas established in 1919, and it was 63 countries, when it was adapted into the new organization called theUnited Nationstoday.

After the end of world war II, the new countries of Africa, Asia and many mini states and even the city states became the member of UN (The United Nations). The total member is 193 members now of 2015. The world deserved to be celebrated!

Most people on the world made a great progresses i.e. Free from the slavery, Free from the Colonial Rules, Free from the Communist despotic state (Dissolution of Soviet Union), although there are still some unsolved cases, yet, we can hardly find a similar to Taiwan questions that Formosan has been under the illegalcolonial terrorism rules by theForeign Armed Political Refugeesupported by USA for 70 years.

Formosan is not Chinese, Taiwan is not Republic of China, Republic of China is not Taiwan. This is the ironbound rule according the history of these 193 countries in United Nations. The self-determination of peoples (20 million or 23 million depends to about max. 3 million Chinese fled to Taiwan wants to be Chinese or Formosan) should be applied to Formosan without any question.

The self-styled Republic of China armed political refugee group has never owned the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores for even an hour in their history. There is no legal document or treaty that provided the evidence of Republic of China is authorized, entrusted or requested by the legal right party or parties to manages or rule Formosa and the Pescadores.

Also there is no law that considers the bandit terrorist murderer group could be qualified to manage, rule, to be entrusted and or protect Formosa and the Pescadores, regardless ROC is actually and legally the ruined state, and the so-called entity (ROC in exile) has the pending crime of the war crimes with no statute of limitations.

ROC in exile is not qualified to enforce any works of a state. Thus, it is not only ROC in exile is illegal, the USA has not expelled ROC in exile out of Taiwan is also unlawful by the standard of international law.

The terrorism colonial rules or say it more clearly the rifles made in USA is the fundamental crimes and sins in terms of (1) The Formosan Ethnic Cleansing, (2) The 228 Genocides and (3) The Terrorism Colonial Rules by the Chinese of Republic of China, over the bare handed Formosan for 70 years. Please see video of Why arm sales to ROC in exile is unlawful:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYOmd5aKAQo(Taiwan gate and Illegal Arm Sales) 13:01 min.

No one on the world tries to reprimand the Terrorist armed group on Taiwan for 70 years, while many exaggerated Japan bashing, or bashing of ISIS, self-style Islam state, by-name of ISIL are rather common.

To the eyes of Formosan, USA seems in favor of the pro-Chinese doctrine and might betray Formosa again, after the history described by George Kerr written in his book of [Formosa Betrayed] 1966 that recorded how the military occupied force--Chinese troops in rags-- murdered the civilized people of the bare hands of Taiwan.

Unfortunately, USA took no action against the Genocides. It is the disgrace on US history.

The 70 years passed since the end of the World War II in 1945, but, Taiwan has been forgotten by the world. It is the shame and the disgrace of the civilized world to create the modern type of slave and refugee on Taiwan. Formosan is the slave and refugee that we call ourselves as [Domestic, Political, Slavish Refugee].

We wrote to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for their approval of Taiwan peoples is [Domestic, Political, Slavish Refugee] a new type of Refugee created by the Chinese refugees invaded on Taiwan with rifles made in USA. We are still waiting for the certificate for the people of Taiwan.

Domesticmeans most of Formosan have been staying at the place they were born, their home;Politicalmeans the disaster suffered Formosan brought in by the outsider Chinese of ROC in exile, in spite of Formosan feeds Chinese, Chinese bites Formosan hands that feeds Chinese. The bandit armed with the rifles made in USA, and bandit is still in the power today, even 70 years after the war.Slavishmeans Formosan has to pay tax and serve the military duty of the invader, etc.Refugeemeans Formosan living on their own land and has no right to vote for its own President of Taiwan, instead, it is the duty to vote for the fake president of ROC in exile.

Formosan is the puppet of the invader to vote for a fake president of ROC in exile. Is this the Freedom, Democracy, Equality and Constitutional government of the USA standard?

The USA ships brought Chinese in rags to Taiwan in October 1945, and the bandit start to murder Formosan in February 1947 in terms of War Crimes with no statues of limitations. Truman said:"They're thieves, every damn one of them,"talking about the Nationalist party leaders. Chiang's order by telegram during the 288 Genocides reads: Kill them all and keep it quiet!,when his additional troops arrived Taiwan. Finally, of course, Chinese KMT on Taiwan became one of the richest political party on the world, and still is enforcing [Colonial Terrorism Rules] on Taiwan today of 2015.

How many Formosans were murdered or enforced disappearance?

Ithas been stated orally before Chinese started the falsification of history that356,257 persons were murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan.

(1) The 228 Genocide 1947-2-28 to 1947-3-15, murdered at least 44,000 persons or more;

(2) the mopping operation after the Genocide 1947-3-16 to 1950-2-28 165,257 persons murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan;

(3) the dark age of 1950-3-01 to 1988-1-13 when Chiang Chin-kuo died, at least 147,000 or more were murdered or enforced disappearances from Taiwan.

The victims under the Colonial Terrorism Rules in the name of ROC (in exile) and its Staled Constitution has accumulated to at least 50,000,000 by 2015, and it is still the on-going issue on Taiwan, regardless of what USA says.

The insulted and the injured people of Taiwan has to vote for the fake president of ROC in exile, and not allowed by the Staled Constitution of the ruined ROC to vote for, or to announce President of Taiwan as candidacy.

This is the Democracy for Formosan on the USA military occupying territory as per the SFPT of 1952, TRA of 1979 and its mother law of USA constitution! Is this the ego or the self-deceit of USA?

All the Law Colleges, Think Tanks and Human Right Watchersare sincerely request to make a deep drill of this new model of the slavery under the cover of Democracy, Freedom, Equality and Constitution, as the universal value camouflaged by Chinese of ROC in exile. Your suggestion to change the old established Strategic Ambiguity Policy too, that has insulted and injured the people of Taiwan for 70 years already by 2015.

It should be awarded by thePulitzer prizeto the good reports on Taiwan, we are sure, and we will appreciate your hard works. Thank you in advance for your concern of the 23,000,000 slaves in the 21st century.

The war crimes by the bandit group of the self-styled as ROC is much awful than ISIS, self-styled Islam state, also sub-name ISIL, in terms of how many were murdered and how long the terror has been exercised i.e. Taiwan has been under the terror for 70 years by now, without a sign of when it will end. The Chinese bandit should be considered as one of the wanted criminals of the pending war criminals on its major Original Sins and Crimes.

The reality is that they are not only remain out of law's reach, on the contrary, their power has never been interrupted in terms of the name of state, whole schemes and the core constitution are all well, not only protected by Chinese but also by the brain-washed Formosan including the political leaders.

On July 16, 2015 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of ROC(in exile) declared of ROC (in exile) has the sovereignty of Taiwan and Penghu not only having the legal basis of international law, but also exercised the constitutional power on the lands over 70 years. --(Actual and Effective Control of Taiwan)--.

MFA said ROC(in exile) gained the sovereignty through the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Declaration, the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and aseries oflegal documents signed by the heads of nations or plenipotentiaries of China, England, US, Russia and Japan, not by the military occupation. And the rights were also confirmed by both of the San Francisco Peace Treaty and the Treaty of Taipei.

The action of ROC in exile that disregarded the USA policy is due to the Law Warfare of PRC, because PRC's syllogism has been based on the international law of succession i.e. Taiwan is the territory of ROC in exile, and ROC is one of the defector from PRC. Thus, Taiwan is a part of China.

Time is limited,PRC announced China will control the second islands chain by 2020, thus, it schedules the Pescadores is the first target for 2016. …

Why Penghu (The Pescadores)? Because, the Chin Dynasty took over Penghu before pressed the remnants of defeated troops of Min Dynasty on Taiwan to surrender in the history. This time, the armed modern ships in hundreds instead of the Junk fleet of Chin Dynasty.It is understood that PLA wishes to establish the naval supremacy covering the South China Sea, Taiwan, Guam etc. up to the second islands chain.http://tw01.org/m/blogpost?id=1970702%3ABlogPost%3A1859173

https://youtu.be/o2zMj4PYI8Eviewed by 416,378 persons.(2015-8-17-pm)

What we are going to do!

This is a peaceful measure to Formosan slave who

has no military or political capacity.

Formosan deserves to request UN sending troops

to expel the political armed refugee back to China mainland!

The double means is bring KMT/ROC in exile to

the international court for criminals of:

Formosa Ethnic Cleansing, the 228 Genocides and

the Colonial Terrorism Rule for 70 year in ROC name.

All political movement is based on the power of the people. The situation of Taiwan is completely different from other countries. Since the 70 year long brain washing education enforced by the invader of Chinese of ROC in exile, it is almost 3 generations, although some may say I am not Chinese, I am not brain-washed, yet, when it comes to the mass of people, there is no consensus.

Actually all educational facilities, starting from the prenatal training, the life before the kinder garden, the nursery schools, elementary education, all the way up to the University, the graduate school, and the whole scheme where it provides the people of its living conditions are the Chinese system and culture to deny the Taiwan elements. It is the Formosa Ethnic Cleansing and what the differencebetween Chinese civilized terror and what happened in Bosnia, Croatia etc., the old Yugoslav.Ethnic cleansingis the crime under international law! In the case of Taiwan, it may better to drill down it as theSilent ethnic cleansing!

Methods of Ethnic cleansing:

(Methods items listed inWikipediaJapanese version)

(1) Take over the municipality: Yes, not only the municipality they took away but the whole state from Formosan. They took away the hope, the possibility of the future of Taiwan from Formosan. And, 70 years passed away. It is well known that ROC(in exile) has never owned the sovereignty of Formosa and the Pescadores for even an hour, and there is no evidence to prove; ROC was authorized to rule Taiwan, ROC was entrusted to managed Taiwan, and ROC was requested to govern Taiwan.

ROC and ROC in exile has been defined by USA officially that ROC is not a state or a government but they control completely the whole land of Formosa and the Pescadores, all scheme and the core constitution has been enforcing over Taiwan. The Chinese of ROC in exile has camouflaged Formosa and the Pescadores as a province of its territory. In this point of view, the Chinese of ROC fled to Taiwan is nothing but the bandit group andcommitted the warcrimes per International law of Ethnic Cleansing or Silent ethnic cleansing.

(2) Exclusion from society of different ethnic groups:No matter based on DNA study by Dr. Marie Lin(林媽利) of Mackay Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan or the Vital demographic statistics by Dr. Ken-teh Shim(沈建德), Ping-ton, Taiwan, both of them agreed Taiwanese (aka Formosan) is completely difference from Han of Chinese. The Chinese Military Occupying Head, Chen-Yi ordered (1945-10-25) to disguise Formosan as the whole group o nearly 6 million to the fake Nationality of ROC. It is not only the invalidity nationality but also the illegal against the international law. This action committed the Ethnic Cleansing or Silent ethnic cleansing.

(3) Promotional activities:Exercising as if the managing government, the un-authorized armed refugee group self-styled as ROC (in exile) will never hesitated to do the maximum evil.They printed the currency of paper and coins in name of Taiwan Bank, also military currency etc., without any control rules, it created the inflation of course. It ended up to print the new currency say New Taiwan notes and the exchange rates of Old Taiwan $40,000.00 to New Taiwan $1.00 This is the organized crimes by Chinese of ROC fled to Taiwan, at 1949-06-15. It is the war crimes of course. Yet, it is only a tip of an iceberg.