Introduce story context: / ¹ 1-2 minutes
Tomorrow we’re going to read a story that has 3 parts. Each part is written as a letter from a girl named Pat to her friend Gail. Pat is writing to Gail because she misses her and wants to tell Gail about her summer camp. Has anyone ever gone away to camp or on a trip and written a letter to your friend?
Word Introduction: / ¹ 1-2 minutes
Here are some words we will read in tomorrow’s story.
FTouch the word, say it, have students repeat. Use the same procedure with remaining words.
ü Call on individual children randomly to read the words independently.
Introduce word meanings: / ¹ 5-10 minutes
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 1. Then we saw all of the sights.
In this sentence, the word sights means all the interesting things to see on a trip. Let’s pretend that we are going on a trip around the United States to see the sights. I’ll read a list of sights we can choose from. Put your thumb up if you want to see one of the sights I say. Ready.
The Grand Canyon
The Statue of Liberty
The Mississippi River
The Rocky Mountains
Disney Land
The Oregon Coast

Activities continue on the following page

The next two sentences we are going to read have sayings in them. A saying is a fancy way to describe something. For example, if I say “she was as quiet as a mouse” you know that I am talking about someone who is really quiet because a mouse is really quiet.
Let’s read the first saying.
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 2. After all, we got up with the sun.
If someone got up with the sun it means they got up really early in the morning.
FTouch and read the sentence with the students: 3. It went as fast as the wind.
If something goes as fast as the wind, it means very, very fast. Athletes who run in the Olympics run as fast as the wind!
x Correction Procedure: If students make an error, stop them, model the word and have them read it again.

Phonics for Reading Level 2

Lesson 10

sights we got up with the sun fast as the wind

1. Then we saw all of the sights.

2. After all, we got up with the sun.

3. It went as fast as the wind.

Phonics for Reading Level 2

Lesson 10