1.  Tabling of the county Annual Development Plan FY 2015/2016.
2.  Tabling of the report on rehabilitation of Kagiiki dam by the committee on Budget and Appropriation.
3.  Tabling of the report on renovation of the Governor’s office
Notices of motion
1.  Notice of motion on County Assembly having its sittings in all the Sub-counties
Motions and bills
1.  Motion on disbursement of bursary funds in the financial year 2013/14
2.  Motion on adoption of the report on the lands Housing and Physical Planning Committee on Nominees for Appointment to the Nyandarua County Land Management Board(Speaker’s ruling)
3.  Nyandarua County Trade Fund Bill 2014 second reading / Hon James Gachomba
Hon James Gachomba
Hon Kagiri
Hon James Gichuki
Hon Samuel Kimani Gachuhi
Hon Kariuki Muchiri
Hon Daniel Kibebo
Wednesday 10th 9.00 am / Papers
1.  Tabling of the Report on KICOSCA 2nd edition held at Afraha stadium
Notices of motion
Motions and bills
2.  Motion on audit of the tendering process by the executive for year 2013/14
3.  Motion on County Assembly having Sittings in all the Sub Counties.
4.  Committee of the whole House Nyandarua County Trade Fund Bill 2014 / Hon Josphat Kamau
Hon Peter Mwangi
Hon Mwangi Gichuki
Hon Edinald Wambugu
Wednesday 10th 2.30 pm / Papers
1.  Tabling of the report on the recruitment process of Health officers in the county by the Joint Committee on Health Services and Justice Legal Affairs and Public Service.
Bills and motions
2.  Motion on adoption of the Report of the Implementation Committee on Fees and Charges in Nyandarua with emphasis on the Finance Act 2013.
3.  Committee of the whole House Nyandarua County Trade Fund Bill 2014 / Hon Peter M Mwangi
Hon Paul Nderitu
Hon Edinald Wambugu
Thursday 11th 2.30pm / Papers
1.  Tabling of report on County Annual Development plan FY 2014/15 by the Budget and Appropriations Committee.
2.  Tabling of the PIC/PAC Committee report on the Roads D393.
Notice of Motions
Bills and motions
3.  Committee of the whole House Nyandarua County Trade Fund Bill 2014 / Hon James Gachomba
Hon Sylvester Kagiri
Hon Edinald Wambugu