CIEG 461

Senior Design Project

Fall 2007 – Spring 2008

Transportation Discipline Homework

Due: December 3, 2007, 6 p.m.

Problem #1:

Reference: FHWA-RD-00-067, Roundabouts: An Informational Guide

A.  Identify three (3) potential safety benefits of a roundabout.

B.  Discuss how pedestrians and bicyclists should be accommodated in a roundabout.

C.  Provide a sketch of a typical single lane roundabout. Detail appropriate signage and striping to accommodate pedestrians and bicyclists through the roundabout.

D.  Determine the reduction of vehicular and pedestrian conflict points if a roundabout replaces a four leg signalized intersection.

DelDOT and the City of Newark has requested the NPC analyze the North Chapel / Cleveland Avenue / Margaret Street / Paper Mill Road Intersection to determine if a roundabout will improve the traffic operations of the existing intersection.

E.  Identify and evaluate site specific conditions and constraints.

F.  Estimate Existing Daily Volumes.

G.  Estimate Future Daily Volumes.

H.  Estimate overall left turn percentage.

I.  How many entry lanes on each leg does the roundabout require?

J.  Using Exhibit 3-1, evaluate proposed roundabout.

K.  Provide technical memorandum (less than three pages) detailing your analysis of the proposed roundabout. Provide backup calculations and applicable reference notes. Provide sketch of proposed intersection using aerial photography as base plan view.

Problem #2:

Reference: AASHTO 1999, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities

A.  Provide Typical Section sketch of the Pomeroy Trail in the vicinity of Rita’s (behind Newark Shopping Center), between Main Street and Movie Theater.

B.  Provide Typical Section sketch of the Pomeroy Trail in the vicinity of Paul Run. Assume a retaining wall(s) or bridge will be required. Do not hesitate to discuss your selected preferred alternative with a structural member of your team. Provide a brief description of why you choose the retaining wall or bridge alternative.

Problem #3:

Reference: AASHTO 1999, Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities

A.  What is the recommended paved width for a two-directional shared use path?

B.  What are four (4) conditions where an 8’ wide two-directional shared use path would be considered?

C.  Describe three (3) options a designer has when proposing a trail adjacent to an existing ditch.

D.  What do you propose as the design speed for the Pomeroy Trail, and why?

E.  What do you propose as the maximum grade for the Pomeroy Trail, and why?

F.  Are there any areas that your team anticipates having to exceed your maximum grade chosen in E? Label these areas on a project map and attach. What options does your team have to mitigate these areas with excessive grades?

G.  What do you propose as the maximum cross slope for the Pomeroy Trail, and why?

H.  Calculate the stopping sight distance using the values you have chosen in D. and E. Show calculation.

I.  What is the required clearance for a shared use path with an overhead obstruction? List the locations on the proposed Pomeroy Trail where your team will have to check the clearance. Do you recommend any maintenance procedures to the owner following the construction of the Pomeroy Trail?

Problem #4:

Reference: AASHTO 2001, A Policy on Geometric Design of Highway and Streets (Green Book)

A.  Read the Foreword. What is the intent of this policy? What is not intended?

B.  What are the five basic elements that should be considered in intersection design?

C.  List the three (3) primary functions of a channelizing island in intersection design.