“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.” Matthew 25: 35
Once more God is giving us the opportunity to show the spirit of solidarity we have as a family here at Antonian. The relative of one of our students lost everything when his house burned during the Holidays. Thank God no one got hurt but they lost everything they had. For this reason we are doing a toy/clothes/kitchen appliances/ etc… drive among the Antonian Community.
We have assigned different things to help with by grade levels and will be collected through Theology classes:
Freshmen class will help with:
- Monetary donations
Sophomore class will help with clothes and toys for:
Angel-12 yrs, Med shirts/ 14 pants/ 9 shoes (ideas of toys: books, arts and crafts, Twilight, Hunger games, Monster high dolls, jewelry, and sewing.)
Nathan-9 yrs, 10 shirts/ 9 pants/ 3 shoes (ideas of toys: Angry birds, Legos, cars or trucks, basketballs or footballs)
Juniors will help with clothes and toys for:
Kane-8 yrs, 8 shirts & pants/ 2 shoes (ideas for toys: Angry birds, Legos, cars or trucks, basketballs or footballs)
Kaly- 6yrs, 6 shirts &pants/ 12 shoes (ideas for toys: Dolls, purses, dress up toys, princesses, Tinkerbell, babies and stuffed animals)
Seniors will help with:
Clothes and toys for Kristyn- 5yrs, 5 shirts &pants/ 11 ½ shoes (ideas for toys: Dolls, purses, dress up toys, princesses, Tinkerbell, babies and stuffed animals)
Clothes for Grandma and Mr. Gonzalez: size large
Besides all these things, they are also in need of Kitchen appliances; maybe you replaced things in your kitchen for the Holidays and have an extra item that you could donate! Below is a list of the Kitchen appliances they need, please contact Ms. Angela to coordinate these donations so that we don’t duplicate things and also to coordinate the delivery of these donations (in case of big items.)
Kitchen appliances needed:
Pots and pans
Bowls (plastic not glass)
Trash cans
All items will be collected by January 31st.
Thank you in advance for all your help and please keep the Gonzalez family in your prayers!
In Christ,
Miss Angela Alban
Campus Minister
Antonian College Preparatory High School
(210) 344-9265 ext. 127