Software development / C Programming


BobJonesHigh School / Teacher: / Jennie Rountree
650 Hughes Road / Email: /
Madison, AL 35758 / Phone: / 256-772-2547 ext. 80641
I. Course Description: / After being introduced to basic computer terminology, students will learn to program in C and will acquire a thorough understanding of variables, loop techniques, functions, and procedures. Good programming techniques will also be stressed. It will be expected that students already know the keyboard and have experience using several computer applications.
Ia. Course Requirements: / Algebra I
II.Course Objectives: / The student will master the fundamentals of programming such as data types, variables, arithmetic expressions, loops, and functions.
III.Classroom Expectations: / 1. Be in class on time, seated, and dressed appropriately.
2. Do not bring food, drink, or gum into the classroom.
3. Keep your chair at your computer unless you have permission to move.
4. Turn around and pay attention during lectures and class discussions with monitors OFF.
5. Be respectful of the teacher, each other, and all classroom property.
6. Do not get on the Internet until your work is complete.
If you break a rule or conduct yourself in a manner that disrupts instruction or is disrespectful, you will be disciplined according to the severity of the crime. Action taken will include but not be limited to verbal warning, parent phone call, parent conference, and/or discipline referral.
IV.BJ Grading Policy: / The nine-weeks grade will be based on the following:
1. Major Tests 50%
2. Programs 25%
3. Quizzes 20%
4. Misc. Activities 5%
V. BJ Make-up Test Policy: / If you are absent, it is your responsibility to consult me to see what you have missed. All work missed on the day(s) of the excused absence(s) must be made up within three school days after returning to school. If you missed a test or quiz, we will need to schedule a day and time for you to take the make-up test. If you need additional computer time to complete assignments, please see me ahead of time to arrange a time before or after school. All daily programs must be completed within three days from when they are assigned. For example, if you are assigned a program on Monday then it must be completed by the end of class on Wednesday to receive credit. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case by case basis.
VI. Text and Other Required Reading: / New C Primer Plus, Mitchell Waite and Stephen Prata, 2nd edition.
VII. Materials and Supplies Needed: / Pencil, paper, brain. Notetaking is strongly encouraged!
Laptops are welcome. If you are using Windows 7, go to to download the software for Dev-C++. If you are using Windows 8 or higher, go to Orwell website:
  1. Under no circumstances are student laptops to be wired to the network.
  2. Students may not print from their laptops.
  3. No discs, flash drives, jump drives, or anything else that one might put into a computer may be put into a school computer.
  4. Neither the teacher, nor the school is responsible for broken, stolen, or lost laptops.

Week 1 / Program development cycle, history of C, introduction to the C language
Week 2 / Algorithms, basic structure of a C program, variables, comment lines, data types, reserved words, input and output statements
Week 3 / Character strings, formatting output (Unit test)
Week 4 / Operators, expressions, and statements
Week 5 / Operators continued (Unit test)
Week 6 / Introduction to looping (while, do while, and for loops)
Week 7 / Loops continued (Unit test)
Week 8 / If and if/else statements, switch statements
Week 9 / Character input/output
Week 10 / File processing (Unit test)
Week 11 / Introduction to functions (void, return value, recursive, built-in)
Week 12 / Functions continued, pass-by-value and pass-by-reference, local and global variables (Unit test)
Week 13 / Introduction to one-dimensional arrays
Week 14 / Arrays continued, two-dimensional arrays (Unit test)
Week 15 / Character strings and String functions
Week 16 / Character strings and string functions continued (Unit test)
Week 17 / Programming exercises
18 / Review for final exam

* Dates subject to change.


  • Each student will be assigned to a computer on the first day of class. You may NOT change computers without permission from me and you may NOT let another student access your computer. Even if your computer is not working correctly, you must inform me and you will be reassigned until the problem is fixed.
  • If any inappropriate activity or vandalism occurs at your assigned computer during that class period, it will be presumed that YOU are responsible.
  • If, at the beginning of class, you discover a problem with your computer, you must immediately let me know. Otherwise, YOU will be held responsible.


  • Any computer vandalism (software and/or hardware) will result in a loss of computer privileges for an indefinite period of time and a discipline referral will be issued.
  • When you are allowed to access the Internet, any viewing, printing, or downloading “inappropriate” material from the Internet will result in a loss of computer privileges for an indefinite period of time and a discipline referral will be issued. You are allowed to access the Internet ONLY after all your work is completed. If this is not the case, you will be given a warning or detention.
  • In the past, certain offenses that have been deemed by the administration and/or technical staff as harmful to the system network or as a potential security risk have resulted in removal of the responsible student(s) from the class and from ever accessing a computer at Bob Jones again.
  • If you are not sure about what is considered inappropriate, check with me BEFORE you act!
  • The academic misconduct policy of the school will be followed in this course.
  • The attendance policy of the school will be followed for this course.
  • All requests for accommodations, for this course or any school event, are welcomed from students and parents.
  • Any student who receives a failing grade during this course is urged to discuss this with the teacher.

I ______, received a copy of Mrs. Rountree’s syllabus for the 2016-2017 school year. I understand the rules and expectations and will do my best to succeed.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate

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