1 Producer

ABLE TV is looking for a hard-working and dedicated producer prepared to work on a variety of different television programmes.

You should have experience of producing drama, especially soap operas. It is preferable if your experience includes other programmes such as documentaries, live broadcasts, comedy and advertisements.

2 Radio Presenter

RADIO 10 requires a presenter for a new lifestyle series. Each programme in the series will look at a different aspect of modern popular culture.

You should have a very good knowledge of popular media: celebrity lifestyles, soap operas, fashion and pop mu sic.

You will be required to carry out your own research and develop your own reports.

3 Designer

A large media group requires a multi-talented designer to work on a range of projects for both printed media and electronic media such as the Internet.

You must have experience in designing newspaper advertisements, illustrated magazines and page layout for magazines and websites.

4 News Reporter

A major news agency is looking for a talented and flexible journalist to work as a news reporter on their team. We require someone who will write newspaper stories, TV reports and webcasts.

You must have experience of writing for newspapers, magazines and the Internet. You must also be willing to work in a lot of different situations at short notice.

TASK 1: Answer the questions about the text.

1.  Which jobs require experience working in television? 1

2.  Which jobs require experience working for newspapers? 3,4

3.  Which jobs require experience with advertising? 1,3

4.  Which jobs require someone who can write? 2,4

5.  Which jobs want someone to put work on the Internet? 3,4

6.  Which jobs require someone to work on a variety of different projects? 1,2,3,4

TASK 2: Look at the text and find the word that matches each of the definitions below.

1.  Ready to work hard for a long time. Dedicated

2.  Good at a number of different things. Multi-talented

3.  Willing to work in a lot of different environments at short notice. Flexible

4.  The way that a person or group of people live. Lifestyle

5.  The adjective form of the verb 'to prefer'. Preferable

6.  A group of programmes on a connected theme or with the same characters. Series

7.  Describes the Internet, CD-ROMS and other computer programmes. Electronic (Media)


Read the passage and answer the questions that follow.

Skirts for the Summer?

Most schools all over the world have rules about what students can or cannot wear. These rules are called ‘dress codes.’ One young boy in England did not think his school’s dress code was fair[1], so he decided to try and change it.

Chris Whitehead, a student at Impington Village College, near Cambridge, did not agree with one of his school’s rules. The dress code at Impington does not allow boy students to wear short pants during the hot summer months. They wear long pants. However, girls are allowed to wear skirts.

Chris believes that if boys have to wear long pants during the hot summer months, they cannot think clearly and cannot learn things easily. Chris believes this will affect their ability to pass important tests and get good grades. Chris wanted to show that he did not agree with the dress code. So he decided to wear a girl’s skirt to school.

Chris wore the skirt to all his classes at the school for one whole day. He also talked to the 1,368 other students at the school during the morning assembly[2] about why he wore the skirt. Chris was able to wear the skirt at school because there is no rule in the dress code that says he cannot wear a skirt.

Chris’s mother was very proud[3] of her son. She said, “I am very happy that Chris is doing something to show what he believes in. The school wants its students to be good leaders and talk about what they think. So I think that Chris is just doing what the school teaches him to do!”

The school says it is not going to change the rule quickly. However, the school agrees that the rule may not be fair and plans to talk about it with parents, teachers, and students. Chris knows that what he did may not achieve much, but he is still quite happy that he did it.

1. Chris Whitehead did not think the dress code was fair, so he _____.

A. changed schools

B. told students what to wear

C. wanted to change the rule

D. decided to stay home

2. At Chris’s school, boys are not allowed to wear _____.

A. skirts

B. long pants

C. dresses

D. short pants

3. Chris wants to change the school’s dress code because _____.

A. he doesn’t want to wear a skirt

B. he wants boys and girls to wear the same clothes

C. he wants girl students to wear long pants

D. he doesn’t like wearing long pants in summer

4. Chris wore a skirt to school _____.

A. for one class

B. for one day

C. for one week

D. for the hot summer months

5. Chris was able to wear a skirt to school because _____.

A. there was a morning assembly

B. there was no rule against it

C. it was a hot day

D. other students asked him to

6. If boys have to wear long pants in the summer, Chris believes _____.

A. girls should wear long pants, too

B. the dress code is fair

C. they cannot do as well in school

D. they should not go to the morning assembly

7. Chris’s mother was happy because _____.

A. Chris showed what he believes in

B. the other students listened to Chris

C. the school asked Chris to wear a skirt

D. the school changed its dress code

8. After Chris wore a skirt to school, the school agreed to _____.

A. talk about the rule with parents, teachers, and students

B. change the rule after the morning assembly

C. let girls wear long pants

D. let boys wear skirts

9. Chris didn’t think it was a big _____, but he was still happy in the end.

A. achieve

B. achieved

C. achieving

D. achievement

10. All of these are true about Chris’s college EXCEPT: _____

A. There are more than 1,000 students.

B. Girls can wear skirts in the summer.

C. It is near Cambridge, England.

D. Boys can wear short pants in the summer.



A. Choose a, b or c.

1. The explorers finally ______their destination after 10 days.

a. set off b. reached c. got

2. When we were young, we used to ______the forest near our house for hours.

a. invent b. explore c. discover

3. Climbing to the top of the mountain was a great ______for all the rock climbers.

a. wonder b. challenge c. progress

4. This is an official ______with your personal information. Don’t lose it.

a. document b. brochure c. insurance

5. Did you get all the ______ingredients for the recipe?

a. suitable b. particular c. necessary

6. Only the best mountain climbers ______in climbing Mount Everest.

a. succeed b. manage c. request

7. We ______a car and did plenty of sightseeing all around the city.

a. informed b. rented c. loaded

B. Circle the correct words.

1. We are going to be two hours late because of the delay / departure.

2. The carry-on / check-in agent told us where the gate was.

3. The Eiffel Tower is the most famous landmark / location in Paris.

4. This medicine can cause various side effects / symptoms.

5. I would like to speak to the person in / with charge.

6. Can you help me put this in the cabin / overhead compartment?

7. By the second week of our camping trip, we didn’t have any supplies / expeditions left.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. The ancient ruins are the biggest tourist _attraction__ in the area. ATTRACT

2. We apologize for the late _arrival___ of the train. ARRIVE

3. Our _flight__ from New York to London was about 7 hours. FLY

4. Their trip to Hawaii was a(n) _unforgettable___ experience. FORGET

5. Water sports are a(n) _enjoyable__ way to spend your time at the beach. ENJOY

D. Join the sentences below using the words/phrases given. Make any necessary changes.

1. The basketball game started. Then Joey and Tom arrived. by the time

By the time Joey and Tom arrived, the basketball game had started.

2. The airplane landed. Then Laura and I got to the airport. When

The airplane had landed when Laura and I got to the airport.

3. We packed our suitcases. Then Todd came for lunch. by the time

We had packed our suitcases by the time Todd came for lunch.

4. The kids studied for their exam. Then they went out to play. After

The kids went out to play after they had studied for their exam.

5. My sister ate a whole pizza for lunch yesterday. Then she was sick all evening. Because

My sister was sick all evening yesterday, because she had eaten a whole pizza for lunch.

E. Rewrite the sentences using the words given.

1. It’s a good idea to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. (should)

You __should a healthy breakfast in the morning______.

2. Don’t forget to fasten your seat belt. (had better)

You __had better not forget to fasten your seat belt______.

3. It isn’t a good idea to stay up late tonight. (should)

You __shouldn’t stay up late tonight______.

4. You have to call Mr. Gordon right now because he needs to speak to you. (had better)

__You had better call Mr. Gordon right now because he needs to speak to you__.

F. Circle the correct words.

1. A: Can / Will I borrow this pen?
B: Yes, of course.

2. A: May / Would you get me a glass of water, please?
B: Sure, no problem.

3. A: Could / May you drive me to the mall tomorrow morning?
B: I’m sorry, I can’t. I have to go to work.

4. A: Hello. May / Will I help you, sir?
B: Would / Could I make an appointment, please?
A: Certainly.


[1] fair not equally good for all people

[2] assembly meeting of all students and teachers

[3] proud happy because of what he did