Use the following rubric to evaluate the designated center floor skills and the across the floor combination chosen. The combination chosen (1 or 2) is worth a total of 10 points due to being worth twice as much as the warm-up skills.

5-Student always executes proper alignment and posture throughout each exercise, performs all exercises with proper weight distribution, performs each of the exercises with proper execution/form/placement of the body (head, arms, torso, legs, feet), performs all sequences maintaining appropriate rhythm and tempo with the music, maintains a high performance quality by dancing full out to the best of their abilities, performs all movement with a high level of technique, and performs the combination with no memory errors (Excellent Level/Advanced Technique)

4-Student executes proper alignment and posture throughout each exercise most of the time, performs most of the exercises with proper weight distribution, performs most of the exercises with proper execution/form/placement of the body (head, arms, torso, legs, feet), performs most of the sequences maintaining appropriate rhythm and tempo with the music, maintains a high performance quality by dancing full out to the best of their abilities, and performs the combination with no more than 2 memory errors (Developing Level/Intermediate Technique)

3-Student executes proper alignment and posture throughout each exercise some of the time (inconsistent), performs some of the exercises with proper weight distribution, performs some of the exercises with proper execution/form/placement of the body (head, arms, torso, legs, feet), performs some of the sequences maintaining appropriate rhythm and tempo with the music (has some timing issues), maintains a high performance quality by dancing full out to the best of their abilities, and performs the combination with more than 2 memory errors (Advanced Beginning Level/Inconsistent Technique)

2-Student executes poor alignment and posture throughout most of the exercises, performs most of the exercises with poor weight distribution, performs most of the exercises with poor execution/form/placement of the body (head, arms, torso, legs, feet), performs most of the sequences with poor rhythm and tempo with the music, maintains a low level of performance quality by not dancing full out to the best of their abilities, and performs the combination with more than 2 memory errors (Basic/Beginning Level/Poor Technique)

1-Student executes poor alignment and posture throughout all of the exercises, performs all exercises with poor weight distribution, performs each of the exercises with poor execution/form/placement of the body (head, arms, torso, legs, feet), performs all sequences with poor rhythm and tempo with the music, maintains a low level of performance quality by not dancing full out to the best of their abilities, and performs the combination with several memory errors (Elementary Level/Poor Technique and Poor Effort)

0-Student does not complete skills test