Higher Education Interest Section
A Professional Interest Section of TESOL
(Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages)
ArticleI. Name
The name of this Interest Section shall be the Higher Education Interest Section, a professional Interest Section of TESOL for those concerned with ESL in Institutions of Higher Education, hereafter referred to as HEIS.
Article II. Statement of Purpose
The purpose of HEIS is to provide for the association of all those interested in ESL in higher education, so as to advance effective instruction, promote professional standards and practices, influence and support policies of TESOL and other associations, determine needs in the field and initiate projects to meet such needs, and consider all other matters relevant to ESL in higher education. To accomplish this purpose, the HEIS shall:
A. Promote the recognition of ESL as an established academic discipline.
B. Promote professional standards and practices among ESL professionals in higher education.
C. Improve professional standing and employment conditions for ESL professionals in higher education.
D. Provide a forum for exchange of views and research related to ESL in higher education.
E. Promote research pertinent to ESL in higher education, including academic purposes and specific purposes, methods and materials, and program administration
F. Provide expertise on ESL in higher education to TESOL and its affiliates, and other interest sections as well as to other associations, institutions and agencies.
G. Cooperate in developing and implementing guidelines and standards for use in establishing, maintaining and evaluating ESL in higher education.
H. Survey the membership to determine needs, problems and projects specific to ESL in higher education.
I. Disseminate news, information and research vital to ESL in higher education.
J. Provide a unified voice for ESL in higher education in acting on professional and other pertinent issues.
Article III. Membership
A. All members of TESOL who designate HEIS as their primary professional interest shall be entitled to one vote in any business (open) meeting of HEIS or in any ballot it conducts.
Article IV. Meetings and Quorum
A. An annual business (open) meeting for all members shall be held at TESOL's Annual Convention for the purposes of conducting business and disseminating information. The time and location of the meeting shall be determined by the TESOL Director in charge of the Annual Convention Program.
1. For conducting business, 10 members of HEIS shall constitute a quorum.
2. Business to be conducted shall include the election or ratification of the HEIS delegates and alternates to the Interest Section Assembly, an update of the past year’s activities, membership and expenses, and a discussion of TESOL issues that may have an impact on HEIS.
3. Minutes of the business (open) meeting shall be kept for submission to TESOL along with the annual report of HEIS activities.
B. A planning meeting for HEIS shall be held at the TESOL Annual Convention. The time and location of the meeting shall be determined by the TESOL Director in charge of the Annual Convention Program.
1. Business to be conducted at this meeting shall be planning for the following year’s Annual Convention, including Academic and Intersections, the HEIS booth, and special projects.
C. A meeting of the Steering Committee shall be held during TESOL's Annual Convention. The time and location of the meeting shall be determined by the Chair.
1. A quorum for conducting business shall be a majority (1/2) of the Steering Committee members.
2. Only Steering Committee members may vote during the Steering Committee meeting.
D. Certain HEIS business may be conducted during the year between TESOL's Annual Conventions by such means as e-mail, telephone, and/or fax.
1. A quorum for conducting any necessary business by the Officers or Steering Committee shall be a majority (1/2) of the respective Officers or Steering Committee members.
2. A quorum for conducting any business by e-mail that includes the entire HEIS membership shall be 20.
Article V. Officers and Steering Committee
A. The Officers shall be a Chair, a Chair-elect, an Assistant Chair, an Immediate Past Chair, and a Secretary.
1. The term of office shall be from the close of one annual TESOL Convention until the close of the next annual Convention. Officers appointed to fill a vacancy shall take office upon their acceptance.
2. The Chair, the Chair-elect, the Assistant Chair, and the Immediate Past Chair will each hold office for one year. At the end of the term, the Chair-elect will become Chair, and the Chair will become Immediate Past Chair.
3. The Secretary will hold office for two years and may serve additional terms.
4. The Chair, Chair-elect, Immediate Past Chair, or an alternate HEIS Officer or Steering Committee member as named by the chair will act as the three Section Council Representatives at the Interest Section Assembly Meeting at the TESOL Annual Convention.
B. Nomination, election, and filling of vacancies shall be as specified in Article VIII.
C. The duties of the Officers shall be as follows:
1. Chair
a. Assumes responsibility for the functioning of HEIS.
b. Works with the Interest Section Leadership Council throughout the year on issues relating to the needs of the Interest Sections, including developing policies and positions for consideration by the Executive Board.
c. Provides telephone numbers and addresses of current IS leaders to TESOL Central Office throughout term.
d. Monitors the section’s operating budget with the Programs and Services Manager.
e. Oversees intra-section communication and participates in inter-section communication throughout the year.
f. Manages special requests of IS or TESOL membership. Works with Programs and Services Manager to fulfill information requests.
g. Keeps Chair-elect informed of activities.
h. Appoints and defines the functions of standing and special committees.
i. Appoints members of all HEIS committees, upon approval of the Steering Committee.
j. Authorizes expenditures and payments to be made in accord with the approval budget or other authorizations by the Steering Committee.
k. Submits an annual report of activity to the Programs and Services Manager.
l. Serves as a voting ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
m. Brings policy issues to the attention of the Steering Committee for their advice.
n. Serves as a member of the TESOL Program Committee. Consults with Second Vice President to ensure Interest Section representation on the TESOL Annual Convention program.
o. Administers refereeing of TESOL Annual Convention proposals for the section.
p. Plans section activities during the TESOL Annual Convention with the Chair-elect.
q. Serves as a HEIS Delegate to the annual Interest Section Assembly.
r. Attends scheduled section meetings at the TESOL Annual Convention (IS Leaders’ Working Meeting, Open Meeting, Assembly Meeting, IS Annual Planning Meeting).
s. Conducts annual Open Meeting of the IS.
t. Prepares a report on the year’s activities to HEIS membership at the business (open) meeting.
u. Prepares articles for the HEIS newsletter as necessary, including an annual report of HEIS activities and a report of HEIS events at the annual TESOL convention.
2. Chair-elect
a. In the temporary absence of the Chair, presides at business meetings of HEIS and its Steering Committee.
b. Prepares, in cooperation with the Chair and the Second Vice President of TESOL, HEIS’s segment within the general TESOL Annual Convention program, including the academic and intersections.
c. Conducts an evaluation of the HEIS program offered at the TESOL Annual Convention and submits a report to the Steering Committee within 60 days after the Convention. This report could include recommendations for changes to be made the following year.
d. Serves as a HEIS Delegate to the annual Interest Section Assembly meeting.
e. Generally assists the Chair in carrying out his/her responsibilities and performs other duties assigned by the Chair.
f. Serves as a voting ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
3. Assistant Chair
a. In the temporary absence of the Chair and the Chair-elect, presides at all meetings of HEIS and the Steering Committee.
b. Assists the Chair-elect with planning the HEIS program for the TESOL Annual Convention, including the decorating and running of the HEIS booth.
c. Performs such additional duties as assigned by the Chair.
d. Serves as a voting ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
4. Immediate Past Chair
a. Assumes the duties of the Chair, if possible, should the Chair be unable to serve the remainder of her/his term.
b. Assists and advises the Chair and Chair-elect in their duties.
c. Coordinates communication and liaison among the Affiliate HEIS sections.
d. Serves as a HEIS Delegate to the annual Interest Section Assembly meeting.
e. Serves on and chairs the HEIS Nominating Committee.
f. Serves as a voting ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
5. Secretary
a. Prepares the minutes of the annual business (open) meeting and the meeting of the Steering Committee, if there is one. Distributes the minutes to the Steering Committee members within 60 days after the business (open) meeting for approval and subsequent entry into the permanent records of HEIS and for publication in the HEIS newsletter or periodical. The minutes are also submitted to the Central Office with the HEIS annual report.
b. Prepares for distribution a list of the names, addresses, and professional positions of the Officers, Steering Committee, and Committee members.
c. Prepares true copies of the Governing Rules, resolutions, and authorizations of expenditures for transmittal to appropriate persons or files.
d. Supervises the maintenance of HEIS permanent records and archives.
e. Assists the other officers and committees in carrying out their responsibilities and performs such additional duties as assigned by the Chair.
f. Serves as a voting ex-officio member of the Steering Committee.
D. The HEIS Steering Committee shall consist of the Officers, 3 Members-at-Large, and the Appointed Steering Committee Members as enumerated in Article V. Section E.
1. Members-at-Large of the Steering Committee shall hold office for 3 years, with one new member elected each year (except during the initial year, when one member will have a three-year term) to provide staggered terms and thus continuity on the committee. The term of office shall begin at the close of the TESOL Annual Convention following election; the term of the retiring member of the Committee shall end at the close of the TESOL Annual Convention during the year of retirement.
2. So far as practicable, the membership of the Steering Committee shall represent the professional interests and geographic diversity of the IS, and will be drawn from universities, four-year colleges, two-year colleges, and other higher education programs, and will represent the range of professional interests addressed by HEIS.
3. Nomination, election and filling of Steering Committee vacancies will be as specified in Article VIII.
4. No one may serve consecutive terms on the Steering Committee except those in an office conferring ex-officio membership.
5. All Officers will be ex-officio voting members of the Steering Committee and will function as Officers of the Committee. All Appointed Steering Committee Members will also be ex-officio voting members of the Committee. All other approved Standing Committee members will also be ex-officio voting members of the Committee.
6. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once during the annual TESOL Convention and before the annual business (open) meeting. Fifty percent (50%) of the membership of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for conducting business. Most Committee business between TESOL Annual Convention meetings will be conducted by e-mail between the Committee members.
7. Minutes of the Steering Committee meetings and a record of its actions shall be made available to the membership via the HEIS e-list or the HEIS website.
8. Within the rules of TESOL and the limits set by these Governing Rules and the Interest Section Council, the Steering Committee will establish such policies as are necessary for the operation of HEIS and such projects as are necessary to achieve the goals of TESOL and this Interest Section. The duties of the Steering Committee are:
a. To determine policies for the operation of HEIS.
b. To conduct long-range planning for HEIS , developing projects and programs as are necessary to achieve the goals of TESOL and HEIS.
c. To approve the Budget and authorizes additional expenditures, with the advice and consent of the TESOL Executive Board or the TESOL Executive Director.
d. To receive reports from the Officers and the Standing and Ad Hoc Committees.
e. With the advice and consent of the TESOL Publications Committee, to authorize publication of monographs and special publications.
f. To support the Chair and Chair-elect in efforts to obtain close liaison with other TESOL groups and other professional organizations having similar concerns.
g. To establish committees, giving them specific direction and instructions. To approve the Chair’s appointments of members.
h. To appoint additional Steering Committee members as enumerated in Article V. Section E.
E. Appointed Steering Committee Members
1. Newsletter Editor
a. The HEIS Newsletter Editor shall be appointed by the Steering Committeefor a 3-year term. The term of office shall be from the close of the TESOL Annual Convention following appointment until the close of the TESOL Annual Convention in the year of retirement.
b. The Editor shall direct the publication of the HEIS newsletter.
c. The Editor shall be responsible for liaison with editors of the TESOL Quarterly, Essential Teacher, affiliate newsletters, and other Interest Section newsletters, as necessary to fulfill obligations as Editor.
d. The Editor shall serve as Chair of the HEIS Publications Committee.
e. The Editor shall make an annual report to the Steering Committee.
2. E-list Manager
a. The HEIS E-list Manager shall be appointed by the Steering Committee for a 3-year term. The term of office shall be from the close of the TESOL Annual Convention following appointment until the close of the TESOL Annual Convention in the year of retirement.
b. The E-list Manager shall maintain the E-list as needed, including assisting HEIS members with E-list subscription issues, periodically updating HEIS members about E-list policies and procedures, communicating with HEIS members who violate E-list policies and procedures, recommending E-list policy or procedural changes to the Steering Committee, and communicating necessary information regarding the E-list to the TESOL Central Office.
c. The E-list Manager shall make an annual report to the Steering Committee.
3. Website Manager
a. The HEIS Website Manager shall be appointed by the Steering Committee for a 3-year term. The term of office shall be from the close of the TESOL Annual Convention following appointment until the close of the TESOL Annual Convention in the year of retirement.
b. The Website Manager shall maintain the Website as needed, including updating the Website with new content when available, assisting HEIS members with Website access issues, periodically informing HEIS members about the Website, recommending Website changes to the Steering Committee, and communicating necessary information regarding the Website to the TESOL Central Office.
c. The Website Manager shall make an annual report to the Steering Committee.
4. Historian
a. The HEIS Historian shall be appointed by the Steering Committee for a 3-year term. The term of office shall be from the close of the TESOL Annual Convention following appointment until the close of the TESOL Annual Convention in the year of retirement.
b. The Historian shall supervise the maintenance of HEIS permanent records and archives, arrange for the appropriate display of the HEIS records and archives at the TESOL Annual Convention, and maintain the HEIS Governing Rules, keeping them current and distributing them as directed by the Chair.
Article VI. Committees
A. Standing Committees
1. Nominating Committee
a. The Nominating Committee, chaired by the Immediate Past Chair, shall consist of 2 additional members recommended by the Immediate Past Chair and approved by the Steering Committee. The term of office of the additional committee members shall be 1 annual election cycle. In the event that a member cannot serve out her/his term, the Immediate Past Chair shall recommend a replacement, which will also be approved by the Steering Committee.
b. The Nominating Committee shall prepare a slate of candidates for the annual election as specified in Article VIII.
2. Publications Committee
a. A Publications Committee, chaired by the HEIS newsletter Editor, shall consist of 2 additional members recommended by the Editor and approved by the Steering Committee. The term of office of the additional committee members shall be 2 years. In the event that a member cannot serve out her/his term, the Editor shall recommend a replacement, which will also be approved by the Steering Committee.
b. The Publications Committee shall provide direction for all HEIS publications, including the newsletter.
B. Ad Hoc Committees
1. The Chair, in consultation with the other Officers, shall form Ad Hoc Committees, as needed, to accomplish certain tasks.
2. Ad Hoc Committees may only be comprised of members serving on the Steering Committee.
3. The number of committee members and length of committee service shall be determined by the Officers.
Article VII . Publications
A. HEIS shall publish a newsletter, HEIS News, a periodical devoted to the special interests of this Section and not competing with any of the official publications of TESOL. HEIS may also publish special monographs or pamphlets in cooperation with the TESOL Publications Committee and with the approval of the TESOL Executive Board.
B. Guidelines and policies for the newsletter shall be developed by TESOL. Additional guidelines and policies, not in conflict with TESOL guidelines and policies, shall be developed by the Editor in consultation with the Publications Committee and approved by the Officers.
C. A Publications Committee, chaired by the Editor, shall consist of 2 additional members recommended by the Editor and approved by the Officers. The term of office shall be 2 years. Responsibilities of this committee shall include: