*** 40 points; DUE Thursday June 5th @ 11:59pm ***
[MKTG 606; Dr. Carter; Spring 2K8]
The Strategic Analysis Report concludes the water channel mapping research project. In this final section of the course, analytical methods are used to find strategic water channel advantages for the value chain of each team’s organization. Preliminary analysis has already generated insights for each team’s organization during the “field” study process, as presented in class. Now, supply chain management text techniques are added to guide the analysis of “field” information. In-class sessions will also allow analytical “best practices” to be shared through the collective discussion of “field” information gathered by each team. Therefore, the Strategic Analysis Report refines initial “field” insights into a more systematic assessment of the strategic water channel patterns that improve the ability of each team’s organization to “Go to Market.”
Analysis Process
Analysis is a process that reveals more meaningful patterns from information insights already discovered. So, the Strategic Analysis Report refines knowledge discovered from “field” study. Supply chain management techniques transform existing “field” information into more refined patterns of strategic water channel value awareness. This analytical process consists of four sequential stages:
1. In-class explanation of analysis criteria and supply chain text techniques (chapters & methods)
2. In-class identification of the most strategically valuable “field” insights (slides & commentary)
3. In-class comparison of strategic “field” insights across teams and organizations (pattern recognition)
4. Outside-of-class application of supply chain management text analytical techniques (strategic value)
Although the sequence begins with an overview of text chapter techniques, most of the time is spent letting teams practice their strategic analysis methods using actual “field” information. As part of the analytical practice sessions performed by each team, “best practice” sharing is facilitated by collective classroom discussion of the analytical approaches presented. Likewise, a clearer understanding of how each supply chain management technique can be applied outside-of-class will result from these more hands on analytical practice sessions shared among the teams.
Analysis Process (continued)
A tentative schedule of analysis practice sessions is presented below. These practice sessions guide the completion of a draft Strategic Analysis Report. Teams can use the sessions to both identify insightful “field” presentation content and practice analytical improvement methods. The analytical subjects listed are merely suggested approaches towards field presentations content. Approximately 10 to 20 minutes are planned for each team to identify and review “field” presentation content, and practice further analysis methods. These analytical practice sessions require team members to select techniques from the menu of text chapters, but not necessarily to be proficient at application. Technique application guidance is facilitated during each team’s practice session.
· Monday 5/19: Chevron – strategic analysis of steam generation water channel patterns and potential “MINERVA”-like monitoring applications
· Monday 5/19: Finance – strategic analysis of (1) current water index & (1) future water index
· Monday 5/19: Water Ways Irrigation – strategic analysis of resource cost and account location
· Wednesday 5/21: KCWA – strategic analysis of demand forecasting for external sourcing, power, and ground water planning
· Wednesday 5/21: Grimmway – strategic analysis of inbound “timing” & processing “location”
· Wednesday 5/21: City of Bakersfield – strategic analysis of water bank quality/priority
· Wednesday 5/28 & Monday 6/2: Other team practice sessions can be scheduled as necessary
Text Chapter Analytical Techniques
In order to complete the analytical process, a detailed understanding of selected supply chain management techniques is required. Prior to the Monday May 19th class session, each team should view the required text chapters listed below, as well as access chapter slides from the course website. The chapter menu is based on the 1st edition of the text, but incorporates new techniques presented in the 2nd edition, as necessary. Consequently, to complete the Strategic Analysis Report, each team must have access to the Principles of Supply Chain Management text (1st or 2nd edition). If difficulties are experienced accessing a copy of the text, arrangements can be made with advanced notice to the professor.
A. Planning Modes (choose 1 chapter)
* Chapter 4: Strategic Sourcing (value-chain inbound/supplier focus)
* Chapter 5: Demand Forecasting (value-chain outbound/marketing focus)
* Chapter 13: Process Integration (value-chain operations focus)
B. Pattern Methods (choose 1 chapter)
* Chapter 6: Aggregate Planning and Inventory Management Criteria
(time/scheduling, quality/priority, and quantity/ordering metrics)
* Chapter 8: Process Management Criteria
(flow, classification, ordering, and cause/effect charts)
* Chapter 11: Facility Location Criteria
(space, geographic, proximity, and transport models)
C. Performance Measures (choose 1 within chapter)
* Chapter 14: Performance Measurement
-- financial factors (costs, revenues, profits)
-- standards and variations (units, accounts, service level, etc.)
-- productivity/utilization (output/cost, output/time, output/capacity)
-- time periods and cycles (sales/collection, order, billing, delivery cycle)
-- flexibility and adaptability (geographic, functional, time, client)
-- delivery and fulfillment (on-time, in tact, efficient, convenient, satisfaction)
Report Format
The final Strategic Analysis Report documents the strategic value provided by analytical techniques and makes specific recommendations regarding water channel opportunities for the team’s organization. The report should be aimed at a high level manager in the organization. The report should be composed using a business writing style that concisely states the relevant facts and clearly conveys the actions to be taken. Therefore, the report shares the insights discovered from field information and recommends specific value chain strategies based on an analysis of water channel opportunities. The Strategic Analysis Report format is outlined below along with points and page length ranges for each section.
· Section 1: Analytical Purpose Mission (3pts, 1-2pgs) – Strategic analysis of the organization’s value-chain and water channel intersection points, as revealed by “field” findings.
· Section 2: Analytical “Planning” Mode (7pts, 3-4pgs) – Describe the organization’s water channel focus in terms of downstream (demand), upstream (sourcing) or operations (process) analysis.
· Section 3: Analytical Pattern Methods (15pts, 5-7pgs) – Explain the strategic reasons for choosing particular analytical techniques and present the strategic results of the analyses performed. Detailed tables, formulae, charts, and calculations should demonstrate exactly how analytical insights are derived and why they contribute strategic value.
· Section 4: Analytical Performance Measures (10pts, 4-5pgs) – Explain the strategic reasons for choosing a particular performance metric to measure the organization’s performance for the water channel focus (Section 2). Describe the detailed facts and figures used to apply the performance measure to the organization. Discuss why the selected performance measure contributes to continuous improvement and helps gauge strategic water channel advantages.
· Section 5: Analytical Recommendation Merits (5pts, 2-3pgs) – Describe the benefits accrued from strategic value-chain recommendations that are supported by analytical patterns (Section 3) and performance measures (Section 4) for the water channel focus (Section 2).
· Appendix: (10 page maximum) Supplemental diagrams, exhibits, tables, links, etc.
· References: Use APA Style guidelines to cite and reference all sources.
Report Format (continued)
The precise document guidelines for typing and formatting the Strategic Analysis Report are listed below:
A. Assignments should be submitted using a Microsoft Word document application, including other Microsoft Office compatible applications as necessary to support the primary document [e.g., Powerpoint, Excel, etc.]
B. Assignments should be composed using a 12” Times New Roman or Times font type.
C. Assignments should be double spaced.
D. The document format should use bold uppercase headings and bold lowercase subheadings corresponding to the outline provided in the assignment.
E. A reference list for all sources used to complete the assignment should be provided on the final page of the assignment. However, citations in the body of the assignment are not required. In general references are not factor in the grading of assignment for this course, because we emphasize concept strategy application from two primary text sources.
F. The assignment document page format should correspond to standard Word parameters of 1” top and bottom margins, with 1.25” left and right margins.
G. A cover page or header on each document page should be included containing the student name, assignment title, professor name, course title, and date submitted.