Riverside City Council – Special Meeting held at the Riverside City Hall on August 15, 2012 at 12:30 pm. Mayor Bill Poch called the meeting to order at 12:37 pm. Roll Call: Kevin Kiene, Robert Schneider, Nathan Kasdorf, Christine Kirkwood and Ralph Schnoebelen. Mayor Poch requested #6 of the agenda to be moved down before adjournment. Schnoebelen made a motion to approve the agenda with the change. Seconded by Kiene. Motion approved 5 – 0.

Patrick Callahan of Snyder & Associates gave the council a report regarding the City Administrator search process and the employment agreement. City Attorney, Les Lamping was also present to answer any questions in regards to the minor changes and clarifications of the contract. Schnoebelen asked that the title reflect City Administrator/City Clerk. He was also concerned about setting a precedent with the severance package, but added he was 100% in support of the candidate chosen. Callahan stated that employment agreements were very common in the workplace and he had reviewed the changes with the candidate, Russell Rogerson, who had no problem with the changes. Kirkwood made a motion to approve a resolution for the employment agreement with the changes recommended, for the City Administrator/City Clerk position. Seconded by Kiene. Roll call: Kiene, Schneider, Kasdorf, Kirkwood and Schnoebelen. Motion approved 5 – 0.

Patrick Callahan gave a report on the next step of the search process for a Deputy City Clerk. Snyder & Associates would be happy to continue working with the city or allow the new City Administrator to either be a part of the process or take over the hiring of a Deputy City Clerk. Item will be placed on the agenda for the August 20, 2012 meeting.

Patrick Callahan discussed the process and actions regarding the City Council goal setting and team building. He would like the council and city employees to complete the survey which will focus on the good things happening in the community, issues and trends, capital projects, procedures and working together as a team. Although this process is geared for the council, he would like the input of all city employees. Dates for meetings will be sent later to be added on the agenda. Council input: Kasdorf would like to have a work session to do an equipment inventory in the future. Kirkwood stated that the City Administrator position had four great candidates and she was looking forward with working with Rusty. Schnoebelen agreed. At that point, Russell “Rusty” Rogerson was introduced as the new City Administrator/City Clerk. He stated that he is happy to accept the job and is looking forward to being part of the community again.

Waiving council fees were discussed. Patrick Callahan gave a suggestion on how other communities handle this to avoid having them placed on the agenda. Mayor Poch adjourned the meeting at 1:00 pm.

Attested By: Mayor Bill Poch

Attested By: Dawn McCoy

Temporary Secretary