Meeting of the CCPS Council

11 December 2008, Teacher Building, Glasgow



Kate Fearnley Alzheimer Scotland

Jane Gray Ark Housing Association

Martin Crewe Barnardo’s Scotland

Clare Mason Carr-Gomm Scotland

Paul O’Reilly Carr-Gomm Scotland

Hazel Brown Cornerstone Community Care

Linda Headland Elcap

Norman Dunning Enable Scotland

Cath Avery Inspire

Morag Harris Inspire

Val Jeffrey Key Housing Association

Malcolm Matheson Key Housing Association

Andrea Wood Key Housing Association

Hugh Cairns Lanarkshire Association for Mental Health

Cathy Bell Momentum

Ruth Dorman Momentum

Carol Evans National Autistic Society

Shona Angus Options for Independence, BRCS

Nigel Henderson Penumbra (in the chair)

Elaine Leghorn Places for People Scotland

Diane Gatensby PSS Scotland

Richard Allwood Queens Cross Housing Association

John Macdonald Scottish Society for Autism

Joe Whyte SHARE Scotland

Susan Clark Stepping Stones for Families

Austen Smyth The Richmond Fellowship Scotland

Martn Cawley Turning Point Scotland

Craig Winter Turning Point Scotland

In attendance: Annie Gunner Logan, CCPS

Kirsten Gooday, CCPS

Colin Murray, EVOC

Charlie Barker, GSCPF

1. Apologies received

Jim Thomson, Bield Housing Association

Charmian Ledsham, Brothers of Charity

Sam Sinclair, Camphill Scotland

Alan Dickson, Capability Scotland

Maggie Mellon, Children 1st

Anne Houston, Children 1st

Edel Harris, Cornerstone

Lynne Carr, Glasgow Simon Community

Roddy Wright, Hansel Alliance

Sally Lakeman, Leonard Cheshire

Dana O’Dwyer, Mungo Foundation

Helen Halpin, National Autistic Society

Sue Matheson, SACRO

John Keenan, Visualise

Robert Farquharson, The Action Group

2. Minutes of the meeting held on 18 September 2008

Accepted as a true record.

3. Matters arising

There were no matters arising

4. CCPS strategic plan update: responding to the new localism

Annie Gunner Logan updated members on discussions which had taken place in the CCPS Board and Committee on Funding Strategy as to what role CCPS should seek to play at a local level, following the signing of the Concordat and the subsequent delegation of decision-making powers (especially in relation to funding streams) to local authorities. It has been decided that, for reasons of resources; because the future of local-central relations is not yet clear; and because a continued national role in calling Ministers to account for local performance has been identified, CCPS will not at this stage seek to re-organise into local groupings of providers. Rather, CCPS will seek to map out and work with existing structures at the local level, such as provider forums and CVS, by which CCPS members may be able to influence local decision-making; in addition, CCPS will work to represent providers’ interests in relation to individual local authorities on specific issues as appropriate. Annie’s presentation is available on the members’ section of the CCPS website. Members present were in agreement with this as a way forward, highlighting the usefulness of being able to use the CCPS ‘banner’ at a local level on some occasions.

5. CCPS membership update

The National Autistic Society is now a member of CCPS. Membership inquiries have been received from the Stroke Association and L’arche. WRVS and the East Kilbride Dementia Care Centre have become subscribers.

6. CCPS representation on working groups/committees: update

Sam Sinclair of Camphill Scotland has been invited to join the Scottish Government Learning Disability and Co-morbidity group, and has offered to act as a CCPS representative. Nigel Henderson will represent CCPS on the Dynamic Inclusive Communities Forum.


There was no other business

8. Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Thursday 26 March 2009 in Edinburgh

The following sessions took place after the council meeting:

Care Commission Strategic Plan

David Wiseman, Deputy Chief Executive of the Care Commission, introduced members to the Care Commission strategic plan for 2009-11. David’s presentation, which can be accessed on the members’ section of the website, covered issues including the role of children and adults who use services in both service design and regulation; the need for the Care Commission to help local authorities evidence Single Outcome Agreements; and the cancellation of licenses where services are consistently poor. Discussion also covered the new regulatory body to take on the functions of SWIA, HMIE’s child protection work and much of the Care Commission’s current responsibilities.

Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act

Dave MacLeod of the Adult Support and Protection Unit at the Scottish Government updated members on progress towards implementation of the PVG Act. Dave’s presentation, which can be accessed on the members’ section of the CCPS website, covered issues including key changes that the Act will bring about, definitions, fee structures and likely timescales.

In Control

John Dalrymple and Frances Brown of In Control Scotland discussed the concepts and principles underpinning the In Control model, and described work being undertaken with local authorities and service providers in Scotland. Their presentation is available on the members’ section of the CCPS website. Issues discussed included the various methods through which self-directed support can be achieved (not just direct payments), whether or not a move to In Control has to involve everyone currently receiving services in an area, the resource allocation tool developed by In Control, and what relationship there might be between individual using self-directed support and councils wishing to cut budgets.

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