"...To achieve excellence by guiding individuals

as they develop the proficiency, expertise, and leadership consistent with their professional roles”

College of Education and Health Professions Standing Committees


(When appropriate, College of Education and Health Professions Standing Committees should select partners representing Arts and Sciences faculty, COEHP part-time faculty, practitioners, and students. The Associate Dean of the College of Education serves as an ex-officio member of all Standing Committees.)

NCATE/PSC Steering Committee/Conceptual Framework Committee

The conceptual framework establishes the shared vision for a unit's efforts in preparing educators to work effectively in P-12 schools. It provides direction for programs, courses, teaching, candidate performance, scholarship, service, and unit accountability. The conceptual framework(s) is knowledge-based, articulated, shared, coherent, consistent with the unit and/or institutional mission, and continuously evaluated.

Chair: Debbie Gober

Committee Members: Greg Blalock Pat Duttera Rochelle Ripple

Walter Breaux Mary Beth Hendricks Lisa Shaw

Jan Burcham Donna Pascoe Jose Villavicencio

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Candidate Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Committee

Candidates preparing to work in schools as teachers or other professional school personnel know and demonstrate the content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. Assessments indicate that candidates meet professional, state, and institutional standards.

Co-Chairs: Greg Blalock/Pat Duttera

Committee Members: Larry Beaty Patty Jamieson Hope Phillips

Jeanine Fittipaldi-Wert Burhanettin Keskin Dawn Frazier Sallie Miller

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Assessment System and Unit Evaluation Committee

The unit has an assessment system that collects and analyzes data on the applicant qualifications, the candidate and graduate performance, and unit operations to evaluate and improve the unit and its programs.

Chair: Jan Burcham

Committee Members: Deirdre Brown Camille Lawrence Sallie Miller

Gayle Herrington Ellen Martin Clay Nicks

Kenneth Jones Tom McCormack

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Field Experiences and Clinical Practice Committee

The unit and its school partners design, implement, and evaluate field experiences and clinical practice so that teacher candidates and other school personnel develop and demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn.

Chair: Lisa Shaw

Committee Members: Richard Gardiner Ann Klinkenborg Sean Powell Deirdre Greer Ric Long Melissa Sullivan

Roger Hatcher Brenda May-Ito Claudia Williams

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Diversity Committee

The unit designs, implements, and evaluates curriculum and experiences for candidates to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to help all students learn. These experiences include working with diverse higher education and school faculty, diverse candidates, and diverse students in P-12 schools.

Co-Chairs: Rochelle Ripple/José Villavicencio

Committee Members: Evelyn Blalock Paulina Kuforiji Shunta Walls Lenoir Gillam Joetta Reeves Bonita Williams

Gail Jones Alicia Tatum

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Faculty Qualifications, Performance, and Development Committee

Faculty are qualified and model best professional practices in scholarship, service, and teaching, including the assessment of their own effectiveness as related to candidate performance; they also collaborate with colleagues in the disciplines and schools. The unit systematically evaluates faculty performance and facilitates professional development.

Chair: Walter Breaux

Committee Members: Spencer Garrard Terry Lahnstein Mike Regnier

Brenda Gross Sandy Little Paula Walker

Betty Hipps Mike Mangum

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Unit Governance and Resources Committee

The unit has the leadership, authority, budget, personnel, facilities, and resources, including information technology resources, for the preparation of candidates to meet professional, state, and institutional standards.

Chair: Donna Pascoe

Committee Members: Mike Baltimore Larry Moore Gary Shouppe

Jeff Conklin Eddie Obleton Bryan Tyo

Tammy Condrey Tara Redmond

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)

Student Services

The Student Services Committee sponsors activities and initiatives that foster a comprehensive student support program for all College of Education and Health Professions students, as well as prospective students.

Chair: Mary Beth Hendricks

Committee Members: Rachel Belew Mandy Hawkins Janet Knight

Lajuene Black Darryl Holloman Pam Scheible

Collaborative Partners: Selected by Committee Members (University Faculty, P-12 Personnel, Students, Community Members)