Draft minutes of ordinary meeting of Staveley with Ings Parish Council held on 5th November 2012 in Staveley Village Hall at 7.15pm


Councillor Mr A Capstick (Chairman)

Councillors Mrs SC Goffe, Mr PL Harrison, Mr M Kidd, Mr AS Priestley, Miss A Salisbury, Mr DA Taylor, Mr ER Ward, Mr GL Wilkinson

4 electors

130/12Apologies for absence

Mr TC Johnson (illness). Mr A Wilkinson (illness). It was Resolved that the apologies be noted and the reasons for absence approved.

131/12Chairman’s announcements

The Chairman drew attention to the procedure for the public participation section of the meeting in order to clarify the issue and enable meetings to flow smoothly, . He explained that this was the only time a member of the public could normally speak about issues on the agenda or other matters they wished to raise. They could not just join in the debates as the meeting progressed. He also explained that if he felt that a member of the public present could help members with factual information during a debate, he would invite them to offer this advice.


a) Parish Council – It was Resolved that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Council held on 1st October 2012 as a correct record

b) Parish Plan Working Group – It was Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 22nd October 2012 be received and the recommendations contained therein be confirmed.

133/12Requests for Dispensations

The Clerk reported that all serving Councillors had applied for a dispensation to allow them to discuss and vote on the setting of the Annual Precept. The Clerk had granted all serving Councillors a dispensation for this purpose until the next ordinary election for the Council due in May 2016 under minute 93/12(ci)as this is in the interests of the parish.

134/12Declarations of interests by members

All councillors declared a pecuniary interest in item 12 on the agenda “agreeing the budget and setting the precept for 2013/14”.

135/12Resignation of Councillor Mrs IE Rigg.

Councillor Mrs IE Rigg had tendered her resignation from the Council with effect from 22nd October 2012. The Chairman spoke warmly about Mrs Riggs’s work for Over Staveley Parish Council and Staveley with Ings Parish Council over the past 16 years. She had also been a member of the Parish Plan Working Group since its inception. She had always had the interests of the community at heart and had worked tirelessly to achieve improvements for them. She was a true “problem solver”, trying to get things done rather than waiting for others. Council Resolved that her resignation be noted and that a vacancy be declared. The Clerk was also instructed to write to Mrs Rigg and thank her for her valuable services during her time as a Councillor.

136/12Public participation

a)Action taken in respect of items raised by electors at previous meeting – The action taken on each item was noted.

b) New items raised:

i) New café at rear of Antique Shop on Main Street – It was reported that a café had been opened at the rear of the Antique Shop on Main Street and the elector wished to know if this was legal as two planning applications for a restaurant at this site had been refused. The Clerk was asked to ascertain the legal position.

ii) Bollard and light at eastern end of the central reservation at Ings – It was reported that these lights had been out of service for some time. The Clerk was asked to report these to Cumbria Highways

iii) Drainage problems on Hall Lane –It was reported that a large sheet of ice had formed at the foot of Hall Lane during the recent cold snap. This was caused by the drainage fault higher up Hall Lane near Laneside, which causes water to run down the road to Barley Bridge. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cumbria Highways again and request that action be taken to have the problem resolved.

iv) Danes Road bus stops – It was reported that the bus stops at Danes Road were being blocked by parked vehicles making it difficult for passengers to board and alight from buses. The elector also asked if raised pavements could be provided at these stops to make it easier for those with impaired mobility to board and alight from buses. The Clerk was asked to raise this with Cumbria Highways to see if bus parking areas could be marked out.

v) Wall on gated road at Ings was disappearing – It was reported that stones were being taken from the south easterly wall on the gated road between Church Lane and Ings Hall. The Clerk was asked to investigate to see if anything could be done.

vi) Gritter – In answer to a question about the use of the gritter in winter, it was reported that there was some doubt about whether or not this was suitable for use on the pavements in Staveley. The Clerk was asked to arrange a meeting between the Parish Steward, Chairman and Clerk to look at the problem.

vii) Water leaking from manhole on Kentmere Road – It was reported that water was seeping from two manhole covers near Scroggs Bridge on Kentmere Road. The Clerk was asked to investigate and if necessary report the matter to Cumbria Highways.

viii) Back Lane, Staveley was unusable by motor vehicles due to scaffolding being erected – It was explained that this road should not be used by motor vehicles except for access according to the highway signs at each end. The Clerk was asked to ascertain from Cumbria Highways the legal position.

137/12 Planning

a) New planning applications – The following new planning applications were considered and it was Resolved that the comments shown be forwarded to the Planning Authority:

72012/5529 Land at Kentmere Valley Road, Kentmere. Create a temporary access and hard standing pad. Members agreed that in order for the removal of timber from this area to be achieved, some form of vehicular access was needed. If the Planning Authority were minded to grant permission this Council would like conditions attached to the consent to ensure that:

i)all mud was kept off the highway;

ii)that consideration be given to restricting the size of HGVs allowed to use the site due to the narrow road leading up the Kentmere Valley. This is especially important along Silver Street in Staveley, Scroggs Bridge and other narrow parts of Kentmere Road; and

iii)the times when vehicles could be allowed to visit the site to avoid traffic congestion during the morning and afternoon periods when people were going to and from work and to and from school; and the site be properly reinstated to its original state at the end of the works.

T/2012/0097 Barley Bridge Farm, Staveley. Fell 1 Sycamore, 1 Leylandi, 1 Fir; Laurel – thin lower branches. No objections.

b) Planning applications determined since last meeting:

7/2011/5354 Brunt Knott Farm, Staveley. Small scale wind turbine. REFUSED

7/2012/5460 Station Lane, Staveley. New Dwelling House. GRANTED

7/2012/5478 High Fairbank, Ings. Retrospective application for the erection of a tractor store. GRANTED

It was Resolvedthat the report be noted.

c) Planning applications still outstanding

The following planning applications are still awaiting a decision by the planning authority:

7/2009/5191 OS field 3700, Kentmere Road, Staveley. Alterations to field access, construction of bund and drainage works in field.

7/2009/5192 Land south of High House Farm, Ings. Erection of stables and hay/feed store

7/2011/5328 Ex Cactus Unit, Rivermill, Mill Yard, Staveley.

7/2012/5191. Sunny Orchard Farm, Kentmere Road, Staveley. Agricultural worker’s dwelling (Outline)

7/2012/5498 Sidegarth, Staveley. Re-landscaping the east garden including the adjustment of ground levels and the construction of new retaining walls, steps and the decorative water features.

7/2012/5503 The Farmhouse, Ghyll Fold, Ings. Construction of projecting bay window, sun room and bedroom extension on north gable and bedroom with en-suite on western side – renewal of extant permission ref 7/2009/5219


Footway, Kendal Road – The Chairman and Clerk had met with Cumbria Highways on 16th October 2012 to discuss progress on this matter. The project was now beyond the financial authority of the Cumbria South Lakeland Area Committee and had been transferred to the Cumbria wide list of highway schemes. It had not secured funding for 2013/14 and there was no guarantee that it would be funded in future years. It is likely therefore that the project will not be completed in the foreseeable future. The Council’s disappointment at the lack of urgency in delivering this project was expressed to Cumbria Highways in the strongest terms.

Cumbria Highways now propose to make the wall safe in its current position and renew the fence, possibly with a post and rail or wire construction. A hedge had been considered but this was thought to be unsuitable as it could grow over the footway and obstruct it as well as causing possible injury to pedestrians. Some improvements to the footway surface may also be possible. Any funds left after these works have been completed might be used for other small scale projects in the parish. The Council would give consideration to this possibility.

It was Resolved that the Council should write to Cumbria Highways pressing for the work on this project to be completed urgently to prevent possible accident, suggesting a preferred form of fencing and expressing the Council’s disappointment at the delays that have led to the current situation. Cumbria Highways would also be urged to retain the project on the list of measures for consideration in future years.

139/12Parking in Staveley

The Clerk reported that he had met with Cumbria Highways and the head of Staveley School on 8th October 2012. The Head teacher was supportive of the proposals although he recognised that there might be some complaints. The Chairman and Clerk had met with Cumbria Highways on 16th October 2012to discuss the next steps. A further meeting would be arranged with Kentmere Packaging Ltd. to try and obtain an agreement that they would not unload vehicles parked on the yellow parking restriction lines in the interests of road safety. The traffic Regulation Order to give effect to the proposals was being prepared and would be published shortly. It was Resolved that the report be noted.


a) Income since last meeting:

Allotment rents £245.00

b) Payments

Staveley Village Association – PC meeting 5/11/12£24.00

-PPWG meeting 22/10/12£12.00

John Morris – Parish Steward Work September & October£237.85

- Grass cutting at Ings September & October£160.00

Designworks Ltd. – Website hosting fee£118.80

Friends of Staveley School – room hire PPWG 17/9/12£15.00

It was Resolved that the report be noted and the payments listed be paid.

140/12 Budget and Precept for 2013/14

Council considered the budget for 2013/14 and it was Resolved that the precept for 2013/14 be held at £13,000.00, the same as for 2012/13. A copy of the budget is at Appendix 1 to these minutes.


Council considered a report from the Allotments Working Group into the offer of an exchange of land near Moss Side to provide improved allotment provision in the parish. The report also outlined several items that needed further investigation. It was recommended that a solicitor should be retained to advise the Council on legal points. It was Resolved that the report be noted, that the Allotments Working Group should continue to investigate the offer and engage a solicitor to advise on the legal issues involved.

142/12Parish Council Clerk

The Chairman presented a paper drawn up by himself and the Vice Chairman which outlined a programme to recruit a new Parish Council Clerk. It was Resolved that a small working group consisting of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Councillor Miss A Salisbury and one other Councillor be authorised to proceed with the recruitment of a new clerk,as outlined in the paper, with a view to making a recommendation to Council at its meeting on 4th March 2013.

143/12CALC Circular

The CALC circular for November 2012 has been circulated


The list of correspondence received since the last meeting was noted.

145/12Date of next meeting

The next ordinary meeting of the Council will be held on Wednesday 9th January 2013 in Ings Parish Hall at 7.15pm. New planning applications will be available for inspection from 7.0pm.