Union County District Physical Education Pacing Guides

Physical Education plays an important role of enhancing academic achievement. It is an essential element in the total school curriculum designed to educate the whole person. All students as individuals will gain knowledge by developing their skills, interest and abilities to their fullest potential. The Physical Education curriculum is a comprehensive program that is aligned to State and District Standards."
Physical Education Department – K5. /

UnionCountyPE District Guidelines

The Physical Education Program – The overview of our program will include the physical, emotional and social benefits of an active lifestyle.

What WeBelieve

Vision & Mission
The mission of the Physical Education Program is to teach students about health related fitness, physical competence in team & individual sports and provide opportunities for students to learn and participate in a variety of lifetime activities. This is called the new PE where the focus is on leading a healthy lifestyle through a variety of lifetime activities and sports. A quality program should include the following indicators:
  • Standards based instruction
  • Developmentally appropriate activities
  • Develops skill acquisition
  • High level of engaged activity time
  • Builds self esteem
  • Aligned assessments
  • Promotes safety, self respect
  • Teaches sportsmanship
  • Connect to other contents

Health Related Fitness is Part of the Districts Wellness Program
Upon graduation from Union County School District students will have learned the skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities. They will know the implications of and benefits from involvement in physical activities and health related fitness. Students will develop life skills around decision making, team building, cooperation with team mates and practice assuming leadership roles. Health related concepts are embedded in all physical education activities and curriculum.

South Carolina Physical Education Curriculum Standards

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2 – Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3 – Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

Standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5 – Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

Standard 6 – Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

Standard 7 – Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

Grade K – 2nd Grade Activities
Students in Kindergarten through the second grade participate in a variety of activities that are aligned with the South Carolina Physical Education standards. The activities include loco-motor skills, non-loco-motor skills, manipulative skills, movement education(such as relays and tag games), cooperative games, fitness activities, educational gymnastics and dance, tossing, catching, and throwing skills, jumping rope, climbing skills, lead-up games such as soccer, softball, basketball, flag football, paddleball, volleyball, hockey, bowling, and others. Students also perform partner and small group games such as 4-square, steal the bacon, soccer 1 on1, partner throw and catch and any other creative games they invent that are safe to use while at recess. Though all schools may not be participating in these activities in our district elementary schools at the same time each school will choose these activities at some time during the year to make sure that all South Carolina Physical Education Standards are being covered. / For Teachers
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Yearly Overview


Enduring Understandings - important ideas that students should carry with them years beyond the instruction received this year.
  • A complete fitness program promotes participation in grade level skills and activities that build health and wellness including cardiovascular, flexibility, body composition, muscular strength and endurance, and lifetime activity.
  • Good sportsmanship includes following rules of play and being responsible for yourself and the safety of others.
  • We can increase our health and wellness by participating in the physical activities we lead or participate in by ourselves and with others.
  • Rules help keep games and activities safe and fair.
Essential Questions - most important “big picture” questions students should be able to answer after completing learning activities.
  • How does movement, muscle stretching, doing sit ups, push ups and pull ups increase body strength and overall health?
  • How can people protect themselves sore muscles or injury from over exercising?
  • Why do we have to be responsible for our own behavior?
  • What is the purpose for rules of play in athletic or competitive sports?
  • How do class rules and team rules help make competitive sports and individual sports more enjoyable?
  • Why is cooperation important in games and in life?
  • How does cooperation in games impact the final outcome?
  • What does good sportsmanship look like?
Reading Standards: Five Components of Literacy
Phonics:Recognize and identify letters and sounds.
Vocabulary: Grade K - Recognize sight words.All 76 kindergarten words from the D-11 common word list, plus 50 first grade words.
Vocabulary: Grade 1 - First grade students will read all 76 Kindergarten Words, and at the end of quarter one, students will be able to read 50 of D11 Sight Words. Other words will be learned from phonics, spelling and vocabulary programs to total the expected 300-500 + words. a (long - ate), o (long - old), o - /oo/ - (do), e (long - me), i (long - pine), u (long - unit), u (put), ch (chin), sh (ship), th (hard as in that, soft as in thin), wh (blowing feathers off of hand), qu (queen)
Vocabulary: Grade 2 - Spells K, 1st and 50 2nd Grade words correctly Grade 2 Spelling List
Multisyllabic words with blends: ph (phone), ck (black), er (her), ir (first, bird), ur (nurse, burn), ear (early), ow (cow and snow), ou (ouch, four, you, and trouble) ar (star, car), or (horn), oo (boot, foot, and floor), dge (j as in dodge), aw (straw), au (August), tch (catch) ed (as a suffix: 'ed', 'd', 't' - past tense ending) eigh (eight), kn (knife) ie (chief, pie), eu (Europe) ei (ceiling, vein, and forfeit) ch ('k' as in school, 'sh' as in chef) ea (head, and great)ew (few), ue (true), s (z as in is)ui (fruit, suit), ey (they, key) gn (gnaw, sign), wr (write)
Math Standards
Grade K: Standard 1: Number Sense September: Order numbers 1 – 20.
Standard 4: Geometry - September: Sort and classify objects by attributes (i.e., size, color, shape)
Grade 1: Standard 1: Number Sense - August Count, read, write, and order numbers to 100. Identify odd/even numbers to10
Grade 2: Standard 1: Number Sense - August
Read, write, and order numbers to 100 (count using whole numbers) Identify odd/even numbers to10 Adds coins to $1.00 Practice counting combinations of coins (pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters) Know coin values (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter)

Union County District Kindergarten to 2nd Grade Pacing Guides

Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K - 2 PE Department
Topic: Training Camp/Loco-motor Skills
Time Frame / 1 week: August( First week of School)
Unit Topic / SWBAT students will learn PE procedures for the year like stop signals and go signals and also learn acceptablebehaviors in PE class and Unacceptable behaviors. Students will also be taught PE behavior chart point system.
SWBAT demonstrate personalspace, directions, pathways, tempo, and boundaries such as inside, outside, on, over, under, etc.
Also, SWBAT perform loco-motor skills such as hop, skip, jump, and run.
Enduring Understanding / Teacher will demonstrate the 4 basic loco-motor skills following the leader with music on half gym. Teacher will demonstrate the loco-motor skills in game Don’t Dent My Car/show left arm and right arm directions by using arm as car door while maintaining personal space.
Essential Questions / What are acceptable behaviors during PE? Give examples of acceptable behaviors and unacceptable behaviors in PE.
Why is personal space important when playing any type activity during PE or recess?
Why should every student know their right from left directions?
Are there any sports that use loco-motor skills? Why are they important?
1, 2, 3, 4, and 7 /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2 – Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3 – Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

Standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 7 – Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

Integrations / ELA, Math
District Assessments / Teacher Observation and checklist
Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K - 2 PE Department

Topic:Loco-motor Skills

Time Frame / Weeks: 1(Last week of August)
Unit Topic / SWBAT demonstrate and explain-Personal Space, directions, pathways, tempo, and basic loco-motor skills such as hop, skip, jump, and run.
SWBAT-add gallop, leap, and slide.
Enduring Understanding / SWBAT perform 7 basic loco-motor skills following the leader with music on half gym.
SWBAT use loco-motor skills in game don’t dent my car/show left arm and right arm car door while maintaining personal space using LS.
Essential Questions / Ask who can define personal space?
Name different pathways/directions.
Name loco-motor skills
Standards /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Integrations / Math, ELA
District Assessments / Teacher Observation of students demonstrating loco-motor skills while keeping personal space/Checklist
Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K-2nd PE Department
Topic: Non-loco-motor Movements
Time Frame / weeks: 1 week( September)
Unit Topic / SWBAT demonstrateNon-Loco-motor movements such as bend, stretch, twist, body shapes, curves, round, narrow, etc.
SWBAT demonstratenon-loco-motor skills using sport skills CD(coach JJ) and the game scrambled eggs.
SWBAT alsodemonstrate how to make non-loco-motor moves by using letters, number, shapes, etc.
Enduring Understanding / Teacher demonstrate non-loco-motor movements in self space such as low, high, short, tall, shapes, twisted, etc. Then have students mirror moves with music.
Repeat with teacher demonstration with the music.
Essential Questions / Have students create non-loco-motor( using a shape or letter with their body) and then repeat with a partner?
Standards / Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms
Integrations / Math-geometry shapes
Spelling –letter shapes with body
District Assessments / Teacher observation
Peer Observation
Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K-2nd PE Department
Topic: Manipulatives
Time Frame / weeks: 1 week(September)
Unit Topic / SWBAT demonstrate manipulative skills such as catch, strike, shoot, throw, toss, dibbling, kicking in self space with the music CD( Coach JJ sport skills). Students actually demonstrate what the skill looks like in self –space.
For ex. stop and pretend you are dribbling a basketball or pretend you are throwing a ball.
Enduring Understanding / Teacher will demonstrate examples of several manipulative skills to the class and then have students name some others.
Teacher will also demonstrate 2 recess games that students may perform with a partner or small group which uses several different manipulatives.
Essential Questions /

What are manipulative skills used?

Why are they important to learn?

What sport can you name that uses manipulative skills?

Standards /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2 – Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3 – Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

Standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5 – Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

Standard 6 – Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

Standard 7 – Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

Integrations /


District Assessments /

Teacher checklist for observation

Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K-2ndGrade PE Department
Topic: Educational Games( Creative)
Time Frame / weeks: 2 weeks(September)
Unit Topic / SWBATperform creative games with a partner or group of 3 that are safe moving use loco-motor, non-loco-motor, and manipulatives and may be enjoyed at recess, home, or birthday parties.
Enduring Understanding / Teacher will demonstrate and explain a new recess games with a partner such as partner duck, duck, goose using a loco-motor skills and soccer 1 on 1 using soccer dribbling skill as a manipulative.
Essential Questions /

See if students will be able to set up their own playing field.

Why is important to have a safe environment before starting a game?
Why should the game be safe?
Why does the game you choose have to have boundaries?
What is the importance of having rules for creative games or any game?
Standards /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2 – Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3 – Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

Standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5 – Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

Standard 6 – Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

Standard 7 – Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

Integrations /


District Assessments /

Teacher checklist for observation

Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K - 2 PE Department
Topic: Tag Games
Time Frame / weeks: 2 weeks(October)
Unit Topic / TSWBAT: Demonstrate the ability to implement vigorous activity through running and tagging games.
Enduring Understanding / TSWBAT: Demonstrate their ability to run and tag various players using such skills as; strategy, personal space, speed, safety, and others.
Essential Questions / Ask students to: Demonstrate their understanding of these skills through playing of the following tag games;
  • red light green light, crows and cranes, squat tag, squirrels in a tree, freeze tag, tee ball, kickball, color tag and more.

Standards /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2 – Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3 – Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

Standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5 – Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

Standard 6 – Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

Standard 7 – Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.
Integrations / ELA: listening, following directions, language association
Math: counting
District Assessments / Teacher Observation of vigorous play and the implementation of safety and cooperation skills.
Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K-2ndGrade PE Department
Topic: Cooperative Games
Time Frame / weeks: 2 weeks(October)
Unit Topic / SWBAT:
1. Work cooperatively with other students.
2. Show an understanding and ability to follow all game rules.
3. Follow all safety and physical education rules.
Enduring Understanding / The teacher will observe to see if students and classmates are working together cooperatively.
Essential Questions / Why is it important to work cooperatively with your classmates?
Standards /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.

Standard 2 – Applies movement concepts and principles to the learning and development of motor skills.

Standard 3 – Exhibits a physically active lifestyle

Standard 4 – Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness.

Standard 5 – Demonstrates responsible personal and social behavior in physical activity settings.

Standard 6 – Demonstrates understanding and respect for differences among people in physical activity settings.

Standard 7 – Understands that physical activity provides the opportunity for enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and social interaction.

Integrations / All areas
District Assessments / Teacher observation of student performance
Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: K - 2 PE Department
Topic:Fitness Activities/ Pre-test Fitness Assessment
Time Frame / 1 week: October
Unit Topic / SWBAT perform fitness exercises by following the leader.
SWBAT perform the game of fitness skillastics by allowing teacher to read directions for them from game board.
Enduring Understanding / Teacher will demonstrate exercises and have students mirror the movements
Teacher will read direction from game board and show the students all how to the exercise the student lands on.
Essential Questions / Watch to see if the students are performing the exercises correctly and demonstrate again if need be.
Standards / S.C. PE standard #3 and 4-demonstrate health enhancing fitness activities for a lifetime
Integrations / Math- Dice number and counting spaces and numbers
District Assessments / Teacher Observation
Pacing Guide For Physical Education
Grades: 3rd-5th PE Department
Topic: Overhand Throwing, Tossing, and Catching
Time Frame / 2 weeks: September
Unit Topic / SWBAT toss/catch a beanbag with a partner above/below the waist from 10 ft. 10 times stationary/moving.
SWBAT throw a tennis ball at a high and low level target from 20 feet away underhanded and over-handed with a partner against the wall. The student will receive 1 point for each throw that hits the target.
SWBAT throw overhand and catch and object with a partner while moving in general space.
SWBAT toss/catch a yellow bouncy ball with a partner above/below the waist from 10 ft. 10 times stationary/moving.
SWBAT throw overhand and catch and object( yellow bouncy ball) with a partner while moving in general space.
Enduring Understanding / Teacher will demonstrate proper steps for throwing and catching techniques and then have a girl demonstrate in front of the class and a boy to make sure they are using proper steps. After demonstration have students recall each step back to check for understanding.
Essential Questions / What sport or activity is catching and throwing used? Can you name an Olympic sport that uses throwing and catching?
Why is the catching skill important for us to learn in physical Education? or sports?
Why is throwing skill important for us to learn in Physical
Standards /

Standard 1 – Demonstrates competency in many movement forms and proficiency in a few movement forms.