Karar Zunaid Ahsan

Résumé of Karar Zunaid AhsanPage 1 of 10

Flat A3, House 443, Road 31, New D.O.H.S, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Phone: +88-02-8711300, +88-01715527915 (mob.), Email: ;

Résumé of Karar Zunaid AhsanPage 1 of 10


  • More than 10 years of progressive experience in monitoring and evaluation (M&E) in the Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) sector in Bangladesh,which includes design and supervision of sector-wide program (SWAp) implementation.
  • Demonstrated ability to lead, develop, manage and deliver M&E systems, knowledge products, research projects and analytical activities as part of a multidisciplinary team in an international environment.
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills in English, and advanced level of computer literacy.


  • Master of International Public Health (MIPH) Year: 2006

Institution:School of Public Health, University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.

  • Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Applied Statistics(Econometrics major)Year: 1999

Institution: Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) (Honors) in Applied StatisticsYear:1998

Institution: Institute of Statistical Research and Training (ISRT), University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.


  • Currently working as SeniorResearch Associate inThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, USA.

Duration: September, 2012 – present

Job responsibilities:Serve as the Senior M&E Resident Advisor for Bangladesh to carry out M&E, research, survey and capacity building activities in Bangladesh under the USAID-sponsored MEASURE Evaluation Project (Phase III); act as the M&E Advisor in the Program Management and Monitoring Unit (PMMU) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), Government of Bangladesh, to monitor and evaluate the implementation of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program (HPNSDP) 2011-16.

  • Worked as Research Analyst in South Asia Human Development Sector (SASHD), TheWorld Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Duration: December, 2008 – August, 2012

Job responsibilities:Design and supervision of monitoring and evaluation activities to support HNP sector program in Bangladesh; data collation, analysis, and preparation of knowledge products and strategic analytical tasks; maintain liaison with stakeholders including MoHFW and the development partners; provide cross-support to other sectors/partner organizations in M&E activities; represent the World Bank’s HNP team in M&E and Nutrition Task Groups of MoHFW.

  • Worked as Research Investigator in Health and Demographic Surveillance Unit (HDSU) under Public Health Sciences Division (PHSD), International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B) - an international research and training institution located in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Duration:June, 2007 – November, 2008

Job responsibilities:Supervision and management of M&E activities and impact evaluation studies in the field of population and health; protocol development and submission for funding; data analysis, presentation of outcomes and report writing; preparing scientific articles for publication; maintain ICDDR,B’s Central Data Repository.

  • Worked as Research Officer in HDSU, PHSD, ICDDR,B.

Duration: August, 2003 –May, 2007

Job responsibilities: Analysis of longitudinal and cross-sectional data; contribute in designing impact evaluation studies; presentation of outcomes and report/paper writing; development of M&E protocols and data collection tools; building resource-base for prospective researches.

  • Worked as Senior Research Assistant in HDSU, PHSD, ICDDR,B.

Duration: September, 2002 – July, 2003

Job responsibility: Quantitative analysis of health and demographic data; assist senior researchers.


  • July, 2006 - July, 2008:Local Consultantand Contributor, contracted by Mitra Associates and MACRO International Inc., forBangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2007.

Job responsibility:Processing of health and demographic data; preparation of chapters for BDHS 2007 report.

  • July - August, 2007:Data AnalysisConsultant for Socio-economic Status Survey, contracted by LAMB Integrated Rural Health and Development in Parbatipur, Dinajpur.

Job responsibility:Construct index to display relative socio-economic status of households in northern Bangladesh.

  • January - June, 2006:Business Analyst for preparation of Pepsi Asia Pacific Strategic Plan 2007-2009, contracted by QUEST, a leading Australian brand alignment agency located in Sydney, NSW.

Job responsibility: Analysis of business data and preparation of country-wise report on strategic planning.

  • November, 2004 - January, 2005:National Consultant (Demographer) for Social Impact Assessment (SIA) in for Phulbari Coal-mine Development Project in a north-eastern district of Bangladesh, contracted by SMEC.

Job responsibility: Projection of population in the proposed coal-mine development area for the period 2001-2051.

  • December, 2003 - February, 2004:National Consultant (Statistician), contracted by FAO Bangladesh Country Office, for project titled Vulnerability Analysis of Major Livelihoods in the Coastal Zone of Bangladesh.

Job responsibility: Perform factor analysis to determine major vulnerability factors perceived by coastal population.

  • Currently working in Program Management and Monitoring Unit (PMMU) to monitor implementation of health sector program. Drafted and finalized the Annual Program Implementation Reports(APIR) 2012 and 2013 to feed into the Annual Program Reviews(APR) of HPNSDP in 2012 and 2013, and assisted Planning Wing to follow up APR priority actions. Developed Six-monthly Progress Report and Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) to monitor implementation progress of HPNSDP. On behalf of PMMU, led the revision of Operational Plan-level indicators and development of M&E Strategy for the HNP SWAp in Bangladesh.
  • Served as a member of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Task Group and Sector Management Task Group ofMoHFW. Represented the World Bank as the co-convenor (with USAID) of Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) Initiative in Bangladesh (2008-2012).
  • Coordinated a technical team comprised of GOB, DPs and sector experts to develop and finalize the Results Framework of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program (HPNSDP) 2011-2016, which was selected as one of the Bank-wide best practices by Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the World Bank (2010-2011).In consultation with Planning Wing of MoHFW, reviewed and finalized the Operational Plan level indicators to monitor HPNSDP progress. Drafted and finalized M&E, research, and results sections of the HPNSDP project documents. Was also involved with the preparation of Health Nutrition and Population Sector Investment Plan (HNP-SIP) 2003-2011, as a member of the consultative team to MoHFW, Govt. of Bangladesh (2003).
  • Organized international events in Dhaka including the World Bank’s South Asia Regional Workshop on Results-based Financing, during 24-28 July 2011; Regional Impact Evaluation Workshop, during 9-13 October 2011; and ICDDR,B’s 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Demographic Surveillance System, during 7-9 March 2007. Served as a member of Scientific Committee for International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) 2015.
  • Identify, evaluate, recommend, and implement to key HNP project approaches, opportunities and needs, particularly related to M&E, nutrition, non-communicable diseases, and demography, and consult with client to address them (2008-2012). Establish and manage relationships with development partners, sector experts, government authorities and other key players (2006-2012).
  • Day-to-day supervision and monitoring of implementation of nutrition component under HNPSP (2008-2011). Review training and procurement plans of research, training and nutrition programs, and MIS line directorates.
  • Recruit and supervise consultants where external expertise would be needed (2003-2014).


  • Served as a member of the core Technical Working Group for the national-level surveys including Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2014, Bangladesh Health Facility Survey 2014, Urban Health Survey 2013, and Utilization of Essential Service Delivery Survey 2010and 2013.
  • Served as a member of the Technical team for the national-level surveys including Maternal Mortality Survey 2010, Utilization of Essential Service Delivery Survey 2008, Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007andUrban Health Survey 2006.
  • Coordinated and provided overall supervision to the World Bank’s Analytic and Advisory Activities (AAA) including Health Facility Survey 2009 and 2011, Nutrition Operations Research 2010, NGO Performance Review 2009, Policy Note on Population, FP and RH in Bangladeshand Private sector involvement in RH services in Bangladesh.
  • Was involved as Co-Task Leader with cross-sectoral analytical activities like Multisectoral Simulation Tool for Scaling-Up Nutrition, Linking Nutritional Outcomes to Adequacy of Food, Health and Care, Revitalizing Bangladesh National Nutrition Council (BNNC), andSolvent abuse among street children in Bangladesh. Also contributed to the World Bank’s regional activities like South Asia Regional (SAR) Non-communicable Diseases Report, SAR Flagship on More and Better Jobs, and SAR Reproductive Health Initiative.
  • Contributed to designing M&E system and results framework of cross-sectoral projects on School-based delivery of micronutrients piloting (WB and WFP)and Piloting Cash Transfers for Human Development through Local Governments(WB), and Scaling up REACH Initiative to reduce malnutrition in Bangladesh (WB and UNICEF/WFP/FAO/WHO).
  • In ICDDR,B, was involved as Co-Investigator with Gates Foundation funded Impact Evaluation ofMANOSHI Program, a community-based health solutions package for urban slum populations in Bangladesh by BRAC (2007-08); USAID/Dhaka funded studies titled Plateauing of the Bangladesh Fertility Decline (2002-03)and Raising Age at Marriage in Rural Bangladesh (2006-08).
  • Managed (in 2006-08) Central Data Repository of ICDDR,B under the supervision of Centre’s (interim) Data Administrator and update/oversaw the interactive demographic workbook on Matlab Health and Demographic Surveillance System.
  • Served as a peer reviewer of various WB knowledge products; reviewed scientific articles on public health as a listed peer reviewer of International Journal of Biomedical Science, Global Health Action and BMC Public Health.


  • Served as a co-facilitator (with Dr. Peter Kim Streatfield) of Demographic Implications of Aging under MPH course in Aging and Health in James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Dhakain August 2008.
  • Co-supervised (with Prof. Dr. Nashid Kamal-Waiz) undergraduate interns from Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) graduating in Environment and Population Health course during June- August 2008.
  • Experienced in providing academic support (mostly on sampling and statistical analyses) to postgraduate/doctoral students from reputed universities from home and abroad.


Technical Reports/Book Chapters

  1. El-Saharty S, Sparkes SP, Barroy H, Karar Zunaid Ahsan. The Path to Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh: Bridging the Gap of Human Resources for Health. Washington DC, World Bank [Forthcoming].
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Khan AW, Uddin MH, Reza MM. Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Strategy. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2014 [Forthcoming].
  1. El-Saharty S, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, May JF. Population, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health Policy Harmonization in Bangladesh. World Bank Policy Note, Washington DC, World Bank [Forthcoming].
  1. Arifeen SE, Karar Zunaid Ahsan. Child health and nutrition In: Chapter 9, Bangladesh Urban Health Survey 2013. Dhaka, Bangladesh and Chapel Hill; NIPORT, ICDDR,B and MEASURE Evaluation, 2014 [Forthcoming].
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Reza MM, Khan AW, Uddin MH, Mannan MA. Mid-term Program Implementation Report (MPIR) 2014 of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2014.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Reza MM, Khan AW, Uddin MH. Six-monthly Progress Report of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program, July – December 2013. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2014.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Khan AW, Uddin MH, Reza MM, Escudero GM, Rahman M, Ijdi RE. Performance Monitoring Plan (PMP) of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2014 [Forthcoming].
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Khan AW, Reza MM, Mannan MA. Annual Program Implementation Report (APIR) 2013 of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2013.
  1. Reza MM,Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Khan AW. Six-monthly Progress Report of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program, July – December 2012. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2013.
  1. El-Saharty S, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Koehlmoos TLP, Engelgau MM. Tackling Non-communicable Diseases in Bangladesh: Now is the time. Directions in Development Series, Washington DC, World Bank, 2013 [ISBN: 978-0-8213-9920-0].
  1. Talukder SH, Karar Zunaid Ahsan. Hypertension and Diabetes In: Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2011: Policy Briefs. Dhaka; NIPORTand Mitra & Associates2013: 17-21.
  1. Al-Sabir A, Alam BB, Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Trends in Accessing Reproductive Health (RH) Services in Bangladesh – The Role of the Private Sector. Dhaka, World Bank , 2013.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Khan AW, Reza MM, Escudero GM, Rahman M, Streatfield PK.Annual Program Implementation Report (APIR) 2012 of Bangladesh Health, Population and Nutrition Sector Development Program. Dhaka, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, 2012.
  1. Mbuya NV, Karar Zunaid Ahsan. Better, But Not Enough: An Assessment of Area Based Community Nutrition (ABCN) Services in Bangladesh. Washington DC, World Bank, 2012.
  1. Mahmud I, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Claeson M. Glue sniffing and other risky practices among street children in urban Bangladesh.Washington DC, World Bank, 2011.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Factsheet on Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP) 2003-2011 Bangladesh,Dhaka, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH and World Bank, 2011.
  1. Brown LR, Mbuya NV, Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Understanding the Dynamics of Gender and Nutrition in Bangladesh: Implications for Policy and Programming, Washington DC, World Bank, 2010.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Rahman MM. Health and Demographic Surveillance System-Matlab: Registration of health and demographic events 2007, Dhaka, ICDDR,B, 2009 (Vol. 41, Scientific Report 106) [ISBN: 978-984-551-306-7].
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan. Fertility In: Chapter 4, Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2007. Dhaka, Bangladesh and Calverton, Maryland; NIPORT, Mitra & Associates, and Macro International, 2009: 45-56.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Streatfield PK. Transition of fertility towards the replacement level despite a decade-long plateau in the rural Bangladesh: the Matlab experience In: Chapter 5, INDEPTH Monograph on Fertility, Volume 5, INDEPTH, Accra, Ghana, 2009. [Accepted for publication]
  1. Angeles G, Al-Sabir A, Lance P, Buckner B, Streatfield PK, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, El Arifeen S, Akter T, Talukder K, Talukder S, Naved R, Bhadra S, Bhuiya A, Baumgartner J. Bangladesh Urban Health Survey 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Chapel Hill, NC, USA; NIPORT, ICDDR,B, MEASURE Evaluation, and ACPR, 2008. ISBN 978-0-9842585-7-4.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Rahman MM. Health and Demographic Surveillance System-Matlab: Registration of health and demographic events 2006, Dhaka, ICDDR,B, 2008 (Vol. 40, Scientific Report 103) [ISBN: 978-984-551-293-0].
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Streatfield PK, Ahmed SM. MANOSHI Community Health Solutions in Bangladesh: Baseline Survey in Dhaka Urban Slums 2007, Dhaka, ICDDR,B, 2008 (Scientific Report No. 104) [ISBN: 978-984-551-300-5].
  1. Kamal N, Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Education and Women’s Empowerment in Bangladesh, Dhaka, Centre for Health, Population, and Development (CHPD) - Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), 2006 (CHPD Working Paper 11).
  1. Kamal N, Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Population Projection In: Section 6, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) Report on Bangladesh: Phulbari Coal Project, Dhaka, SMEC, 2006, (vol. 4).
  1. Razzaque A, Streatfield PK, Karar Zunaid Ahsan. Health interventions and health equity,Equity Dialogue, 2004, 2(2): 2.
  1. Streatfield PK, van Mels C, Razzaque A, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Bhuiya A, Khan MA, Chakraborty N, and Cleland J. Plateauing of the Bangladesh Fertility Decline. Report Commissioned by USAID Global Health briefing. Dhaka and London, USAID/Bangladesh, ICDDR,B, Dhaka University, and London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, 2004.

Peer reviewed articles

  1. Huda T, Khan JAM, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Jamil K, Arifeen SE. Monitoring and evaluating progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Bangladesh. PLoS Medicine, 11(9): e1001722, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001722.
  1. Arifeen SE, Hill K, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Jamil K, Nahar Q, Streatfield PK. Maternal mortality in Bangladesh: A countdown to 2015 country case study. Lancet, 30 June2014,DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60955-7.
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Streatfield PK, Jamil K, Arifeen SE. Progress towards the Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality (EPMM) target for Bangladesh: the role of female education. [Submitted for publication].
  1. Streatfield PK,Kamal N, Karar Zunaid Ahsan,Nahar Q. Early marriage in Bangladesh: Not as early as it appears. [Submitted for publication].
  1. Choudhury N, Moran AC, Alam AM, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Rashid SF, Streatfield PK. Beliefs and practices during pregnancy and childbirth in urban slums of Dhaka, Bangladesh. BMC Public Health, 2012, 12:791, DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-12-791, [ISSN: 1471-2458].
  1. Khan MM, Hotchkiss D, Dmytraczenko T, Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Use of Balanced Scorecard in strengthening health systems in developing countries: An analysis based on nationally representative Bangladesh Health Facility Survey. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 2012, DOI: 10.1002/hpm.2136 [ISSN: 1099-1751].
  1. Razzaque A, Nahar L, Mustafa AHMG, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Islam MS, Yunus M. Socio-demographic differentials of selected non-communicable diseases risk factors among adults in Matlab, Bangladesh: Findings from a WHO STEPS survey. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 2010, 23(2): 183-191 [ISSN: 1010-5395].
  1. Moran AC, Choudhury N, Khan NUZ,Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Wahid T, Rashed S, Alam MA.Newborn care practices among slum dwellers in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A quantitative and qualitative exploratory study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2009, 9(54),DOI:10.1186/1471-2393-9-54[ISSN: 1471-2393].
  1. Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Alam N, Streatfield PK. Epidemiological transition in rural Bangladesh, 1986-2006.Global Health Action, 2009, 2(1904), DOI: 10.3402/gha.v2i0.1904[ISSN: 1654-9880].
  1. Streatfield PK, Karar Zunaid Ahsan.Population Challenges for Bangladesh in the coming decades, Journal of Health, Population, and Nutrition, 2008, 26(3):261-272, [ISSN: 1606-0997].


  • Streatfield PK, Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2014) Resolving the denominator challenge for increasing effective coverage of urban health and related programmes : What can Tanahashi framework contribute?Presented in the Tanahashi Round Eight at BRAC Institute of Global Health, BRAC University, 20 February 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2014) Demographic and epidemiologic transitions in Bangladesh: from infectious to chronic diseases. Presented in the 2nd Global Conference on Community Health, 19-21 March 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Arifeen SE, Hill K, Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2013) Maternal Mortality in Bangladesh – A Case Study. Presented in the Accountability for Results: Keeping our promises for women and children, 22 September 2013, New York, USA.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2013) Role and scope of MIS in Monitoring & Surveillance Systems of HPNSDP. Presented in the 1stGlobal Conference on Community Health, 22 March 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Alam BB (2012) Public versus private sector: Where do the poor people seek healthcare in Bangladesh. Presented in the 2nd Global Symposium onHealth Systems Research, 31 October-03 November 2012, Beijing, China.
  • El-Saharty S, Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2011) Health Policy Reform Options of Human Resources for Health in Bangladesh: Meeting the population health needs by 2020. Presented in Health System Reform in Asia 2011 Conference, 9-12 December 2011, The University of Hong Kong, China.
  • Streatfield PK, Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2011) The world’s population has tripled in one lifetime: Status of Bangladesh in this high population growth environment. Presented in Centre Scientific Forum of ICDDR,B, 30 May 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  • Mahmud I, Karar Zunaid Ahsan,Claeson M (2011) Drug use among street children and adolescents in urban Bangladesh. Accepted in 22nd International Harm Reduction Association’s International Conference, 3-7 April 2011, Beirut, Lebanon.
  • Newman JL, Mbuya NV, Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2011) Managing cross-cutting actions for improved food and nutrition security. Presented in South Asia Food and Nutrition Initiative (SAFANSI) Seminar Series, 15 March 2011, Washington DC, USA.
  • Khan MM, Dmytraczenko T, Karar Zunaid Ahsan (2010) Performance of public health service delivery system in Bangladesh: Results from a nationally representative survey of health facilities. Presented in1stGlobal Symposium on Health Systems Research, 16-19 November 2010, Montreux, Switzerland.
  • Fotso JC, et al. on behalf of INDEPTH Fertility Group (2009) Fertility transition at INDEPTH sites in the developing world: Evidence from the health and demographic surveillance systems in Asia and Africa. Presented inXXVI IUSSP International Population Conference, 27 September – 02 October 2009, Marrakech, Morocco.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Bishop KA, Streatfield PK (2008) Role of HDSS in filling the Millennium Development ‘Holes’: Evidence from rural Bangladesh. Presented inINDEPTH@10: From Knowledge Generation to Improved Health Policy & Practice:8thAnnual General & Scientific Meeting, 22-26 September 2008, Dar es Salam, Tanzania.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Streatfield PK (2008) Demographic and health transitions in rural Bangladesh, 1988-2006. Presented inINDEPTH@10: From Knowledge Generation to Improved Health Policy & Practice:8thAnnual General & Scientific Meeting, 22-26 September 2008, Dar es Salam, Tanzania.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Li M, Streatfield PK (2007) Factors affecting the choice of safe delivery practices among pregnant women in Bangladesh.Presented inPartnerships in Achieving the Millennium Development Goals: 11th Annual Scientific Conference (ASCON), 4-6 March 2007, Dhaka.
  • Razzaque A, Streatfield PK, Karar Zunaid Ahsan(2005) Health intervention and health equity: Evidence from Matlab, Bangladesh.Presented in Population Association of America 2005 Annual Meeting Program, 31 March-2April 2005, Philadelphia.
  • Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Alam N, Razzaque A, Streatfield PK (2003) Healthcare seeking for childhood diseases: Does provision of high-quality service matters?Presented in 10th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), 7-9 December 2003,Dhaka.
  • Khan MA, Razzaque A, Karar Zunaid Ahsan, Mustafa AHMG, Streatfield PK (2003) Does sex preference really effect contraceptive behavior among married women in rural Bangladesh?Presented in10th Asian Conference on Diarrhoeal Diseases and Nutrition (ASCODD), 7-9 December 2003, Dhaka.


  • Successfully passed the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI)’s Human Research Curriculum for Social and Behavioral Research in March, 2013.
  • Participated in South AsiaRegional Course on Reproductive Health and Health Systems Strengthening held in Colombo during 22-28 April 2012, organized by the World Bank Institute.
  • Successfully passed the Trust Fund Accreditation Exam, organized by Trust Funds Learning and Accreditation Program of the World Bank, on 08 July 2011.
  • Completed Flagship Course on Health Sector Reform and Sustainable Financing during 7-11 March 2011 in Washington DC, conducted by the World Bank Group.
  • Participated in Regional Impact Evaluation Workshop – Evaluating the impact of Development Programs: Turning Promises into Evidence held in Kathmandu during 22-26 February 2010, organized by the World Bank.
  • Completed training course on Fundamentals of Bank Operations held inBangkokduring 11-13 February 2009, organized by Asia Learning Services, the World Bank.
  • Successfully completed web-based training course on Protecting Human Research Participants on29 October 2008, conducted by Office of Estramural Research, National Institute of Health (NIH), USA.
  • Obtained Human Subjects Certification (required for population researchers to conduct research/study involving human subjects) from New YorkUniversity’s Committee on Activities Involving Human Subjects in September 2006.
  • Completed course on Equity in Health, organized by World Bank Institute, James P. Grant School of Public Health, BRACUniversity and ICDDR,B, held in Dhakaduring 11–15 November 2007.
  • Participated in a technical course on INDEPTHMultilevel Modeling organized by African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC), held during 27–31 October 2003 in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Participated in the course on Measuring Poverty: Economic Dimensions, held during 29 June – 03 July 2003 in ICDDR,B, Dhaka. Prof. Mahmud Khan of Tulane University, USA, was the faculty of this course.
  • Worked as an internal faculty in international workshop on Health and Demographic Surveillance System and Longitudinal Data Analysis held during 19–30 January 2003 in Dhaka and Matlab.


Application Software: MS Word 2007, Excel 2007, Powerpoint 2007, Access 2007