Catapult Project
Purpose/Goals of the Project
Create a catapult or trebuchet that is:
o Functional
o Accurate
o Capable of shooting far
In order to achieve the highest grade possible, you need to create a catapult or trebuchet that shoots a super ball as far and accurately as possible. Points toward the project will be awarded for structural integrity, basis in established design, and accuracy. Length of fire and creativity in decoration will count as extra credit. The catapult can be made of any material you prefer, however you need to provide all materials. The catapult may be as small as you like, however, it must fit in the box with the lid closed. If is beneficial to you to have a catapult that fires the same distance every time.
The catapult must be at least 3m away from the nail in the middle of the pit when you fire it.
In order to get full points, you need to research construction of catapults. Yours should be based on designs which can be found by researching on the internet. You must provide websites to your resources as well as the names of the design or designs you have based your catapult on.
Points for accuracy are allotted as follows:
50 Hits the nail
45 In the pit, 20cm away or less from nail
40 In the pit, more than 20cm away from the nail
35 Within 1m from outer rim of pit
30 Within 2m from outer rim of pit
25 Catapult shoots, but is farther than 2m from pit.
0 Catapult does not shoot successfully
You will have 3 shots to attempts to hit a nail. Points will be allotted on how close your closest shot comes.
Grading Rubric
Fits in box / 25 / Creative decoration / 5
Stays together during shots / 20 / Shoots farthest in class / 5
Accuracy / 50 / Shoots farthest out of all classes / 10
References / 5
Teamwork / 25
TOTAL ______/125