2006 Fundamentals of Neurobiology, ZOO 3744

T/R 10:30-11:45

HPA 1-112

Professor:Dr. Cristina Fernandez-Valle

Phone # 882-2253/ email:

Office hours: Tues, Thurs: After class and by appointment any time

In Rm 128, Biomolecular Research Annex, Research Park

Course Description:

The course will be a comprehensive discussion of the nervous system including the cellular composition of the nervous system and the functions of each cell type, and the electrical and chemical communication used in the nervous system. How chemical synapses are linked to convey allow movement, touch, hearing and taste will be discussed. The limbic and enteric systems and how they are involved in emotions are discussed.

Course Objectives:

To develop an understanding of the basic organization of the nervous system.

To understand the function of the major cell types in the nervous system.

To understand the molecular and physical basis of electrical and synaptic transmission.

To understand pathways for sensation, movement, taste and hearing.

To learn the functions of the limbic system and emotional brain.

To learn the functions of the enteric nervous system

Required Text:Neurobiology Molecules, Cells and Systems, Gary Matthews, published by Blackwell Science.

Extra Credit Reading

Mental Illness Chapter; available on line Neuroscience; Exploring the Brain, 2nd Ed. Bears, Conners & Paradiso

Other Helpful Texts and WebLinks

Neuroscience; Exploring the Brain, 2nd Ed. Bears, Conners & Paradiso

published by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (copies on reserve in the library).

The Human Brain: An Introduction to Functional Anatomy, John Nolte

Neuroscience: Dale Purves


ZOO 3744 Fundamentals of Neurobiology Syllabus Spring 2006

Dr. Cristina Fernandez-Valle Page 2


Evaluations: 5 Exams plus a Final

Each exam including the final is worth 100 Points. The exams are multiple choice, matching,


EXTRA CREDIT: Extra credit question (s) will only be available on Exam 5 and will be based on assigned outside reading listed above and will be worth 30 points.

Grading: Total Possible Points500; A= >90% B= >80% C= >70%

Students with an “A” grade after 5 exams are exempt from the final.

Students taking the final exam can drop the lowest grade on Exams 1-5 or a missed exam.

Absences and Make-ups: Power points and lecture notes WILL BE provided to students on line. HOWEVER it is strongly advised that you attend lectures.

NO MAKE UP exams as the lowest grade or missed exam can be dropped AND YOU MUST TAKE THE FINAL.

Academic Honesty: Dishonesty during examinations is not tolerated and will be handled as described by UCF Golden Rule Handbook. See details provided on the last page of syllabus

Accomodations. The University of Central Florida is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for all persons with disabilities. Students who need accommodations must be registered with Student Disability Services (SDS), Student Resource Center Room 132, phone (407) 823-2371, TTY/TDD only phone (407) 823-2116, before requesting accommodations from the professor. Students who are registered with SDS and need accommodations in this course must contact the professor at the beginning of the semester to discuss needed accommodations. No accommodations will be provided until the student has met with the professor to request accommodations. This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request.

ZOO 3744 Fundamentals of Neurobiology Syllabus Fall 2006

Dr. Cristina Fernandez-Valle Page 3

Note: Assigned Chapters are in Matthews Text unless otherwise stated.

Week 1

Tues1-10Introduction to Neurobiology

Thurs 1-12Organization of the Nervous System

Week 2

Tues1-17: Brain

Thurs1-19Spinal Cord & NervesCranial and Peripheral/Structure

Other helpful information can be found at: Chapter 1 of Purves:Neuroscience


Week 3

Tues1-24ANSChapter 11

Thurs1-26 Cells and Structure of the Nervous System

Week 4

Tues1-31Exam 1

Thurs2-2Electrical Signalling: Membrane Potential; Nernst & Goldman Equations Chapter 3

Week 5

Tues2-7Action PotentialChapter 4

Thurs2-9Ion Channels: Voltage GatedChapter 4

Week 6

Tues2-14Exam 2

Thurs2-16 Chemical Signalling: Synapse; NMJChapter 5

Week 7

Tues2-21Neurotransmitters Chapter 6

Thurs2-23Neurotransmitters Receptors

Week 8

Tues2-28CNS Synapse

Thurs3-2 Synaptic Integration

ZOO 3744 Fundamentals of Neurobiology Syllabus Spring 2006

Dr. Cristina Fernandez-Valle age 4
Week 9

Tues3-7Exam 3

Thurs3-9HearingChapter 17

Week 10

Tues3-14Spring Break

Thurs3-16 Spring BreakChapter18

Week 11


Thurs2-23Gustation:TTChapter 13

Week 12

Tues3-28Exam 4Chapter 14

Thurs3-30Somatic Sensory Systems

Week 13

Tues 4-4Somatic Sensory Systems

Thurs 4-6Somatic Sensory Systems

Week 14

Tues4-11Limbic System:Primitive Brain:

Thurs 4-13 Emotions/ENS

Week 15

Tues4-18Exam 5

Thurs4-20 Exams Returned and Grades Computed

Optional Review

Week 16

Tues 4-25FINAL EXAMTuesday 10-12:50AM

* The topics and test dates can be changed at the instructor's discretion as the semester proceeds.

Academic Honesty: Cheating on exams or any other form of academic dishonesty is an offense that will be dealt with as outlined in the Golden Rule. The actual rules (from are as follows:

Academic Dishonesty/Cheating

a. Cheating is a violation of student academic behavior standards. The common forms of cheating include:

i. Unauthorized assistance: communication to another through written, visual, or oral means. The presentation of material which has not been studied or learned, but rather was obtained solely through someone else’s efforts and used as part of an examination, course assignment or project. The unauthorized possession or use of examination or course related material may also constitute cheating.

ii. Commercial Use of Academic Material: Selling notes, handouts, etc. without authorization or using them for any commercial purpose without the express written permission of the University and the Instructor is a violation of this rule.

iii. Plagiarism: whereby another’s work is used or appropriated without any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work is the student’s own.

iv. Any student who knowingly helps another violate academic behavior standards is also in violation of thes tandards. Violations of student academic behavior standards are outlined in The Golden Rule, the University of Central Florida’s Student Handbook. See for further details. For more information, please contact the Office of Student Conduct at 823-2851.

  1. Cheating whereby non-permissible written, visual or oral assistance including that obtained from another student is utilized on examinations, course assignments or projects. The unauthorized possession or use of examination or course related material shall also constitute cheating.
  2. . Plagiarism whereby another’s work is deliberately used or appropriated without any indication of the source, thereby attempting to convey the impression that such work is the student’s own. Any student failing to properly credit ideas or materials taken from another has plagiarized. 3. A student who has assisted another in any of the aforementioned breach of standards shall be considered equally culpable.

ACADEMIC ACTION * Taken by Instructor, Chair, or Dean of College*

  1. Counseling,
  2. Loss of credit for specific assignment, examination or project.

3. Removal from course with a grade of “F” and/or

CONDUCT REVIEW ACTION *Taken by the Office of Student Conduct*

  1. Warning
  2. Probation
  3. Suspension
  4. Expulsion
  5. Permanent conduct record with UCF accessible by other institutions by request.