Cyngor Cymuned LLANWDDYN Community Council


Held at Artisans, Llanwddyn on Monday 11th April 2016 at 7.00pm


Cllr R Herbert, Cllr P Graham, Cllr L Evans and Cllr D Thomas

Apologies for Absence (001)

CCllr D Mayor

Declaration of Interests (002)


Minutes of Last Meeting (003)

It was RESOLVED by council that the Minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2016 was a true record. Minutes were then signed by the Chairman.

Matters arising (004)

a. A letter of update was read to the council from Severn Trent Water which included:

(1) Meeting between Severn Trent and RSPB for Heritage Lottery Fund.

(2) Tree safety work around the lake.

b. (Min 192) Mr E Davies has confirmed he will Mole catch for the coming year.

Service Delivery (005)


Update from Powys County Councillor (006)

No Update given.

Highways (007)

Council were informed that on the B4393 the culvert is blocked at Ty Uchaf (Lake View Tea Rooms) junction and is causing flooding on the road.

Council RESOLVED to ask CCllr Mayor to arrange a Highways meeting with council to highlight physically the condition of road in council area. Clerk to Action.

Wiring of Old TV System (008)

Letters of concern about the old wiring of the TV system have been received by Council. Council RESOLVED to speak with Mr G Alfred to cut down wire from various houses, to be completed with the next month. Report of work to be reported at next meeting.

Correspondence (009)

Letter from One Voice Wales- Agenda – Noted by Council

E Mail from Knight Frank – To be brought forward as an agenda item at the next meeting. Action Clerk

Letter from Maintenance Contractors Ltd – Council RESOLVED to accept MCO s contract for the next 12 months. Action Clerk

Planning (010)

P/2016/0346 application to display 3 no fascia signs, 2 no secondary signs, 1 no window vinyl and 1 no double sided petrol stanchia sign, all non-illuminated at Dafarn Newydd, Llanwddyn. Council RESOLVED to support application.

Quarterly Bank Reconciliation Report (011)

Council RESOLVED to accept the Quarterly report as presented to council.

Internal Audit (012)

Council RESOLVED to accept Mr Graham Smith as internal auditor for 2015/16 audit.

Finance (013)

Bank Statements figures: Current Account: £ 875.23

Deposit Account: £ 6048.65


Wages & Expenses for Clerk £101.09

HMRC PAYE £22.57

Zurich Insurance £579.98

It was RESOLVED by council that the invoices and payments be honoured.

Reports from Representatives (014)


Members Points of Information (015)

It was requested that the inspection of the goal posts on the Community Field to be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Action Clerk

Concern was expressed by council over the safety of a dead tree next to the toilets on the Vyrnwy Road. Council will write to Powys CC with their concerns. Action Clerk

The next meeting (AGM followed by Ordinary) will be held in Artisan on Monday 9 May 2016 at 7.00pm.

Signed …………………………………………(Chair) Date ………………………………..