MINUTES (approved February 25, 2015)

A meeting of the Heritage Toronto Board was held on Wednesday January 28, 2015, St. Lawrence Hall, 3rd floor meeting room

PRESENT: Alexandria Pike, Chair John Belyea Jeffrey Clayman

Ross Fair Patrick Forster Tyler Greenleaf Andrew Himel Viviana Laperchia Paul Litt Donald Loucks Kate Marshall Barbara McPhail Peter Ortved Brent Pearlman Mark Warrack

REGRETS: Andrew Jeanrie Deborah Lechter Tanzeel Merchant Elizabeth Philbert Kevin Plummer Councillor Sarah Doucette Councillor John Filion

Councillor Mary Fragedakis Councillor Mike Layton

ALSO PRESENT: Karen Carter, Executive Director

Karen Czaniecki, Administrator

Stacey Rodas, Director of Marketing

Kaitlin Wainwright, Director of Programming

Nancy Luno, Program Coordinator

Michelle Ridout, Plaques and Markers Coordinator

Alexandria Pike, Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:10 pm


No conflict of interest was declared for the meeting on January 28, 2015.



John Belyea moved, seconded by Tyler Greenleaf that the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Heritage Toronto on November 19, 2014 be adopted as circulated.



1.1  Letter of resignation – Allan Penning

Ms Pike said the letter of resignation from Allan Penning was received on December 17, 2014.

1.2  Letter of Resignation – Darren Wasylucha

Ms Pike also received a communication from Darren Wasylucha informing her that due to work commitments he regretted having to resign from the Board.

1.3  Chair's remarks

Ms Pike said we are glad Karen Carter has returned from her leave and that staff had fared well during her absence. Ms Carter’s final day as Executive Director is February 6th. A report regarding the selection process will be given by Kate Marshall in the Executive Committee section of the Agenda.

Ms Pike reminded the Board that all first term Board members who wish to serve a second term are required to re-apply through the nomination process at the city and that the deadline for applications is February 27th.

Kate Marshall will take over as Board Chair at the next meeting of the Board. (Motion HT14-32, Sept. 17, 2014). That will leave an opening on the Executive Committee for Vice-chair. The Executive will be speaking with Board members who had expressed an interest in this position.


2. Audit and Finance Committee

2.1 Heritage Toronto Financial Statements to December 31, 2014 (pre-audit draft)

John Belyea, Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee presented the draft statements to the Board. Mr. Belyea advised that the statements are not the final numbers but he does not expect significant material changes. Mr. Belyea reviewed each program area individually in detail. The final year-end statements and transfers from funds will be tabled at the March 11th meeting of the Board prior to the audit.

The Finance Committee had planned to deliver the preliminary 2015 Budget at this meeting, however the Committee decided further work was required for them to meet their objective to bring forward a balanced budget that is a realistic picture for 2015. For that purpose an additional Board meeting has been called for Wednesday February 25, 2015, 6 pm City Hall, Committee Room 4 to present the Budget.

This report was received for information and discussion.

2.2 Finance Committee Minutes – November 17, 2014

Mr. Belyea presented the minutes from the Finance Committee meeting on November 17, 2014.

The minutes were received for information and discussion.

3 Executive Committee

3.1 Approval of Heritage Toronto Board Nominating Panel

Ms Pike presented the report outlining the requirement for the Board to approve a Nominating Panel that will determine a short-list from the applicants, conduct interviews and recommend nominations as directed by the City of Toronto, Public Appointments Policy which governs appointments to the city agencies and boards. The Executive Director’s role with the nominations is to advise and consult.


Jeffrey Clayman moved, seconded by Patrick Forster that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the Nominating Panel for the Heritage Toronto Board nominations for the term from 2015 – 2018 as follows: Peter Ortved, Past Chair; Tanzeel Merchant, member of Heritage Toronto Board (not returning); Gee Chung, representative from Heritage Toronto’s membership; Councillor Sarah Doucette; Councillor John Filion; Councillor Mary Fragedakis, and Councillor Mike Layton.


3.2 Executive Director Search

Kate Marshall thanked John Belyea, Andrew Himel and Tyler Greenleaf for participating in the interview process for the new Executive Director. Ms Marshall also thanked Alexandria Pike for help with the committee and the initial vetting of the applications.

Ms Marshall is pleased to report that the Executive Director search has been successful and that the individual has been identified. More will follow by email shortly.

Ms Pike thanked the hiring committee for their work. Ms Pike also mentioned that Karen Carter has graciously offered to do a transition with the new person.

4 Executive Director

4.1 Verbal Report

Karen Carter thanked the Board for the opportunities at Heritage Toronto. Ms Carter recognized that it is important for her to be available to meet with the new Executive Director.

In her new Museum of Toronto position she will be building on things that have happened at Heritage Toronto and will keep in touch.

Ms Pike thanked Ms Carter for putting Heritage Toronto on the map by making us more visible and giving us better outreach that covers a broader demographic.

5 Programming Committee

5.1 Report on Heritage Toronto Awards Nominations Forms

Patrick Forster, Chair of the Programming Committee presented the revised nomination forms for the Heritage Toronto Awards 2015.

The forms have been vetted and approved at the Committee.

The revised nomination forms were received for information and discussion.

5.2 In Camera: Candidates for the William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture 2015-2016

Mr. Forster requested that the Board move In Camera to discuss the Committee’s recommendations for individuals to be invited as speakers for the upcoming William Kilbourn Memorial Lectures.


Andrew Himel moved, seconded by Donald Loucks that the Heritage Toronto Board move In Camera (closed) to discuss future speakers for the William Kilbourn Memorial Lecture, as the discussion will contain personal information about identifiable individuals.


Following the discussion, the Board moved out of In Camera.

The discussion had been for information only and no motion was required.

5.3 Minutes from the Programming Committee meeting – December 8, 2014

Mr. Forster presented the minutes from the December 8, 2014 Programming Committee meeting, briefly highlighting the Weston Family grant. There will be a lot of work getting the Earl Bales project up and running. The Black History Month programming has been very well received and the venue will be full with additional access being offered remotely through a partnership with the NFB's virtual classroom.

The minutes were received for information and discussion.

Mr. Forster informed the Board that he is stepping down as Chair of the Programming Committee and is pleased to announce that Andrew Himel is taking his place.

Ms Pike thanked Mr. Forster for his hard work and leadership on the Programming Committee.

6 Plaques and Markers Committee

Ross Fair, Chair of the Plaques and Markers Committee asked Michelle Ridout to present the review of the 2014 program.

6.1 Presentation – 2014 Plaques and Markers Review

Ms Ridout gave a Powerpoint presentation of the 2014 Plaques and Markers program using the same parameters of analysis as the program review at the previous meeting. Those metrics are: 1. Are we increasing participation?; 2. Are we reaching new audiences?; and 3. Are we increasing revenues? This review was received for information and discussion and is available upon request.

6.2 Approval of four Commemorative Plaques Subjects

Dr. Fair presented the Board with the Committee report recommending four new commemorative plaques and detailed staff reports for each project for discussion and approval.


Ross Fair moved, seconded by Patrick Forster that the Heritage Toronto Board approve the following four Commemorative Plaque projects:

·  Sir John A. Macdonald

·  Gwendolyn MacEwen and Milton Acorn

·  Sunlight Park

·  Wong Association of Ontario


7 Marketing/Communications Committee (MarComm)

7.1 MarComm Committee Update

Kate Marshall, Chair of the MarComm Committee presented a report updating the Board on MarComm Committee activities. Ms Marshall advised that the media briefing for the State of Heritage Report will take place on February 24th. At that time the report will go up on the website and on social media. The Black History Month Mentorship Panel will take place at Daniels Spectrum on February 19th. As mentioned in the Programming report, the program has been well received and the venue will be full.

The report was received for information and discussion.

8 Fund Development Committee

8.1 Information Update

Brent Pearlman presented the report updating the Board on Fund Development Committee activities. Mr. Pearlman advised that he has taken on the role of Interim Fund Development Chair. The Committee is committed to finding new avenues to raise funds. Mr. Pearlman will be working to connect major Toronto Real Estate Brokerage firms with Heritage Toronto's awards and tours programs.

Mr. Pearlman asked Board members who have new fund sources to contact Courtney Boost in the office.

The report was received for information and discussion.


The Cultural Landscape Foundation

Peter Ortved updated the Board on The Cultural Landscape Foundation Conference which is being held in Toronto on Friday May 22nd and is titled Making and Managing Toronto's 21st Century Landscape. This conference takes place on the Friday prior to the Doors Open weekend and ends on Monday with a follow up meeting with the City of Toronto to develop policy to further the interests discussed at the conference, including heritage in regard to landscape and open space in Toronto.

Link to the Program - http://tclf.org/sites/default/files/microsites/toronto2015/schedule.html .


The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Alexandria Pike, Chair