Returning to Education
Session 2 – Worksheet C – Thinking About It
Why do you want to return to education? (You may tick more than one)
To get a better jobTo earn more money
To learn new things
To change careers
I just want a change / Family/friends tell me that I should
To get out of the house/socialise more
I just wanta qualification
To do something useful with my time
Other reason: ______
Are there things that you think might get in the way? (You may tick more than one)
Problems reading, writing or spellingProblems with maths
I hated school / I didn’t like studying
I’m not clever enough / I might fail
I am too old
I have no I.T. or computer skills
I am too shy / I don’t like groups / There are no colleges near me
I can’t afford it
I would not fit in
I’m too busy / not enough time
I don’t know how to get in to college
What types of things mighthelp you reach your goals? (You may tick more than one)
Improving reading, writing, spellingGetting better at maths
Studying in a place other than school (such as college or university)
Learning how to study again
Being able to study in a class with other adults (not school-leavers)
Learning some computing skills
Finding out if I have a learning disability (such as dyslexia)
Being able to study on my own (not in a classroom) / Money to pay fees
Finding a college near me / convenient
Having a friend to go to classes with
Having support from family/friends
Finding out how to apply to college
Getting some advice on what to study
Taking a course just for fun (no marks)
Getting help with child care
Something else______
What would be your first step if you decided to return to education?
I want to get help with reading, writing, spelling or numbers first
I would contact a friend or family member who knows something about college
I would contact an education service (such as Learn Direct Scotland)
I would ask at a community centre near me
I would contact a college directly
I would contact someone else: ______
Thinking about your first step, how would you prefer to make contact?
I would prefer to make a telephone call
I would drop-in to the college to collect information, not to speak to anyone
I would make an appointment to visit the college so that I could speak to someone in person
I would prefer to visit a college web site to collect information
I would prefer to send an email to the college
I would rather ask a friend to contact the college for me
Other: ______
Optional: You may leave the rest of this form blank if you wish. However, if you would like more information about returning to education, fill in the information below and return it to your advisor, who will forward it to the Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAP). Alternatively, you may contact SWAP directly on 0141 553 2471 or by email:
Your name: ______Your age: ______
Post code (first part): ______(e.g. G20)
Contact telephone number: ______
Return to:
Scottish Wider Access Programme (SWAPWest)
City of Glasgow College, Allan Glen’s Campus
Central Business Learning Zone (208)
190 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G4 0ND
The Scottish Wider Access Programme (West and Central Scotland Consortium) is a registered Scottish Charity, No. SC025833