Minutes of meeting held on 28September 2017 at BreconCarreg Room, CISS


John Elward (Chairman & South Rep), Sue Hooper (Starter/Marksman Rep), Brian Alvey (Timekeeper Rep), Donald Melrose (West Rep), Olive Dobson (Walking Rep), Lynette Harries (WA President), JoyceTomala (General Council T & F ), Jeff Marsden (Photofinish Rep), Dave Jessett (Field Rep), Tom Marley (Education & Training) and Alan Currie (Track Rep)


None were given


Representatives had been sent lists of available officials in advance of the meeting and had made their recommendations for chiefs and others for the forthcoming indoor season. These were discussed and a small number of changes made. A question was raised as to the appointment of track assessors for major meetings. None were made due to the shortage of officials but the point was noted for future reference.


A number of officials indicated their non-availability for the foreseeable future, for a number of reasons: Jason Clifton & Linda Cushing (health reasons), Paul Nash (taking up residence in the USA for an unspecified period), Stuart Hodson & Dave Llewellyn (family reasons) and Ross Vince (travel concerns).


Alan Currie mentioned two incidents during the season when races were started with the track officials not being ready for them. Current practice is for starter to confirm that timekeepers are ready with no confirmation from track officials. If races are started ahead of the scheduled time it is imperative that all affected officials are aware of this so that positions can be taken up in time. A starting protocol involving track officials would be an advantage.


Tom Marley informed the meeting that the Welsh Athletics Officials Conference will take place at the Park Hotel, Cyncoed on Saturday 2 December. The programme has not yet been decided but initial thoughts are that the morning session should be in the form of conference and the afternoon session education based. Suggestions and ideas from senior officials are invited. It was suggested that the educational aspect should involve a practical session based at the track.


John Elward indicated that he will be standing down as Committee Secretary and that a new Secretary will need to be elected at the Welsh Athletics AGM. Any interested parties should inform the WA office of their availability.


Joyce Tomala spoke on the urgent need for change and compromise in the arranging of fixtures in Wales. The number of fixtures and the length of the programmes is a cause for concern. There is a general reluctance to change but it is the view of the competition review panel that the current situation is unsustainable. A major concern is officials’ welfare, especially with the diminishing number of active officials available. Differing views were expressed on the need to reduce the number of fixtures.

It is intended to appoint an independent chair and a secretary for the Welsh Junior Leagues in South Wales. The individual concerned would be responsible for dealing with the finances of the leagues. The junior leagues would also benefit from the appointment of an officials’ co-ordinator, who would sit on the Officials Committee.

The Welsh fixtures conference will be held on 22 October at the Coldra Hotel, Newport.

The next meeting of the Competition Review Group will be held on 11 November.


Due to John Elward’s non-availability, Alan Currie had represented the Officials Committee on the most recent meeting of General Council. The question of numbers and duration of fixtures was discussed at length.

The weekend of 21/22 October will include a clubs’ conference and presentation dinner on the Saturday and a coaches’ conference and fixtures conference on the Sunday.

There had been some discussion on the precise role of the General Council delegates, with the view of GC being that they were there to present the views of the committee, region or other body that they represent.

General Council should undertake a form of self-analysis and a proposal on this point is planned. It was recommended that all committees, regions, etc should make their own self analyses.


Lynette Harries agreed that the committee should make a self-analysis of its effectiveness or r otherwise. A forward looking plan needs to be devised and this should be an agenda item at the next meeting. The template devised by WynfordLeyshon could be used as a starting point.oint.


The minutes of the last meeting (27 April) had been circulated prior to the meeting. They were accepted as a true record. There were no matters arising.


John Elward said that the TESS starting system will be in use at the Welsh indoor championships. This is being trialed throughout the country as the request of UKA.

Tom Marley said that there had been 24 upgrades since the summer. Future courses/tutorials are planned for Health & Safety, Field Judging, Timekeeping, Track Judging and Assistant Starter.

Dave Jessett reported that all the officials who took part in the London 2017 World Championships have been invited to the WA Awards Dinner. He asked that the committee congratulate Sue Maughan on being appointed to the UK Field Events peer group.

Donald Melrose expressed concern over the condition of facilities at various tracks in Wales. Many are not maintained up to the required standard. He also suggested, in light of recent events, that a designated area be created in which protests could be dealt with, outside the public view. Alan Currie commented that disputes relating to the actual athletics events are dealt with by the appropriate referee only.

Malcolm Rogers has circulated a list of officials who have made themselves available for the World Indoor Championships in Birmingham in March 2018. Discipline representatives are asked to give their comments on the Welsh officials included in the list and pass them on to him, via John Elward.

Future meetings of the Officials Committee will be held on 26 October 2017, 25 January 2018, 22 February 2018 and 26 April 2018.