Last Saturday Coburg North had its first Farmer’s Market. Much preparation had been done by Melbourne Farmer’s Market and the Coburg North Community. It was a perfect day weather wise on Saturday and I think nearly everyone in Coburg decided to check out the new market. There was a great community atmosphere and you could see many people stopping for a chat in-between inspecting the lovely fresh produce for sale. The parents and students from 1B were the first to be on duty at the Pancake Stall and the gate. They did a tremendous job making and selling the pancakes and collecting donations on the gate.

The money collected on the gate each week will go towards targeted projects. Currently we are raising funds to finish off our Music Room extension. An arch way has been put in and some windows installed but we need to be able to finish off the walls and ceiling and paint the room. Further down the track Stephen is hoping to install a sound studio at the far end of the room. On Saturday we collected over $2000 on the gate so this is a great start for us. The money raised at the pancake stall each week will be spent on resources for the grade that is running the stall.

Helen Zull

The P&F would like to give a very big thank you to all those who came to the market, promoted the market to friends and family, and who volunteered on the gate and pancakestall. Volunteers were primarily from1Bwith a few other helpers. Thankyou to ourbucket holders;1B Parents and siblings: Luke &Tilda,Pete & Daniel, 1B's teacher Sebastian, KirstieImogen from Prep A,and 1B Parents: Tim & Chris. Thankyou to our 1B pancake chefs: Tariq & Yahya, Jo & Chloe, Liz & Emma, Kalissa & Frankie, Meredith & Logan, Anya & Ella,and Maddie.And our pancake making ring ins: Sandy & Polly, Owen, and Amelia.The market raised just under $2,500 for the school which is absolutely fantastic.The next market will be held on Saturday 11th Mayfrom 8:00am - 1:00pm and we encourage everyone to continue supporting this fabulous addition to our school and community. P&F Committee


The Parent’s and Friends Group are running a Mother’s Day Stall on Thursday 9th May. Each grade and child will have the opportunity throughout the day to visit the stall and purchase something if they wish.

All gifts are handmade, either by the P&F group or sourced locally, and will range in price between $2 and $8.

Please send your child along with a few coins if you wish for them to purchase something on the day.


On Sunday the Junior School Council representatives attended the ANZAC March, in memory of the soldiers who fought in World War 1. The march began at 10:00 at Olive Grove and concluded at the Rogers Reserve Cenotaph, where Junior School Council representatives laid a wreath. It was great to see many Junior School council members who represented the school in such an enthusiastic and positive manner. Thank you to all the parents who made this event a success.


Last Friday Night the Coburg Table Tennis club resounded with the sound of the Performance Choir as they sang beautifully at a special Anzac Day teams event.

I received many positive comments from the audience about the singing and the behaviour of our senior singers. Many people remarked on how many of the choir members are able to sing solo parts with great confidence. Well done!

Thanks to Cathy Thorpe for her help in organising the event. It’s great to sing at local community gatherings such as this one. The children enjoyed meeting the Mayor and hearing about the importance of Anzac Day.

Thanks also to students Ameila and Naomi who sang and played for the crowds at the Farmers market on Saturday.

I have had to cancel the Performance Choir’s planned involvement in the Boroondara Eisteddfod because I won’t be available. We’ll have to wait until next year. This means that the next job for the Performance Choir is with the school band at the “School of Rock” which will be in the last week of June. Stephen


On Friday the 26th of April, 25 people from Coburg North represented the school at the District Cross Country Championships at Harold Stevens Reserve. There were 10 other schools at the Cross Country. We had to get a bus to the track. It only took about 5-10 minutes. The kids that went to Cross Country this year were: Leena, Silvie, Aimee, Lauren, Sienna, Max P, Allae, Anthony, Fionn, Rupert, Metin, Sahr, Aria, Alex, Claudio, Oliver, Edwin, Hamish, Ikenna, Ahmad Hazim, Raydin, Kamal and Ethan. The only way to get through to the next stage was to come between 1st and 10th while the 11th to 15th place getters will be the emergencies. When we got there we had to go to an area where we had to cheer our school competitors and other school competitors. The 9/10 year old boys and girls ran 2KM while the 11 and 12/13 year old boys and girls had to run 3KM. First up to run was the 9/10 girls, even though none of them came first they all ran hard and they did very well. Up next was the 9/10 year old Boys, Everybody did well and Max (who came 10th) has gone through to the next level which is an excellent achievement. Next up was the 11 Year old girls but there was no girls from our school were in this event. So we moved on to the 11year old boys. None of them got through sadly, although they did their best. Finally the 12 year old boys, there was only 1 boy in this event and that was Ethan, he ended up coming first which is a great achievement. The people that will be going through to the next stage are Ethan and Max. Hopefully they will do well. Thank you to all the parents and teachers who came to support us at this event and we hope that more kids from our school can do this more often. From Ethan P

Thoughts fromMax P Grade 3/4 A

We caught a bus with Coburg West Primary school and arrived early at the race track. The cross country course was really big and intimidating. The over tens and up had to run a longer course which was two laps and 3km and the tens and under had to run two laps which was 2 km. The course had a huge hill that we had to climb which was tough. We got to run past the crowd that cheered us on which was loud and encouraging. Lots of parents came to support us and helped to make Coburg North Primary School one of the loudest!

Everyone tried their very best. They were all tired after the first lap but no-one in the whole team stopped running. All the students completed their races. Some individuals did extremely well. Ethan came first in the 12 year olds race and received a medal and is going to try out for the finals. Max P also came in the top ten for the under 10’s. He is going to the finals as well.


Coburg North is the lucky recipient of a new aqua bubbler. This was given to the school by Yarra valley water. Jenny from Yarra Valley water spoke to the students at assembly on Monday about the importance of being hydrated. We have some good quality drink bottles from Yarra Valley Water that we had to purchase for our ‘free’ aqua bubbler. We are selling them through the office for $4 (cost price)


On Monday 13th May from 8.45 to 9.45am (with a break for assembly), a second-hand uniform stall will be held in the hall. All items $2.

You can donate any clean used items of uniform by placing them in the basket in the office.


Fully paid Uniform orders will be accepted at any time but if parents need to view or try on samples the Uniform Shop will be open

Mondays: 3.00 - 3.45 pm & Fridays: 8.45 -9.15am

Orders will be sent off twice a week on Tuesdays & Fridays.


Parents please see attached to this newsletter a Term 2 Lunch Order Menu which has some minor changes.


ICT (Information Communications Technology)

ICT Blog: Latest additions to the blog include student examples of

  • Year 4 ‘Picture Book Maker’
  • Year Foundation ‘Spirals’
  • Year Foundation ‘Microsoft Paint: Brushes’
  • Year Foundation ‘Microsoft Paint: Shapes’

Studyladder: To see this weeks set tasks, check it out on the ICT blog.

Congratulations for being personally responsible by completing on-time, the
Set 10 English and Mathematics tasks. /
01 / Daniel M; Jordan Z.
02 / Caden B; Lauren S; Sienna S.
03 / Nicolas P; Anthony R; Aaron S; Browen S; Yathrib T.
04 / Sayo D.
05 / Naomi B; Stefanie M; Sophie R; Oscar S.
06 / Aliyah M.

Zondle: New quizzes and badges added this week.

Badge / Quiz / Year Levels / Badge / Quiz / Year Levels
/ MS Word: Font Group / 3+ / / Water Cycle / 2+

Mrs Roberts


Student / Grade / Right/Responsibility / As demonstrated by:
Hadi / 2B / Personally responsible / By improving his fluency and expression in reading.
Sienna / 2B / Communally responsible / By being a supportive team member in the classroom.
Aristotle / 1B / Personally responsible - work. / Helping his classmates to do as much work as possible.
Tarun / 34A / Personally responsible - work. / Settling in so well at your new school.
Aby / PA / Personally responsible - work / Trying her best with all her work.
Annie / PB / Personally responsible - work / Always doing her best work.
Alice / 3/4B / Personally responsible - work / Writing a very persuasive writing piece
Jai / 3/4B / Communally responsible / Supporting others in their learning tasks whenever they need help

Coburg North Primary Preschool Story Time 2013

Every Thursday morning from 9:00am until 10:00am in the Community Room.

Come along and join in with stories, music, dance, play and craft activities.

Meet other parents and children in your local area. This session is free and is run by our prep teachers.

Ring the school on 9354 1660 for more detail


9 / School Council
10 / Interschool Sport V St Bernard’s away
11 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market - Grade 1B
17 / Interschool Sport V Coburg at home
22 / Open Day at Coburg North Primary
Evening Prep Information Session for 2014 @7:00PM
23 / Pupil Free Day
24 / Interschool Sport V Moreland away
25 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade Prep A
7 / Interschool Sport V St Bernards at home
8 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market - Grade Prep A
10 / Queen’s Birthday Holiday
22 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 1A
25 / Junior School Parent Teacher Interviews
26 / Senior School Parent Teacher Interviews
27 / School Council Meeting
28 / Last day of term 2 2:30 dismissal
13 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 1A
15 / First day of term 3
27 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade Prep B
10 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade Prep B
24 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 3/4 A
14 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 3/4 A
20 / Last day of term 3
28 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market - Grade 2A
7 / First day of term 7
12 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 2A
26 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 3/4B
9 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 3/4B
23 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 5/6A
14 / Coburg North Farmer’s Market – Grade 2B
Bunnings BBQ
20 / Last day of term 4 1:30 dismissal


Yard supervision from: 8:45am to 9:00am

Recess and Lunch

3:30pm -3:45pm After 3.45 any students not picked up will be taken to the Office to be collected from there.

Parents that cannot pick their children up on time are recommended to enrol them in the After School program.

What’s on at Moreland City Libraries

May - July 2013

Premiers Reading Challenge covered in stickers!

The 2013 PRC has started up and your local Moreland City Library service has it covered. Covered in stickers that is. There is no need to search through pages and pages of listed books hoping to find them on the shelf. Books from each reading level, from Kindergarten to Year 10, are clearly marked with a colour appropriate sticker, to make it easy to identify books at the level you need. Come in to one of the libraries and make reading for your child as easy as... A B C.


National Simultaneous Storytime

Wednesday 22 May

Brunswick, Coburg, Fawkner, Campbell Turnbull

Join us at 4 of our libraries for NSS as we Celebrate Library and Information Week. ‘The Wrong book’ by Nick Bland will be read in libraries, kindergartens and schools all over Australia. The reading of this hilarious book will be followed by a craft activity. No bookings are required.

National Reconciliation Week 27 May- 3 June

To mark National Reconciliation Week all five Moreland City Libraries will be holding storytimes with themes relating to Indigenous culture. Come and join us.

10.30 am Thursday - Brunswick Library

10.30 am Friday – Coburg Library

11.30 am Wednesday - Campbell Turnbull Library

11.30 am Wednesday – Fawkner Library

10.30 am Monday - Glenroy Library

Brunswick Library Coburg Library Campbell Turnbull

233 Sydney Road, Cnr. Louisa and Victoria Street. 220 Melville Road

Brunswick Coburg West Brunswick

phone: 9389 9600 phone: 9353 4000 phone: 9384 9200

Glenroy Library Fawkner Library

737 Pascoe Vale Road Jukes Road

Glenroy Fawkner

phone: 8311 4100 phone: 9355 4200

1 01/05/2013