APPENDIX 1: Portfolio of Permitted Awards3

Title Abbreviation Suggested Abbreviation


Certificate of Higher Education CertHE CHE

Diploma in Higher Education DipHE DHE

Advanced Diploma in Higher Education ADipHE ADip

Bachelor’s Degree in Arts BA (Ord) BA

Bachelor’s Degree in Science BSc (Ord) BSc

Bachelor’s Degree in Technology BTech (Ord) BTech

Bachelor’s Degree in Social Science BSocSci (Ord) Bss

Bachelor’s Degree in Education BEd (Ord) BEd

Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce BCom (Ord) BCom

Bachelor’s Degree in Business Admin BBA (Ord) BA Business Admin.

Bachelor of Arts with Honours BA (Hons) BA (Hons.)

Bachelor of Science with Honours BSc (Hons) BSc (Hons)

Bachelor of Technology with Honours BTech (Hons) BTech (Hons)

Bachelor of Social Science with Honours BSocSci (Hons) BSs (Hons)

Bachelor of Education with Honours BEd (Hons) Bed (Hons)

Bachelor of Commerce with Honours BCom (Hons) BCom (hons)

Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery BMS (Hons) MBChB (Hons) or MBBS

(with Honours)

Bachelor of Business Administration BBA (Hons) BA Business Admin (Hons)


Master of Engineering MSc Engineering

Master of Science MSc

Master of Technology MTech

Master of Computing MSc Computer Science

Master of Science in Information Systems MSc Information Systems

Master of Business Administration MBA


Post Graduate Certificate4 PgC

Post Graduate Certificate of Education4 PGCE

Post Graduate Certificate of Teaching PGCHE

and Learning in Higher Education4

Post Graduate Diploma PgD

Master of Science4 MSc

Master of Arts4 MA

Master of Social Science4 MSs

Master of Education4 MEd

Master by Research MA in Research

Master of Philosophy MPhil (Taught – named subject – or by research)

Master of Letters MLitt (Taught – named subject – or by research)

Masters in Professional Practice MProf (By Learning Contract)

Doctor of Philosophy PhD (By thesis)

Doctor of Philosophy PhD (previously produced work)

Doctorate in Professional Practice Prof D (By Learning Contract)

Honorary Degrees

Master of the University/Institute MUniv/MInst

Doctor of Science DSc

Doctor of Letters DLitt

Doctor of Technology DTech

Doctor of the University/Institute DUniv/DInst

Doctor of Laws LLD

Honorary Fellowship


CPD Certificate CpdC

CPD Diploma CpdD

CPD Advanced Diploma CpdAD

CPD Graduate Diploma CpdGD

CPD Postgraduate Certificate CpdPgC

Certificate of Credit CC