Site Visit Detailed Agenda

This document provides the site visitor with a detailed approach to the three-day site visit in support of deployment training for VistA Scheduling Enhancements (VSE). Use this document in coordination with the facilitation kit materials to help site Super Users prepare for, deliver, and follow up on training.

Day 1:preparation

Meet with Super Users, Review Scheduler Training, and Practice

Introductions (30 minutes)

Get to know the Super Users through the following questions:

  • What’s your professional background?
  • Do you have training experience?
  • How do you feel about delivering the VSE End User Training?

You might share that training is a great skill to add to their personal toolkits.This program is training them to train, and they can apply that skill anywhere they go!

Discuss/Confirm Technical and Data Set-Up (30 minutes)

Technical and Data Set-Up is an immediate priority in case additional effort is required.Use the following questions to ensure set-up is complete.

  • Have you worked with your IT contact to ensure:
  • The internet is up and running in the training room?
  • The computers or laptops are set up and ready to go for training tomorrow?
  • The simulations can be accessed and played on the training room computers or laptops?
  • Does each Super User have test data to practice with tomorrow?
  • Does each Super User have a second test data set for the Hands-On Demonstration on Day 3?
  • How are interactions with OI&T as it relates to the test environment?

VSE Training ContentReview (1 hour)

During this portion of the day, work with the group to ensure they are comfortable with the training materials

•Review the Classroom and Training Preparedness checklist (1-6 Weeks Prior to Training section) with the Super Users to help

•Ask Super Users:

  • What questions do you have about the materials: Instructor Guide, workbook, presentation, simulations, etc.?
  • How did you tailor the training to match your site’s needs?
  • How did you update your instructor notes?
  • Who will be training which sections tomorrow?
  • Who will be the facilitator (driving the computer and providing support) during each section?

•Review the Training Classroom Tips checklist, Content Management section, to facilitate further discussion on the content, as needed

Level of PreparationDiscussion (1 hour)

During this portion of the day, work with the group to ensure they are well-prepared for delivery. Use this discussion in part to complete the preparation portion of the Super User Competencies Checklist for each Super User.

•Ask Super Users:

  • Did you use the Site Visit and End User training Task List?
  • If so, are all items complete? If they are not complete, what is still outstanding and what can we do to address those items?
  • If not, why not? What process did you use to ensure make sure everything is ready so training can go smoothly?
  • Are all items from the Classroom and Training Preparedness, the Day Prior to Training section complete?
  • If not, what is still outstanding and what can we do to address those items?
  • What challenges did you run into while preparing? How did you work around the problems?

•Discuss the participants for tomorrow’s class and the audience in general. Refer to the Training Tracking form or TMS roster to provide specific participant names to prompt discussion, if needed. Ask the following:

  • What is theirlevel of experience?
  • Are they enthusiastic about VSE coming out?
  • What challenges might they present?
  • In discussing challenges, encourage discussion of solutions or mitigation strategies. Potential speaking points to overcome resistance may include:
  • Discuss all the positives of using a GUI (color-coded, simpler, consolidated actions)
  • Explain thatmultiple schedules can displayin a single view
  • Scheduling and rescheduling appointments are now simplified through a few mouse clicks instead of a myriad of VistA screens
  • Explain that the system can record their efforts and capture their workload
  • Explain that comments track with a request/appointment through reschedules, etc.
  • Explain that notes and remarks remain with the patient’s information
  • Encourage the students to begin quickly, so they can become experts quickly

Lunch (30 minutes)

Practice Delivery Session with Trainers (3 hours 30 minutes)

Dedicate the afternoon to the Super Users completing a dry run of the training delivery. Use the Super User Competencies Checklist to mark your observations for each Super User.

•Ask all of the Super Users to refer to the Training Classroom Tips document and the Super User Competencies Checklist to take notes on each other’s delivery and make recommendations during the wrap-up

•Have theSuper Users practice by delivering their assigned section of the four-hour VSE End User Training

•Act as or assign others to act as trouble-makers during delivery, ensuring an opportunity to observe each Super User handling a difficult situation. Consider the following:

  • Socializer – person holding side conversations or on phone
  • Nay-sayer – person who does not want to use system or see processes change
  • Know-It-All – person who has to add on to everything the instructor says
  • Multi-Tasker – person responding to email, looking at phone, and doing other work during class
  • Riddler – person who asks questions constantly, some of which will be addressed momentarily
  • Woe-Is-Me – person who doesn’t believe they can understand or complete a task, doesn’t want to try

Debriefing from Practice Delivery Session (1 hour)

The last hour of the day is for the Super Users to provide each other with feedback and for you to provide some pointers as well.

  • Ask the Super Users to share their observations about their own and other Super User’s training
  • Share your high level observations about each Super User’s training, emphasizing points that should be addressed prior to class tomorrow
  • Note what advice you provided so you may look for improvement in that area when assessing the Super Users’ delivery the next day
  • Discuss how to resolve or prevent to any errors or misunderstandings that occurred during delivery
  • Confirm who will be completing set up in the morning and the agreed upon time for all Super Users to be present

Day 2:Delivery

Set Up (1 hour)

The first hour of the day is for completing all final preparations for training delivery.

•Ensure OI&T support is available

•Ask the Super Users if they have any questions you can answer to help them feel more comfortable

•Prompt the Super Users to use the Classroom and Training Preparedness Checklist (The Day of Training and As and After Participants Arrive sections) to support getting ready

•Provide any final reminders or tips based on the practice run

Super Users Train the Schedulers (4 hours)

During the training delivery, focus on your role as an observer and supporter. Avoid undermining the Super Users’ credibility with the trainees.

Site Visit Detailed Agenda1

•Mark your observations for each Super User on the Super User Competencies checklist

  • Enter skill levels for Super User delivery as you are able to support review with Super Users tomorrow

•Note any overarching trends, positive or negative, to discuss during the debriefing

•Identify delivery challenges for the group to discuss

•Provide support, if asked by a Super User

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Lunch (30 minutes)

High-Level Debrief (1 hour)

This time is reserved for larger discussions of the training (e.g. not individual Super User performance). Consider using general groupings to organize everyone’s impressions, like “Good, Bad, and Ugly” or “Went well, Could be better, Must fix.”

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•Discuss the positives

  • Ask Super Users to share
  • Share your observations, including stand-out moments

•Discuss the average items

  • Ask Super Users to share
  • Share your observations

•Discuss the negatives

  • Ask Super Users to share
  • Share your observations, if needed, focusing the team on how they may resolve the negatives

•Respond to the Super Users’ questions

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Practice VSE in the Test Environment (2 hours)

The remainder of the afternoon focuses on the Super Users practicing in the test environment in preparation for their Hands-On Demonstrations.

  • Be prepared with extra copies of the Super UserCompetencies Checklist and the Practice Scenarios for those who need them
  • Circulate through the practice session, observing, noting the Competency Checklist and facilitating where needed
  • If a Super User is having trouble with a task, ask another Super User to coach the Super User needing clarification while you evaluate the Super User’s coaching (i.e. remediation) skills
  • Note observations on the coaching Super User’sCompetencies Checklist

•Enter skill levels into the Super User Competencies Checklist as you are able to support review with Super Users tomorrow

•Complete the Super User Hands-On Demonstration Schedule template to share with the Super Users tomorrow

Day 3:Follow-up

Practice, Hands-On Demonstrations and Feedback session, Next Steps

Continue Practice VSE in Test Environment (2 hours)

This morning continues with the Super Users practicing in the test environment in preparation for their Hands-On Demonstration.They should practice any areas that remain unclear to them and emphasize the tasks they will be asked to demonstrate in the test environment this afternoon.

  • Circulatethrough the practice session, observing, noting the Competency Checklist and facilitating where needed.
  • If a Super User is having trouble with a task, ask another Super User to coach the Super User needing clarification while you evaluate the Super User’s coaching (i.e. remediation) skills
  • Note observations on the coaching Super User’s Competencies Checklist
  • For those finished early, ask them to post a lesson learned, idea, or best practice to VA Pulse to reduce time spent during the following activity
  • Complete the Super User Competencies Checklist to the degree possible to prepare for the following activity

Super User Hands-On Demonstrations and Private Training Checkouts (5 hours)

Today is the culmination of the training and preparation the Super Users have been doing and their opportunity to shine. Support and encourage them in this process, asking for their thoughts on their performance in addition to providing them with reinforcing and redirecting feedback.

  • Hand out a Hands-On Demonstration schedule and explain the process
  • 15 minutes: Hands-On Demonstration by Super User A with Super User B facilitating
  • 10 minutes: Super User B to provide feedback and propose remediation, if needed
  • 15 minutes: Hands-On Demonstration by Super User B with Super User A facilitating
  • 10 minutes: Super User A to provide feedback and propose remediation, if needed
  • 25 minutes: site visitor and Super User A to discuss full Competencies Checklist
  • 25 minutes: site visitor and Super User B to discuss full Competencies Checklist
  • Recommend the remaining Super Users use the timeduring the sessions to discuss how they can capitalize on the positive, improve the average, and avoid the negative items captured during yesterday’s debrief as they execute their training plan
  • Conduct Hands-On Demonstrations with each Super User pair

Lunch (30 minutes)

Take lunch at a natural breaking point.

Next Steps (1 hour)

The closing hour of the site visit allows you to wrap up your time with the team. Encourage a forward-looking discussion of how they can best position themselves and their site for success in the deployment.

•Discuss the Site Training Plan

  • Review the plan with the POC and Super Users
  • Discuss opportunities or challenges, particularly in light of initial delivery

•Discuss approach for post-training

  • Remind team to follow-up with students on any parking lot items within next day or so
  • Review approach for practice sessions with end users the week following initial instruction
  • Scenarios
  • Test environment data
  • Hands-on demonstrations
  • Remediation strategies
  • Remind team to:
  • Provide students with resources to support on-the-job performance
  • Offer coaching
  • Develop communication pathways
  • From supervisors to Super Users for scheduler performance issues or questions
  • From schedulers to Super Users for system questions
  • From Super Users to end users for system enhancements

•Remind the group of resources available to them

  • VA Pulse Super Users Group
  • Remind team to use the group to share best practices, ideas, recommendations, and frequently asked questions
  • Remind team that the group and the Scheduling Community of Practice are where they can always find the most current materials
  • Regular calls
  • Encourage the team to attend Super User Support Calls
  • Reinforce importance of attending POC calls

•Ask for any final questions and respond or take action to find answer and provide

•Thank team and say farewell

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