[Form applicable to GBW tunnelling projects]Tun_GBW_AnnexC-1
Project Ref: ______Project Name: ______This form is to be prepared and certified for tunnelling works for each construction stage listed in Section A or critical construction stage, as stipulated in the approved plans. The QP(S) and/or QP(Geo)(S) is required to keep a copy of each of these completed forms on site.
Section A: To be completed and certified by Builder / Section B1: To be completed by QP(S) & QP(Geo)(S)
Applicable chainage______(please tick the applicable box) / Declaration of Builder / Date of inspection / Status and Comments
(Report any deviations from approved plans)
At change in geological formations, or at interval of not more than 200m section of bored tunnels / I confirm that the tunnelling works have been constructed according to the approved plans and hereby seek QP(S)s’ approval before proceeding to the next construction stage.
Name & Signature of Technical Controller for & on behalf of the builder
NameUEN of builder
Date: ______/ By QP(S) on
By QP(Geo)(S) on
At interval of not more than 20m section of minedtunnels
Before tunnelling below or horizontally within 1D clear distance from any structure
Restart of TBM (after CHI, stoppage exceeding 72 hours)
others, please specify:
Section B2: To be completed and certified by QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S)
We have inspected the site and its neighbouring areas, assessed the performance of constructed tunnelling works, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, the face pressure and other key performance indicators for ensuring stability and safety of tunnelling works,and the actual ground conditions. - (please tick only one of the boxes below)
We are satisfied that the constructed tunnelling works are fully in accordance with the approved plans and the instrumentation results are within the allowable limitsshown in the approved plans. We hereby grant approval to the builder to proceed to the next construction stage in accordance with the approved plans. We have submitted a copy of this form to QP(D), QP(Geo)(D), AC and AC(Geo) together with a copy of instrumentation and monitoring results, relevant as-built information of tunnelling works and actual ground condition encountered at site.(Sections C & D are not applicable)
There are changes at site, which in our opinion do not require a re-design of tunnelling works. We hereby grant approval to the builder to proceed to the next construction stage subject to confirmation by the QP(D)s’ and ACs’. (Sections C D are to be completed by QP(D), QP(Geo)(D), AC and AC(Geo))
Name, stamp & signature of QP(S)
Date: ______ / ______
Name, stamp & signature of QP(Geo)(S)**
Date: ______
Section C: When applicable, to be completed and certified by QP(D) and QP(Geo)(D), with assessment report appended
We have assessed and reviewedthe performance of the tunnelling works isin accordance to the design, including the adequacy of the as-installed key structural elements of the tunnelling works, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, actual ground conditions and the changes highlighted by the QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S), (for bored tunnel, the face pressure and other key performance indicators for ensuring stability and safety of tunnelling works have also been assessed and reviewed) and conclude that – (please tick only one of the boxes below)
The changes do not require a re-design of the tunnelling works. Tunnelling works can proceed to the next construction stage.
(Sections D is to be completed by AC and AC(Geo))
Amendment submission to BCA is required. Tunnelling works can proceed to the next construction stage after approval.
(Sections D is not applicable)
Name, stamp & signature of QP(D)
Date: ______ / ______
Name, stamp & signature of QP(Geo)(D)**
Date: ______
Section D: When applicable, to be completed and certified by the AC and AC(Geo)
We have reviewedthat the performance of the tunnelling works isin line with the design, including the adequacy of the as-installed key structural elements of the tunnelling works, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, actual ground conditions and the QP(D) and QP(Geo)(D)’s assessment report. (For bored tunnel, the face pressure and other key performance indicators for ensuring stability and safety of tunnelling works have also been reviewed). Tunnelling works can proceed to the next construction stage.
Comments if any: ______
Name, stamp & signature of AC
Date: ______ / ______
Name, stamp & signature of AC(Geo)**
Date: ______
** For geotechnical aspects of the GBW
BEV/TUN_Jul 2016
BEV/TUN_Jul 2016
[Form applicable to GBW tunnelling projects]TUN_GBW_AnnexC-2
Project Ref: ______Project Name: ______This form is to be prepared (by Builder) and certified (by the QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S)) for every cutter head intervention or stoppage exceeding 72 hours. The QP(S) and/or the QP(Geo)(S) is required to keep a copy of each of these completed forms on site.
Section A: To be prepared by Builder
Applicable chainage ______
(please tick the applicable box)
For cutter head intervention
For stoppage exceeding 72 hours (form to be submitted on or before the fourth day)
I hereby seek QP(S)’s and QP(Geo)(S)’s approval before proceeding with this construction stage.
I have submitted the relevant documents to QP(S), QP(Geo)(S), QP(D) and QP(Geo)(D) for their review.
I have also obtained the recommendation letter(s) from QP(D) and QP(Geo)(D); and where the key instruments have exceeded Alert Level, AC’s and AC(Geo)’s correspondences agreeing to the recommendation letter(s).
Name & Signature of Technical Controller
for & on behalf of the builder / ______
Name & UEN of builder
Date: ______
Section B: To be completed and certified by QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S)
Date of inspection:______by QP(S) / QP(Geo)(S) / RE# (Name:______)
Status and Comments (QP(S)’s observations and recommendations ):
We have assessed the site and its neighbouring areas, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, the prevailing ground conditions, the face pressure and other key performance indicators of the TBM for ensuring stability and safety of tunnel face. We are satisfied with the instrumentation readings and results of the key performance indicators.
(please tick only one of the boxes below)
Section B1 – before cutter head intervention
We confirm that QP(D)’s and QP(Geo)(D)’s recommendations are implemented at the site. We hereby grant approval to the builder to proceed with the cutter head intervention.
Section B2 – for stoppage exceeding 72 hours
We confirm that QP(D)’s and QP(Geo)(D)’s recommendations are implemented at the site. We confirm that the key performance indicators are within satisfactory limits and will be maintained throughout the stoppage.
We will be submitting a copy of this form together with the face log to QP(D), QP(Geo)(D), AC and AC(Geo).
We will complete Tun_GBW_AnnexC-1 before restarting the TBM.
Name, stamp & signature of QP(S)
Date: ______ / ______
Name, stamp & signature of QP(Geo)(S)**
Date: ______
** For geotechnical aspects of the GBW
# To delete as appropriate
BEV/TUN_Jul 2016
[Form applicable to GBW tunnelling projects]TUN_GBW_AnnexC-3
Project Ref: ______Project Name: ______This form is to be prepared (by Builder) and certified (by the QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S)) for tunnelling in close proximity^ to building or in mixed face condition. The QP(S) and the QP(Geo)(S) are required to submit a copy of the completed form(s) to the Commissioner of Building Control (CBC) via CORENETweekly. When over-excavation is suspected or the over-excavation reading at the end of each ring excavated has exceeded the allowable limit# for over-excavation, QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S) are to inform CBC immediately and to submit the completed form by 12 noon the next working day.
Section A: To be completed by Builder and QP(S)’s Site Supervisor
Tunnelling Activity
(Please tick at least one of the following boxes)
For cutter head position located in close proximity^ to building (^ - tunnelling directly or partially underneath buildings or within a horizontal distance of m from the building as defined in Annex 1 of Circular “Requirements on Bored Tunnelling Works”)
For cutter head position in mixed face condition
Mixed face:- Presence of a) boulder/core-stone; or
b) rock (grade III or less weathering) with rock content between 25% to 80%; or
c) rock content < 25% in which the rate of advancement of TBM drops by more than 50% below normal average due to ground condition; or
d) interface between soft soil and hard soil, for example between Marine Clay and OA.
Allowable limit# for over-excavation: ______% of theoretical volume at the end of each ring excavated.
Builder’s Tunnelling Manager
or Site Supervisor / QP(S)s’ Site Supervisor
Tunnel Ring No. / Change in excavated volume (%) from theoretical volume (±) / Name / Date / Time / Signature / Within allowable limit?
(Y/N) / Name / Date / Time / Signature
Section B: To be completed and declared by Builder
I have reviewed the data and declare that:
(Please tick the applicable box)
The excavated volume was within the allowable limit# for over-excavation.
The over-excavated volume reading has exceeded the allowable limit# for over-excavation. I have suspended the TBM excavation and advancement immediately and shall proceed to carry out, for tunnelling in close proximity to building, appropriate grouting at the front part of TBM shield; or for other cases, actions as determined by QP(S). I have then verified that the allowable limit# for over-excavation has not been exceeded. I shall carry out probe drilling and grouting from the ground surface and implement necessary measures to mitigate risk of ground movements as determined by QP(S).
The over-excavated volume reading has exceeded the allowable limit# for over-excavation. I have suspended the TBM excavation and advancement immediately and shall proceed to carry out, for tunnelling in close proximity to building, appropriate grouting at the front part of TBM shield; or for other cases, actions as determined by QP(S). I have then verified that the allowable limit# for over-excavation has been exceeded. I shall carry out probe drilling and grouting etc. as per item 3) in Annex 4 explanatory notes of the Circular “Requirements on Bored Tunnelling Works”.
The over-excavated volume reading has exceeded 25%. I have suspended the TBM excavation and advancement immediately and shall proceed to carry out, for tunnelling in close proximity to building, appropriate grouting at the front part of TBM shield; or for other cases, actions as determined by QP(S). I shall carry out probe drilling and grouting etc. as per item 3) in Annex 4 explanatory notes of the Circular “Requirements on Bored Tunnelling Works”.
Name & Signature of Technical Controller
for & on behalf of the Builder / ______
NameUEN of Builder
Date: ______
Section C: To be completed and certified by QP(S) and QP(Geo)(S)
We have reviewed the data and declare that:
(Please tick the applicable box)
The excavated volume was within the allowable limit# for over-excavation.
The over-excavated volume reading has exceeded the allowable limit# for over-excavation and we have notified BCA. The builder has suspended* / We have instructed the builder to suspend* the TBM excavation and advancement immediately. We have instructed the builder to proceed to carry out, for tunnelling in close proximity to building, appropriate grouting at the front part of TBM shield; or for other cases, actions as determined by us. We have then verified that the over-excavation limit has not been exceeded. We have assessed that probe drilling and grouting from ground surface and other mitigation measures as attached* to be implemented by the builder to mitigate risk of ground movements is* / is not* required. We will notify BCA before allowing the tunnelling works to continue when we are satisfied that all the voids formed from the over-excavation have been filled up.
The over-excavated volume reading has exceeded the allowable limit# for over-excavation and we have notified BCA. The builder has suspended* / We have instructed the builder to suspend* the TBM excavation and advancement immediately. We have instructed the builder to proceed to carry out, for tunnelling in close proximity to building, appropriate grouting at the front part of TBM shield; or for other cases, actions as determined by us. We have then verified that the over-excavation limit has been exceeded. The builder has proceeded to* / We have instructed the builder to* carry out probe drilling and grouting etc. as per item 3) in Annex 4 explanatory notes of the Circular “Requirements on Bored Tunnelling Works”. We will notify BCA before allowing the tunnelling works to continue when we are satisfied that all the voids formed from the over-excavation have been filled up.
The over-excavated volume reading has exceeded 25% and we have notified BCA. The builder has suspended* / We have instructed the builder to suspend* the TBM excavation and advancement immediately. We have instructed the builder to proceed to carry out, for tunnelling in close proximity to building, appropriate grouting at the front part of TBM shield; or for other cases, actions as determined by us. The builder has proceeded to* / We have instructed the builder to* carry out probe drilling and grouting etc. as per item 3) in Annex 4 explanatory notes of the Circular “Requirements on Bored Tunnelling Works”. We will notify BCA before allowing the tunnelling works to continue when we are satisfied that all the voids formed from the over-excavation have been filled up.
Name, stamp & signature of QP(S)
Date: ______ / ______
Name, stamp & signature of QP(Geo)(S)
Date: ______
# Allowable over-excavation limit as shown in approved plan or in contract specifications or in QP(D)s’ specifications.
(not exceeding 15% for one ring)
* To delete as appropriate.
BEV/TUN_Sep 2017
[Form applicable to Non-GBW tunnelling projects]Tun_Non-GBW_AnnexC-1
Project Ref: ______Project Name: ______This form is to be prepared and certified for tunnelling works for each construction stage listed in Section A or critical construction stage, as stipulated in the approved plans. The QP(S) is required to keep a copy of each of these completed forms on site.
Section A: To be completed and certified by Builder / Section B1: To be completed by QP(S)
Applicable chainage ______(please tick the applicable box) / Declaration of Builder / Date of inspection / Status and Comments
(Report any deviations from approved plans)
At change in geological formations, or at interval of not more than 200m section of bored tunnels / I confirm that the tunnelling works have been constructed according to the approved plans and hereby seek QP(S)’s approval before proceeding to the next construction stage.
Name & Signature of Technical Controller for & on behalf of the builder
Name UEN of builder
Date: ______/ By QP(S) on
At interval of not more than 20m section of mined tunnels
Before tunnelling below or horizontally within 1D clear distance from any structure
Cutter head intervention (CHI)
(requires QP(D)’s recommendation letter)
Restart of TBM (after CHI, stoppage exceeding 72 hours)
others, please specify:
Section B2: To be completed and certified by QP(S)
I have inspected the site and its neighbouring areas, assessed the performance of constructed tunnelling works, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, the face pressure and other key performance indicators for ensuring stability and safety of tunnelling works, and the actual ground conditions. - (please tick only one of the boxes below)
I am satisfied that the constructed tunnelling works are fully in accordance with the approved plans and the instrumentation results are within the allowable limits shown in the approved plans.I hereby grant approval to the builder to proceed to the next construction stage in accordance with the approved plans. I have submitted a copy of this form to QP(D) and AC together with a copy of instrumentation and monitoring results, relevant as-built information of tunnelling works and actual ground condition encountered at site.(Sections C & D are not applicable)
There are changes at site, which in my opinion do not require a re-design of tunnelling works. I hereby grant approval to the builder to proceed to the next construction stage subject to confirmation by the QP(D) and AC. (Sections C & D are to be completed by QP(D) andAC)
Name, stamp & signature of QP(S)
Date: ______
Section C: When applicable, to be completed and certified by QP(D) with assessment report appended
I have assessed and reviewed the performance of the tunnelling works is in accordance to the design, including the adequacy of the as-installed key structural elements of the tunnelling works, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, actual ground conditions and the changes highlighted by the QP(S), (for bored tunnel, the face pressure and other key performance indicators for ensuring stability and safety of tunnelling works have also been assessed and reviewed) and conclude that – (please tick only one of the boxes below)
The changes do not require a re-design of the tunnelling works. Tunnelling works can proceed to the next construction stage.
(When applicable, sections D is to be completed by AC)
Amendment submission to BCA is required. Tunnelling works can proceed to the next construction stage after approval.
(Sections D is not applicable)
Name, stamp & signature of QP(D)
Date: ______
Section D: When applicable, to be completed and certified by the AC
I have reviewed that the performance of the tunnelling works is in line with the design, including the adequacy of the as-installed key structural elements of the tunnelling works, results of instrumentation and monitoring readings, actual ground conditions and QP(D)’s assessment report. (For bored tunnel, the face pressure and other key performance indicators for ensuring stability and safety of tunnelling works have also been reviewed). Tunnelling works can proceed to the next construction stage.
Comments if any: ______
Name, stamp & signature of AC
Date: ______
BEV/TUN_Sep 2017
BEV/TUN_Sep 2017