Send us your best
economics and/or financial literacy lessons!!
Teachers – K-16! Send us your best economics and or financial literacy lessons which we will post on the KCEE website and on the CIITS server of the Kentucky Department of Education to share with other teachers. Let’s not re-invent the wheel! Let’s share knowledge and resources!!
Through a grant from State Farm, KCEE is providing opportunities for Kentucky teachers, K-12, to submit economics and/or personal finance lessons, lesson plans, and units. These can be lessons you have already created and can include links to websites and other resources. Or they can be new lessons you develop. Lessons will be reviewed by KCEE and if used they will be posted on the website and will recognize the author. Where applicable, the lessons may also be loaded to CIITS. Top three entries will be recognized at the KCEE Annual Summit. After we have accepted 40 lessons, the grant will be closed, so submit early!!
The grant will pay $100 per lesson - up to $300 per teacher.
Deadline for submission is November 15, 2013.
Questions, please feel free to contact Susan Sandage at 502-272-8707 or .
Sponsored by:
Kentucky Council on Economic Education
AFT School of Education #319
Bellarmine University
2001 Newburg Road
Louisville, KY 40205
Deadline - November 15, 2013
Please use the following form for submission of your lesson/lesson plan. KCEE will pay $100 for each, up to $300 per teacher, thanks to a grant from STATE FARM. If there are questions about any submission, KCEE will contact the author to make changes, improvements, etc. These lessons will be submitted on CIITS, where possible, as well as posted on the KCEE website. Note that technology and assessments are NOT a requirement, but a good addition to a lesson. Lessons can be emailed to and should be in a Word document format (and can include PowerPoint, etc.) Questions? Contact Susan Sandage @ .
Your name:
Email address:
School District:
School Name and Address:
Lesson Title: Enter a descriptive title for the lesson to make it easy to locate later.
Subject: Select a subject. Choose the best fit if more than one applies.
Grade Range: Select the grade range appropriate for the lesson.
Description: Include a synopsis of what the lesson is meant to accomplish. (Use as much space as needed)
Standards: Align Common Core and/or Social Studies/Economics Standards. You can also select standards for other subjects and or grade levels. (Use as much space as needed)
Lesson/Lesson Plan:(Use as many pages as needed.) If the above categories are already in your lesson, it is not necessary to put here also.
Note: KCEE reserves the right to reject/accept any lesson submitted. If you receive a stipend for your lesson submission, KCEE reserves the right to reprint, publish on the KCEE website, and/or on CIITS.