
Text Assignment, FDR; p. 740-753

(28 pts)

1.  Define and Explain the Significance of the following components of the New Deal (12 pts)

Term / Definition / Significance
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation / Insured each bank deposit up to 2,500 / If the banks lose your $ the gov will pay you
Home Owners Loan Corporation / Assist home owners who could not meet their mortgage payments / Save millions of American families from losing their property
Farm Credit Administration / Low interest, long term loans to farmers / Allowed farmers to pay off their mortgages and back taxes and buy back lost farms, purchase seed, fertilizer and equipment
Civilian Conservation Corps / Young men work in parks and national forests 1$ a day – create jobs for people / 2.5 million men employed
National Industrial Recovery Act / Stimulate businesses and reduce unemployment – stabilizing prices, limiting work hours – allows businesses to act as Trusts / Ineffective and ruled unconstitutional
Agricultural Adjustment Administration / Paid farmers to reduce their ouput of corn, cotton, dairy, hogs, rice, tobacco, wheat / Helped to raise prices which helped farmers but taxes on food processors were passed to consumers – benefited large farmers over small
Tennessee Valley Authority / Improve the natural and social climate of Tennessee / New dams, power stations, flod control etc
Public Works Administration / Created by NIRA create jobs using federal funds and stimulate businesses – contract with private firms to complete PW projects / 4billion spent 34,000 projects
National Recovery Administration / Draw up codes of fair competition / Ineffective and ruled unconstitutional
Federal Emergency Relief Administration / Send 500$ million in relief aid to state and local agencies to DIRECTLY help people / Families have funds to take care of themselves
Civil Works Administration / Make work projects such as raking leaves and picking up litter – create jobs / Employed some 4 million men and women – response to people’s desire for work not handouts

2.  How were Fireside Chats and the Emergency Banking Act supposed to improve American Confidence in the banking system? (1 pt)

3.  Which New Deal programs above directly created jobs? (3 pts)


4.  How did many Americans feel about the idea of ‘handouts’ from the government? Choose 1 of the programs above that you believe is an example of a handout and list it below. (2 pts)

5.  How is John Maynard Keynes economic theory reflected in the FDR Administration’s approach toward reviving America? (2 pts)

6.  How did the Roosevelt Administration address the concerns of African Americans and American Indians? (1 pt)

7.  List the 3 criticisms of the New Deal as a whole. (p. 747) (1 pt)


8.  Who do you think had the right approach; Hoover or FDR? Why (give 3 reasons)? (4 pts)

9.  Define: (1 pt each)

a.  New Deal:

b.  Franklin Delano Roosevelt: