Three Cheers for Cultural Appropriation

Bari Weiss/The New York Times, August 30, 2017

Mr. Mendelsohn/ English-Language Arts/ Verdugo Hills Multimedia Magnet HS

DIRECTIONS: Complete the following activities based on the essay, Three Cheers for Cultural Appropriation. Identify each section of your work using the headings below. Read Weiss’s essay at least twice: once for general ideas and once for specifics. Highlight or underline any ideas, quotes or words you think are important.

A. VOCABULARY WORDS/TERMS: Look up the definitions of the words and terms below and write them down on your own paper, along with any additional words or terms you didn’t understand in the article.

1) veritable 11) Kurd 21) horde 31) miscegenation

2) appropriation 12) iconic 22) banh mi

3) caricature 13) disparate 23) dosa

4) nemesis 14) revelatory 24) insidious

5) exploit 15) evangelize 25) advent

6) safe space 16) egalitarian 26) the Levant

7) sublime 17) mongrel 27) Yentl

8) evoke 18) strident 28) gefilte fish

9) shtetl 19) wan 29) immutable

10) Richard Wagner 20) verboten 30) homage

B. IDENTIFY RHETORICAL DEVICES: Using CDs from the essay, identify and list one example of each of the following rhetorical devices. If none exist, write “NA”:

1) Thesis:

2) Ethos:

3) Pathos:

4) Logos:

5) Simile:

6) Metaphor:

7) Refutation:

8) Anecdote:

9) Paradox:

10) Rhetorical Question:


Briefly answer each of the following and include one CD (quote) from the text for each answer:

1) The purpose of the essay:

2) The intended audience for the essay:

3) The author’s tone (Use glossary of tone words):

4) The author’s style (Use glossary of style words):


Answer each of the following questions and include one CD (quote) from the text for each answer:

1) In your opinion, what is/are the author’s most persuasive argument(s)?

2) In your opinion, what is/are the author’s least persuasive argument(s)?

3) Do you agree or disagree with the author’s thesis and main ideas?

4) Why do you tend to agree or disagree with the author’s point of view? Briefly explain.