Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Parish Hall, Westbrook, on Wednesday 21 June 2006 at 7.30 pm

Councillor Chairman Ward

E Coop Burtonwood East

Vice Chairman

* T Rogers-Smith Westbrook

* G Cross Callands

* T Cross Callands

S Hamel Callands

P Hamel Callands

* B Long Callands

* D Earl Westbrook

M Jackson Westbrook

* D Orr Westbrook

* J Joyce Burtonwood East

* T O’Neill Burtonwood East

* K Burgess Burtonwood West

* J Higham Burtonwood West

* P Wilde Burtonwood West

J Guthrie Old Hall

* Denotes Councillor present at Council

Also present Julie Pickles – Clerk to the Council

Mr. M Williams – Rowan Tree Care Limited

Mrs. J Jones - Rowan Tree Care Limited

Representative – Burtonwood Bridge ARLFC

Representative – Burtonwood Bulldogs RLFC

2 Parishioners

Neil Docking - Warrington Guardian

As Councillor Coop was not in attendance due to illness, Councillor T Rogers-Smith took the Chair.

C14 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor E Coop, Councillor P Hamel, Councillor S Hamel, Councillor M Jackson and Councillor J Guthrie.

C15 Rowan Tree Care Limited

Mr. M Williams and Ms J Jones were welcomed to the meeting, the following issues were discussed at much length:-


Commission for Social Care Inspection

Damage to Local Property

Abusive behaviour to Care Home Staff

Abusive behaviour to Local Residents and Shop Keepers

Home appeared to be the Hub of Anti Social Behaviour

Lack of Youth Control


Deteriation - Over the last 4 years


Smashed Windows

Police Call Outs

Residents Annoyed and Abused

Mr. Williams and Ms J Jones were thanked for their attendance.

C16 Community Police

The Community Police Officers were not in attendance.

Councillors / Parishioners Issues

The following issue were reported:-

Police – Non Attendance

The Councillors relayed there disappointment in the local Police Officers non attendance, especially at such an important meeting. It was noted that the Police had sent their apologies as they were away on a course but the Clerk had requested that a colleague attend to supply the meeting with statistics relating to call outs and reported disturbances from The High Trees establishment in Burtonwood. At previous meetings and discussions concerning the care home, the Police had stated that this would be a priority as the home took up such a lot of their time and it was

Resolved that the Clerk write to the Police Superintendent of Warrington to request that a suitable reason be given as to why attendance of an Officer was declined or the supply of statistics was not forwarded on this occasion

Community Support Officers

Councillor K Burgess reported on information that he had received regarding Community Support Officers, he requested that the Parish Council give some thought into the Council gaining their own Community Support Officers.

It was noted that this issue had been discussed at length at previous meetings, and at a recent meeting, 2 Community Support Officers had attended to give an insight to their daily routine and explanation of their function and duties.

It was reported that the Parish Council supported in theory the work of the support Officers, but no statistics or evidence could be supplied to support the 20-30% budget increase of the precept needed for community support officers.

It was noted that an audit or a referendum would have to be commissioned to gain the publics priorities, this would also have to be divided into two areas as the areas of Burtonwood and Westbrook had noticeable different needs.

Burtonwood Bridge ARLFC

A representative of the team attended to forward the following issues:-

(1)  When would the supply to the lights on the Rugby Field be commissioned?

It was reported that the original contractor had not been able to commission the work and the Clerk was awaiting the parts supplied to be returned, it was noted that then, another contractor would be found to complete the work.

(2)  Could the existing lights be upgraded and / or extended?

It was reported that this request had been forwarded to the Council some time ago, and the issue looked into. It was noted that the Clerk had gained quotations, which had been in the region of £5000 as the existing lights could not be upgraded; also planning permission would have to be sought. The representative was informed that there was no finance available in this year’s financial budget. The matter would be given thorough consideration at the budget setting meeting for 2007/2008 in January 2007.

(3)  Could two additional rugby teams train on the Pavilion Football area?

It was reported that this request had been previously answered, the request had been denied due to the already full football and training schedule of the pitches sited on the Pavilion.

(4)  A Grant was requested to aid the Bridge RL Fun Run – 15 July 2006

It was noted that an application would be forwarded to the Club. Upon receipt the completed application for a grant would then be considered.

C17 Minutes of the Meeting (17 May 2006)

Resolved that the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record with the inclusion of the following amendments:-

C1 Councillor K Burgess – add to list of apologies

C13.4 Replace Councillor M Fletcher with Councillor M Jackson

C18 Matters Arising

There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

C19 Report of the Finance Sub-Committee (17 May 2006)

The Clerk reported verbally on the Finance Sub-Committee meeting attended by Councillor T Rogers-Smith, Councillor J Joyce, Councillor T Cross and Councillor B Long and it was

Resolved that the following recommendations of the Finance Sub- Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council

C19.1 Apologies

Apologies had been received from Councillor E Coop.

C19.2 Declaration of Interest

It was noted that Councillor T Rogers-Smith declared an interest in item minute reference C19.3 and Councilor J Joyce declared an interest in minute reference C19.17.

C19.3 Applications for Grant/ Donations

Grant Application received from Friends of St Paul of the Cross – Funding to part cover Annual Gala Day – Amount requested £ 500

Recommended Grant Approved £ 350

C19.4 Accounts Approved for Payment (Chairman using delegated powers between meetings)

Swintons – Tractor Insurance £ 472.31

C19.5 Accounts Requiring and Authorised for Payment

Viking Direct Invoice 627642 Fridge Kingswood Centre £ 117.49

Zurich Municipal – LCAS Seminar Winsford £ 35.25

Signarama Notice Boards Fir Tree Lane Inv 4900 £ 154.40

Royal Mail Group – Freepost Invoice 1100721226 £ 50.00

Ken Hitchen – Water Miser Kingswood Centre £ 165.60

Miracle Design and Play – Repair Module Pavilion £ 557.30

K Tindall – Repairs £ 133.11

Relief Caretaker Pavilion 12/18 June 2006 £ 35.00

Inland Revenue PAYE Q1 £1297.45

K Tindall – Renew Notice Boards X 4 £ 467.17

Miracle Design and Play – Retention on Pavilion Module £1098.34

Clerks Expenses May / June 06 £ 60.60

S Smith Caretaking Duties – Kingswood May / June 2006 £ 40.00

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that all payments be made

C19.6 Monthly Accounts – May 2006

The Clerk produced a report detailing the payments and receipts account for the month of May 2006 and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the report be accepted

C19.7 Bank Reconciliation 2006-2007

The Clerk produced a report showing the bank reconciliation up to the end of May 2006 and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the report be accepted

C19.8 Internal Audit 2005 – 2006

The Clerk reported that the date had been set with the internal auditors for Wednesday 12 July 2006.

C19.9 External Audit 2005- 2006

The Clerk reported that an intermediate audit was required and that the completion dated had now been set at 31 July 2006.

C19.10Rates of Hire (Buildings and Pitches) 2006-2007

Kingwood Parish Hall (Casual Users)

Parties (General – Main Hall) Per Hour £16.00

Deposit (refundable) £50.00

Main Hall (Non Community) Per Hour £11.00

Main Hall (Community) Per Hour £ 5.50

Meeting Room (Non Community) Per Hour £ 8.00

Meeting Room (Community) Per Hour £ 4.00

Pavilion, Burtonwood (Casual Users)

Parties (General – Main Hall) Per Hour £16.00

Deposit (refundable) £50.00

Main Hall (Non Community) Per Hour £ 8.00

Main Hall (Community) Per Hour £ 2.50

Pavilion Football Pitches

Junior Football per team per season £ 70.00

Senior Football per team per season £ 120.00

Fir Tree Lane Rugby Pitches

Junior Rugby per team per season £ 60.00

Senior Rugby per team per season £ 80.00

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the new scale of charges be accepted

C19.11Kingwood Community Hall


The Clerk reported that the new fridge was in place and arrangements were to be made for removal of the old one.


The Clerk reported that several light fittings were in need of replacement and that the external security light timer switch was faulty and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the Parish electrical contractor be asked to attend site and repair any faults found

C19.12Pavilion - Burtonwood

The Clerk reported on the following issues:-


The Sub-Committee noted that youths had again been on the Pavilion roof, also residents had complained about youths on the play area playing loud music. The Clerk reported that she had made arrangements to have a car battery removed from the site as it appeared that this had been attached to the ‘radio’ to amplify its sound.

Leaning and Unsafe Trees

The Clerk reported that the leaning and unsafe trees had been removed from site.

Security Guards to Flat Roof

The Clerk reported that a site visit to view the preferred roof security shields had not been possible to schedule.

The steel rope type shields had been removed from site, but it was noted that the Clerk had spoken to the Headteacher of the Primary School were the Anti-Vandal Barriers were erected. The Headteacher reported that he was very happy with the Anti-Vandal flat roof shield, and since its erection no one had been able to mount the roof to vandalise the area and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that planning permission be gained and the Quotation for the Anti-Vandal Galvanised Barrier for £ 4690 + Vat from Cromwell Fabrication be accepted and an order for the works be placed

Miracle Design and Play Limited

The Clerk reported that she had visited the site with the contractor, after lengthy discussions had taken place it was noted by the Sub-Committee that the contractor had offered the Parish Council a credit of £ 1000.00 + vat to finalise their account and business and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that this credit be accepted and the remaining balance owed to Miracle Design and Play Limited be released

C19.13WBC Inspection Reports


C19.14Fir Tree Lane Rugby Pitches

Electrical Box

The Clerk reported that she had received the plans back from the contractor but was still waiting to get the parts back.

Notice Boards

The Clerk reported that the new notice boards were on site.

Flooding / Drainage

The Clerk reported that this work had now been programmed.

C19.15Notice Board at Collins Green and Kingswood Community Centre

The Clerk reported that the Parish Notice Board at Collins Green had been repaired and weather proofed, the Sub-Committee noted that the Clerk had also requested that the Notice board outside the Kingswood Community Centre be weather proofed.

C19.16Any Other Business

Councillor J Joyce reported on funding that may be available from the Borough Council due to the sale of the Old Burtonwood Youth Club, it was noted that he would like to forward this matter and that the funding would be put to use to extend the existing Pavilion building frontage, making it more user friendly and it was

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that permission be given to Councillor Joyce to forward this matter with the Borough Council

C20 Report of the Planning Sub-Committee (21 June 2006)

Councillor T O’Neill reported verbally on the Planning Sub-Committee meeting attended by himself, Councillor G Cross Councillor J Higham and Councillor D Earl and it was

Resolved that the following recommendations of the Planning Sub-Committee be adopted as resolution of the Council

C20.1 Apologies

No apologies had been received.

C20.2 Declarations of Interest

It was noted that no interests were declared in this item.

C20.3 Documents Received

1 General Correspondence Items

11 Domestic Planning Applications

4 Non Domestic Planning Applications

0 Prior Notification under Schedule 2, Part 24 of the Town and Country Planning – (General Permitted Development Order) 1995 (1)

1 Notice of Withdrawal of Planning Application

11 Notice of Decision – Permission Granted

0 Notice of Decision – Permission Refused

0 Notice of Certificate of Lawful Use

0 Notice of Permitted Development

0 Notice of Decision – Approved

0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Informal Hearing

0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Written Representations

0 Notice of Appeal By Way of Public Inquiry

2 WBC Development Control Agenda

5 Ward Lists

Recommended by the Sub-Committee that the documents received be noted

C20.4 Issues/Objections

It was noted that the Sub-Committee had no issue/objection with any application or document received.

C21 Correspondence

The Clerk circulated the correspondence listed below:-

1.  P Vivers / Burtonwood Bulldogs – Fir Tree Lane Flood Lights

2.  WBC – Meeting relating to Youth Provision

3.  SLCC – Agenda

4.  WBC – Civic Service and Parade – 11 June 2006

5.  SLCC – Membership Card

6.  Charity Commission News

7.  CHALK – Proposed Merger of Cheshire and Merseyside Police

8.  Warrington CVS – Contact May 2006

9.  Charter 88 – Campaign for a Modern and Fair Democracy

10. Jackie Weaver – Standards Board for England - Bulletin

11. WBC – Gemini Retail Park

12. Neil Fisher – American GIs During WW11

13. Miracle Design and Play – Confirmation of Order

14. Cheshire and Merseyside NHS – Briefing Paper on Changes

15. Cheshire Police – On the Grapevine

16. Dave Woodward – Pavilion Play Area

17. WBC – Internal Audit