Illinois EMS Region 5


Created 1/2010

I.  Purpose

This section provides the guidelines for emergency communications before, during and after an emergency situation. It will serve to establish communication links for the regional hospitals, healthcare systems and other non-health agencies in the event of a large-scale catastrophic event.

II.  Definitions

EMS – Emergency Medical Services

EMA – Emergency Management Agency

EOC – Emergency Operations Center

HAN – Health Alert Network

IEMA – Illinois Emergency Management Agency

IDPH – Illinois Department of Public Health

PHEOC – Public Health Emergency Operations Center

SEOC – State Emergency Operations Center

RHCC – Regional Hospital Coordinating Center (POD Hospital)

III.  Situation and Assumptions

Illinois EMS Region V, as defined by the Illinois Department of Public Health, is composed of the following counties: Alexander, Clay, Edwards, Franklin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jackson, Jefferson, Johnson, Marion, Massac, Perry, Pope, Pulaski, Richland, Saline, Union, Wabash, Washington, Wayne, White and Williamson are state-approved participating counties.

Communication is a vital source to obtain resources and services in an emergency situation. The means to communicate among response agencies including hospitals and local, state and federal agencies may include high and low band radios, Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services, Amateur Radio Emergency Services, telephones, cellular phones, EMNET, Star Com 21, Groove, and the Health Alert Network (HAN).

IV.  Concept of Operations

Depending on the disaster and the time of day, individual hospital notification of an incident will come through the Sheriff’s dispatcher, local EMS, local EMA, other hospitals or IDPH via telephone, email or the Hospital Alert Network.

When reporting an incident the message should include:

·  Location of the disaster or event

·  Type and extent of the situation

·  Hazardous Materials involvement

·  Approximate number of victims involved

·  Contact information

·  Resources Needed

Regardless of how the notification is received, when an incident is identified and an individual hospital in EMS Region V is in need of assistance and/or supplies they will first contact their Resource Hospital (See Annex A). If the Resource Hospital is unable to fill the need, the Resource Hospital will then contact the POD (RHCC) Hospital. If the need is not able to be met at this level, the POD Hospital will communicate this to the Resource Hospital, who will then communicate this information to the individual hospital. The individual hospital will then contact their local jurisdictional Health Department or EMA/ESDA depending on the need.

Methods of communication:

Normal communication methods should be used if available. These methods include land line telephones, cellular phones, and computer systems including the Hospital Alert Network (HAN). In the event of a disaster and normal communication methods are not available, additional communication methods to be used will be the

- MERCI Radio System (155.340)

- Hospital to Hospital (155.280)

- Amateur Radio Frequency - (HF 3.905) (VHF 146.520)

- Amateur radio organizations (RACES and/or ARES)

- Star Com 21 (EMS R5 or channel as designated by RHCC)

·  Pre-emergency check list

-  Training in communication techniques will be provided.

-  Each hospital will be responsible to have available at a minimum one licensed amateur radio operator.

-  Primary and back-up communication equipment are maintained in ready condition

-  Radio checks between all hospitals in EMS Region V:

1.  Starcom per state plan, currently conducted monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of each month on EMS R 5 at 0400, 1100, 1900.

2.  Amateur radio will be tested on occasion during exercises.

·  Response check list

-  Notify key officials (EMA, Health Department, POD Hospital)

-  Communication links will be established between Participating Hospitals, Resource Hospitals and the POD Hospital and other response agencies.

-  Communication between hospitals will be by telephone, computer networks or radio.

IEMA / local EMA may designate specific control frequencies and / or communication systems, restrict access to specific control frequencies during disaster operations and designate procedures for transferring information during disaster operations using the state telecommunications system in accordance with the local EMA plan..

V.  Organization and Assignment of Responsibilities

IDPH is the primary agency for health and medical services.


·  Functions as the central information source on status of regional hospital facilities

·  Responsibilities of the RHCC upon notification that a disaster has occurred:

o  Determine with the Incident Commander the type of communication to be used during the disaster: MERCI, Med channels, cellular, amateur radio, Star Com 21. (Seen Annex B)

o  Relay to primary receiving hospitals (see Disaster Worksheet):

§  Nature of the disaster / location

§  Approximate number and types of casualties

§  Collect information on number and type of each category of victims that the facility can accept immediately

§  Request status of information from receiving hospitals regarding number and types of patients it would be able to handle.

o  Communicate with the Incident Command Post and coordinate regional activities and inter-facility patient transportation.

o  Continuously monitor the ability of receiving hospitals to accept casualties. Receiving hospitals shall carefully monitor their own status and notify the RHCC when they can no longer accept casualties. When patient disposition allows additional casualties to be accepted, the receiving hospitals shall notify the RHCC.

o  Notify the Incident Command when the regional surge hospital is ready to accept patients.

o  Designate and alert additional receiving hospitals as the casualty load exceeds initial receiving hospitals’ patient capacity.

o  Upon notification from Incident Commander, notify receiving hospitals when all casualties have been transported from the scene.

o  Maintain communications log for status of receiving hospitals.

Resource, Associate and Participating Hospitals:

The Resource Hospital has the authority and responsibility for its EMS systems as outlined in the IDPH-approved EMS system program plans.

When the resource hospital is notified by the RHCC that the disaster plan has been activated, it will initiate the notification telephone tree in its respective system, and specify Phase I or Phase II.

The RHCC, and each Resource and Associate hospital in Region V is responsible to maintain currents means of communication with local jurisdictional EMA, Health Departments and other local response partners.

VI.  Direction and Control

Local emergencies are the responsibility of local government.

Within Illinois, the overall authority for direction and control of the response to an emergency medical incident rests with the governor. The Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC) is the strategic direction and control point for Illinois response to an emergency medical incident. On occasion, the PHEOC may not be activated but the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) may be. During those times, the SEOC will serve at the strategic direction and control point.

VII.  Succession of Command

Direction of various organizations, command structures, line of authority and information dissemination will comply with the operational concepts provided under and in support of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the Unified Incident Command System (UCS) and Incident Command System (ICS) principles.