Hacky Sack

Begin by teaching basic kicks and terminology. Basic rules – use your body to keep hacky sack off the ground – try to avoid using hands or arms.


  • Inside kick (inside of foot)
  • Toe kick
  • Outside kick
  • Knee kick


  • Stall – hacky sack stops on a part of the body (usually top of foot, neck, chest)
  • See Saw – kicking the hacky sack with the inside of foot and then outside of foot
  • Roll – allowing the sack to roll from your chest down to your foot or down the leg to your foot
  • Serve – toss the sack to another person to begin a game or moving the sack onto your foot and passing it to someone else to start the game (top of toe or heel kick up)
  • Self serve – tossing the sack to yourself to start a game
  • Dido – repeat motion over and over again
  • Jester – jump up and cross leg behind your back to kick the hacky sack
  • Full hack – Everyone in the group is able to touch the hacky sack one time without hitting the ground

DO NOT ALLOW ANY GAMES THAT INVOLVE HITTING SOMEONE WHEN A MISTAKE IS MADE. Watch out for these games – they will try to get you to allow them to play these.

  • Red Dot
  • Three hack wack
  • Strikeout

Lesson plans

Day and Topics / Skills and Notes / Game/Activity
Day 1
Inside Kick
Outside Kick
See Saw
Toe Kick
Knee Kick / All dominate foot work
Self serve / Full Hack
Day 2
Inside Kick
Outside Kick
See Saw
Toe Kick
Knee Kick / Non-dominate foot work
Alternating foot work / “Team” 21 – warm up
“Team” 21
One Footed Hack
Monkey in the middle
Day 3
Serves / Self
To others
No Hands (feet only)
Jump Serve / Full Hack or PIG - Warm up
Draw and Kick (need cards)
“Individual” 21
Add On
Copy Cat
Day 4
Body hits (head, shoulders, chest)
Rolls / Body hits
Rolls / “Individual” 21 – warm up
Round Robin
Stall Crazy
Begin Create your own game
Day 5
Create own game / Group choice - Warm up
Practice game (10 minutes)
Present and play (10 minutes per group)
Survivor – if time


Day 1

  • Full hack

Complete one full hack. Complete two full hacks.

  • Horse or PIG

Just like basketball, first person does a move. The next person attempts to repeat the move. If he can the next person tries. If one person does not mimic the move, they receive a letter (H). The next person would then do a new move. Repeat until someone gets and HORSE.

Day 2

  • “Team” 21

Try to kick the hacky sack 21 times in a row – the entire group.

  • One Footed Hack

While trying to complete a full hack, if a person makes a mistake they must start using the non-dominate foot. May only switch back to dominate foot if full hack is completed.

  • Monkey

Like monkey in the middle – one person in middle and they try to intercept or touch the hacky sack while others are trying to perform a full hack. If group can get a full hack without monkey touching, then middle person switches. If mistake is made, hacky is dropped or person in middle touches, person responsible replaces and is now the monkey.

  • Numbers

First person gets to hack once and catch the hacky sack. Next person does 2. Next does 3. So on and so on. If the player doesn’t reach the number he is supposed to in two tries, play moves to the next player. If they are successful the original player is out. If he isn’t successful, keep moving until someone is and the player before them is out.

Day 3

  • Draw and Kick

Need a deck of cards. First person draws a card has to kick number he draws without allowing it to touch the ground. Aces can be one or eleven (decide a beginning of game) and face cards are 12. Each player gets 3 chances. If they don’t get it they are out.

  • “Individual” 21

Each individual person must try and get 21 hacks. You may pause your turn by catching the hacky sack and then your next turn will be the next number they leave off at (so if you catch it on 5, next turn starts at 6). If you drop the hacky or don’t catch it at any time – you return to 0.

  • Copy cat

In a circle, each consecutive kicker does the previous kick the same way and then add their own moves. You have to repeat everyone’s before you get to add yours.

Day 4

  • Elimination

The starting person in the circle kicks it as many times as they can. When a mistake is made, the next person has to kick it one more time than the person before them. If not, they are eliminated. Then the next person in line starts over.

  • Hack Battle

Even teams of 6 or 8. Count number of times the hacky sack is hit by the group for 3 minutes. Teams yell out score – loser is off and plays game of their choice. Repeat until you have a winner.

  • Stall

Start with a hacky sack on your foot. You must kick the hacky sack up into a position where you can stall – determine this prior to start of game. Each person gets 3 attempts. If not they get a point. Least amount of points at the end of the game wins.

Stall locations: Chest, knee, forehead, top of head, back, top of shoe, stomach.

  • Stall Crazy

Create a crazy stall. First person kicks hacky sack up and does a stall of their choice. The next person has to keep the hacky sack up one more time than person before they do a stall – so 2 hacks and a stall. Third person is three kicks and a stall…..rule no 2 stalls can be the same.

Day 5

  • War Hack

2 teams face off against each other. 1st person in each group hack – person that goes the longest wins and goes to the end of their line, losers are out. 2nd people in group face of – longest hacker goes to end of line.

  • Survivor Hack

You need a good size group in a circle. Every three times that the hack drops to the ground, one person gets voted off. The last two people will have a hack off – whoever can keep it up the longest wins.


If time every allows……set up pickleball nets……play tennis/pickleball

Must return hacky sack without using hands. Every time you can’t return the hack – you get a point. First person to 5 loses.