Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council

Gift Donation Form

This donation is:

In Memory of: ______(please print clearly. This will be the name that appears on the In Memoriam plaque at Girl Guide House Edmonton)

In Honour of: ______


Any special message: ______

I’ve enclosed my cheque made

payable to:

Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council 11055-107 St NW Edmonton AB T5H 2Z6

(780) 424-5510

Or Please bill my:

Visa □ MasterCard

Card No.______

Expiry Date ______


Name on Card ______


Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council respects the privacy of its Members and donors. We do not sell, rent or trade our membership or donor lists. The information we collect is used to process donations and to keep you informed of our programs from time to time. If you wish to be excluded from our mailing list, please let us know when you are making your donation.

Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council

Gift Donation Form

*Donor’s Name: ______

*Donor’s Address: ______

______Tel.: ______

(*required to send charitable receipt) □ I wish to remain anonymous and to not be listed in any annual reports

Please send a card/letter acknowledging this donation to:

Name: ______

Address: ______

Name(s) to appear on card: ______

I wish my donation to be allocated to:

□ Scholarship Fund □ Museum and Archives Fund

□ Alberta Girls’ Parliament □ Transportation Assistance Fund

□ Endowment Fund □ New Unit Assistance

□ Camping □ Other (please designate, if you wish):


Girl Guides of Canada-Alberta Council respects the privacy of its Members and donors. We do not sell, rent or trade our membership or donor lists. The information we collect is used to process donations and to keep you informed of our programs from time to time. If you wish to be excluded from our mailing list, please let us know when you are making your donation.