The Shelton School District Board of Directors met in regular session at 6:00 p.m. on September 26, 2006 in the board room located at CHOICE Alternative School.

Board members present: Chairman Ross Gallagher, Julianna Miljour, Holly Sharpe, Sue McCausland, Peter Boome and student board representative James Hong.

Staff members present: Superintendent Joan Zook, Jackie McGuire, Linda Arnold, Alison Nutt, Ricardo Del Bosque, Cindy Roaf, Ray Field, Sandi Thompson, Mark Weston, Jesse Mathews and Carey Murray.

Others present: Jeff Green, Dedrick Allen, Steve Storaasli, Arturo Martinez and Mr. and Mrs. Martinez.


Chairman Gallagher called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

James Hong read the district’s Mission Statement.


There were two additions to the agenda:

1)  A new Item 7.07 – Salary schedule for the position of Director of Assessment; and

2)  A new Item 8.13 – Supplemental personnel report.

Julianna Miljour made a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.


John Aultman, Executive Director of the New Market Vocational Skills Center, presented a plaque to Joan Zook in appreciation of her serving as the Chair of the New Market Executive Board during the 2005-06 school year. The Executive Board is made up of the superintendents from each of the 10 school districts the New Market Vocational Skills Center serves.


6.01 – Report from Arturo Martinez on his trip to Space Camp this summer:

Olympic Middle School student Arturo Martinez spoke about his experience at the U.S. Space Academy this summer. Arturo was one of three Washington State migrant students selected to receive a scholarship to attend the Space Academy in Huntsville, Alabama. He was selected because of his outstanding academic achievement in science.


7.01 – Proposal to retire Shelton High School’s #45 football jersey:

Board members recently received several requests to retire Shelton High School’s #45 football jersey in honor of Chris Boelk, a 2003 Shelton High School graduate, who died in a car accident several weeks ago and who wore the #45 jersey. Board members discussed other possible alternatives to retiring the #45 jersey, such as starting a memorial scholarship fund or living memorial; looking into what other school districts have done in this situation; the fact that they would be setting a precedent by retiring the #45 jersey and how do you honor other students; and getting input from the current Shelton High School student body. It was the consensus of the board to charge the Athletic & Activities Committee with this task and to bring a recommendation back to the board in a timely manner since this is a very heartfelt and emotional issue for the family and friends of Chris Boelk.

7.02 – 2007 Capital Facilities Plan:

Joan Zook discussed the district’s 2007 Capital Facilities Plan. The district must have a plan in place to ensure we have facilities to meet the needs of our growing community, which is expected to change dramatically within the next six years. Within the District’s six-year facility planning horizon, cohort survival analysis predictions and planned new developments project a total K-12 enrollment of 5,053 FTE students by the 2011-12 school year. This represents a potential enrollment increase of over 1,065 students. The district will need to build another elementary school as well as the expansion of our current secondary school facilities. Joan plans to convene a Facilities Task Force to help us through this process.

Joan has been working with the city and the county on collection of impact and mitigation fees and is hoping that we are incorporated into their new comprehensive plans. The Capital Facilities Plans for all Mason County school districts have been submitted to the county.

7.03 – Proposed amendments to 2005-07 bargained agreement with ESP:

Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the amendments to the 2005-07 bargained agreement with the Educational Support Personnel. Peter Boome seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

7.04 – Proposed salary schedule for the position of Auditorium Operations Engineer:

Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the salary schedule for the new position of Auditorium Operations Engineer. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Dave Miser has been hired to fill this position and will begin his duties on October 2, 2006.

7.05 – Proposed draft policy on employee drug testing:

Linda Arnold presented a rough draft of a proposed policy and procedures for implementing drug and alcohol testing for non-CDL requirements. The policy will allow for probable cause drug testing and for random drug testing of employees who, as a part of their job function, 1) engage in the use of mechanical equipment, regular operation of district vehicles and/or use of potentially dangerous substances; or 2) supervise students or other employees in physical activities that could result in injury. Legal counsel is currently reviewing the policy and the district is also seeking union and school board input.

7.06 – Mt. View remodel project:

Superintendent Zook reported that bids for the remodel of Mt. View Elementary came in $1 million over budget, due to the escalation of construction costs. Joan, Mark Weston and architect Steve Storaasli met with the Mt. View staff this afternoon and explained to them that we have $2.3 million of local money and we now need to decide how best to use that money. If we use our state match money now, it will be 30 years before we qualify for additional state match money for this site. The options are to: 1) walk away from the project completely and use the $2.3 million of local money for other capital projects; 2) refund the $2.3 million back to the taxpayers; or 3) go as far as we can at Mt. View with the $2.3 million (complete Phase 1) and defer access to state matching funds until we can pass a bond issue and properly finish Mt. View.

Mark and Steve explained that Phase 1 would construct a new parking lot on the corner of K and Laurel Streets and a new bus loop; install new site utilities including fire hydrants and a fire lane; turn the current library building into a much needed new entry to the school away from K Street and a new administration area; and construction of several handicapped and regular classrooms from the old office area. Because the district received approval from the city on all permits just last week, which is a very big hurdle, it would be a plus to move forward with Phase 1. Otherwise, we would have to start the permit process all over again with the city. We also have to remind ourselves that we had not originally planned to be able to do any upgrades at all to Mt. View with bond money.

Board members were in consensus to proceed with Phase 1 of the project. They also asked Mark to provide them with what was discussed tonight in writing so they could be able to speak to others about the project.

7.07 – Proposed salary schedule for the position of Director of Assessment:

Board members approved all salary schedules for non-represented staff at their September 12 meeting, however the salary listed for the position of Director of Assessment was listed incorrectly. Julianna Miljour moved, seconded by Holly Sharpe, to approve the revised salary schedule for the position of Director of Assessment. The motion passed unanimously.


Julianna Miljour made a motion to approve the consent agenda as amended with the addition of Item 8.13. Holly Sharpe seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. The board:

·  Approved minutes from the September 7, 2006 special board meeting and the September 12, 2006 regular board meeting.

·  Approved General Fund Voucher No. 105126 in the amount of $245.00.

·  Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 105127 through 105267 in the amount of $252,147.12 for September 2006 (2005-06 budget).

·  Approved General Fund Voucher Nos. 105268 through 105448 in the amount of $565,151.15 for September 2006 (2006-07 budget).

·  Approved Associated Student Body Fund Voucher Nos. 16561 through 16607 in the amount of $51,786.09 for September 2006 (2006-07 budget).

·  Approved Capital Projects Fund Voucher Nos. 1631 through 1636 in the amount of $6,934.40 for September 2006 (2005-06 budget).

·  Approved Private Purpose Voucher Nos. 116 through 119 in the amount of $1,500.00 for September 2006 (2006-07 budget).

·  Approved Payroll Voucher Nos. 40422 through 40563 in the amount of $2,464,507.54 for September 2006.

·  Approved the list of NJROTC field trips for the 2006-07 school year, as submitted.

·  Approved overnight travel to Wenatchee on September 29-30, 2006 for the Shelton High School Marching Band and Color Guard to participate in the Wenatchee Apple Blossom Marching Band Festival.

·  Approved overnight travel to Panhandle 4-H Camp on October 6-7, 2006 for seven Oakland Bay Junior High and Shelton High School FFA members to attend the West Central District III Leadership Camp.

·  Approved out-of-state travel to Raleigh, North Carolina on November 16-19, 2006 for SADD Club member Kelsea Larsen to attend the National Student Safety Program planning meeting.

·  Approved out-of-state travel to Raleigh, North Carolina on June 25-July 1, 2007 for four SADD Club members to attend the National Student Safety Program Conference.

·  Approved out-of-state travel to New Orleans, LA on July 14-18, 2007 for six SADD Club members to attend the National SADD Conference.

·  Approved the regular and supplemental personnel reports as submitted and as attached. (See Attachment #1.)


·  Sue McCausland commented that everyone is disappointed with the issues surrounding the Mt. View remodel project, but thinks the best way to proceed is in a phase situation so that we get the most in state match money in the future.

·  Ross Gallagher spoke about the WSSDA Legislative Assembly he attended in Wenatchee recently. He is also frustrated by the situation at Mt. View but believes completing Phase 1 is our best option at this point.

·  Holly Sharpe enjoyed a vacation in Oregon last week. She also commented that Superintendent Zook was very deserving of the recognition tonight by John Aultman on behalf of the New Market Vocational Skills Center.

·  James Hong is starting college essays this week and is focusing on attending the University of Washington, Washington State University or Western Washington University.


·  Joan Zook will be talking with all building and department staff in the next couple of weeks regarding the work of the Shelton Schools Foundation. She distributed to board members copies of the new Shelton Schools Foundation brochure, pledge forms and grant applications, which all staff members will be receiving.

·  There will be a meeting at 4:30 p.m. this Thursday at the Shelton High School auditorium with community user groups of the auditorium and Shelton Schools Foundation members to discuss ideas to renovate the auditorium into a state-of-the-art Performing Arts Center.

·  All travel arrangements have been made for Ross Gallagher, Peter Boome and Joan Zook to attend the 2006 Annual WSSDA Conference in Spokane on November 15-18, 2006. Alison will get the trip details out to them soon.


At 7:35 p.m. Chairman Gallagher announced that the board would take a 5-minute recess and would then enter into executive session for approximately ½ hour to discuss a personnel issue and real estate. After executive session the board will meet in a non-public session to hear an ESP grievance.

The board returned to regular session at 8:03 p.m.


Holly Sharpe made a motion to terminate the employment of Tari Hedstrom. The motion was seconded by Julianna Miljour and the motion passed unanimously.


Chairman Gallagher declared the regular meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m.

Chairman, Board of Directors

Secretary to the Board