Egypotology: Science Investigation

This trail will help you explore the Ancient
Egyptian treasures on show.

There are two display areas and you can start at either one – you don’t have to do it in the order it is written in.

Enjoy your trip to Ancient Egypt!

YOUR NAME:______


The objects numbered 1-6 are part of our exciting project where scientists are taking very tiny samples of objects like these to find out more about them.

·  Can you see the object that has already been tested? What is it called (clue: the heading says it has revealed its secrets)?

·  Do you know what the symbols on the front of the jar are called?

Write it here (ask someone to help you spell it!)______

·  Now draw some of these symbols in the box below.

Take another look at objects 1-6. We would like you to have a look at them and vote for which object you would like to see tested first. Put your voting slip in the box.

After you have done that, turn over.

·  Find a mummy mask. How many colours can you see on it?

This is the kind of mask that might have been placed over the head of a dead person. When you look in the other display area find another mummy mask.

·  Look at object number 9. Who is it?


·  How many mummified cats were discovered when Bast’s temple was excavated? ______

·  What are objects number 10 called? ______

·  Do you know what these were used for? ______

·  Draw an amulet below that you would like to protect you.

You’ve finished looking in the shop window now.

If you haven’t already, look in the other display window.

If you’ve already done that, draw your favourite Egyptian object on show.


Many of these objects are related to mummification.

·  Read the display panel. How long did the mummification process take? _ _ DAYS

·  What was the body washed with? ______

·  How was the brain taken out of the body?


·  What were coffins made from? ______

·  Now look at the objects in the case. Objects numbered

3 were used in the mummification process. You will find

out more about this this afternoon.

What are they? ______

·  Complete the names of them below:

I _ SE_Y QEB_ _ S _ NU _ F D_AMU _E_

·  Have a go at drawing one of them in the box below:

·  What is the name of this object?


·  Who wore it, and when?


·  This object has had some scientific tests done already to find out what the paint is made from. Name two things that have been found in the paint.

1. ______2. ______

·  Find the jewellery on display. How many colours can you see?

Is it similar or different to jewellery today? ______

·  What is object number 2? ______

·  What is it made from? ______

·  Think about how it would feel to rest your head on this!

Last question!

·  What are the names of the two gods combined in object number 8?

1. ______2. ______

You’ve finished looking at this display window Have you looked in the other one?

If you have, you can use the rest of this side of paper to draw your favourite Egyptian object.