Publications Separated by Categories
Diana E. Wheeler
Conceptual papers
1982. Nijhout, H.F. and D.E. Wheeler. Juvenile hormone and the physiological basis of insect polymorphisms. QuarterlyReviewofBiology 57:109-133.
1986. Wheeler, D.E. Developmental and physiological determinants of caste in social Hymenoptera: Evolutionary implications. AmericanNaturalist 128:13-34.
1991. Wheeler, D.E. Developmental basis of worker caste polymorphism in ants. AmericanNaturalist 138:1218-1238.
1994. Wheeler, D.E. Nourishment in ants: patterns in individuals and societies. In NourishmentandEvolutioninInsectSocieties, J.H. Hunt and C.A. Nalepa, eds., Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado. pp. 245-278
1996. Nijhout, H.F. and D.E. Wheeler. Growth models of complex allometries in ants. AmericanNaturalist 148:40-56.
1996. Wheeler, D.E. The role of nourishment in oogenesis. AnnualReviewsof Entomology 41:345-369.
2001. Evans, J.D. and D.E. Wheeler. Gene expression and the evolution of insect polyphenisms. Bioessays 23: 62-68.
2002. Bloch, G., D.E. Wheeler, G.E. Robinson. Endocrine influences on the organization of insect societies. In Hormones, Brain, and Behavior, D. Pfaff, A. Arnold, A. Etgen, S. Fahrbach, R. Moss, R. Rubin. Vol. 3: 195-235.
2003. Wheeler, D.E. One hundred years of caste determination in Hymenoptera. In T. Kikuchi, N. Azuma, S. Higashi, eds., Genes, Behaviors and Evolution of Social Insects pp. 35-54. HokkaidoUniversity Press, Sapporo, Japan.
2003. Wheeler, D.E. and H.F. Nijhout. A perspective for understanding the modes of juvenile hormone action as a lipid signaling system. Bioessays 25 (10): 994-1001.
Molecular basis of development and caste determination
1999. Evans, J. and D.E. Wheeler. Differential gene expression between developing queens and workers in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. ProceedingsNationalAcademy of Sciences 96: 5575-5580.
2000. Evans, J.D. and D.E. Wheeler. Gene expression profiles during the honey bee caste program . GenomeBiology
2005. Goodisman, M.A.D., J. Isoe, D.E. Wheeler, M.A. Wells. Evolution of Insect Metamorphosis: A microarray based study of larval and adult gene expression in the ant Camponotus festinatus. Evolution 59:858-870.
2006. Wheeler, D.E., N. Buck, J.D. Evans. Expression of insulin pathway genes during the period of caste determination in the honey bee, Apis mellifera. Insect Molecular Biology 15: 597-602.
2006. Honey Bee Genome Sequencing Consortium. Insights into social insects from the genome of the honey bee Apis mellifera. Nature 443: 931-948.
Castes, Allometry and Caste Determination in Ants (mostly)
1981. Wheeler, D.E. and H.F. Nijhout. Imaginal wing discs in larvae of the soldier caste of Pheidolebicarinatavinelandica. InternationalJournalofInsectMorphologyandEmbryology 10:131-139.
1981. Wheeler, D.E. and H.F. Nijhout. Soldier determination in ants: New role for juvenile hormone. Science 213:361-363.
1983. Wheeler, D.E. and H.F. Nijhout. Soldier determination in the ant, Pheidolebicarinata: Hormonal control of caste and size within castes. JournalofInsectPhysiology 29:847-854.
1984. Wheeler, D.E. and H.F. Nijhout. Soldier determination in the ant, Pheidolebicarinata: Inhibition of soldier development by adult soldiers. JournalofInsectPhysiology 30:127-135.
1986. Wheeler, D.E. Polymorphism and division of labor in Aztecachartifexlaticeps. JournaloftheKansasEntomologicalSociety 59:235-241.
1990. Wheeler, D.E. Developmental basis of polymorphism in fire ants. JournalofInsectPhysiology 36:315-322.
1993. Wheeler, D.E., A. Wong, and J. Ribeiro. Scaling of feeding and reproductive structures in the mosquito, Aedesaegypti.JournaloftheKansasEntomologicalSociety 66:121-124.
Nutrition, Storage Proteins, and Vitellogenin
1990. Wheeler, D.E. and J. Kawooya. Purification and characterization of honey bee vitellogenin. ArchivesofInsectBiochemistryandPhysiology 14:253-267.
1991. Martinez, T. and D.E. Wheeler. Effect of the queen, brood and worker caste on haemolymph vitellogenin titres in Camponotusfestinatus workers. JournalofInsectPhysiology 37:347-352.
1991. Martinez, T. and D.E. Wheeler. Identification of vitellogenin in the ant, Camponotus festinatus. Changes in hemolymph proteins and fat body development in workers. ArchivesofInsectBiochemistryandPhysiology 17:143-155.
1992. Wheeler, D.E. and N.A. Buck. Protein, lipid and carbohydrate utilization during metamorphosis in the western fire ant, Solenopsisxyloni. PhysiologicalEntomology 17:397-403.
1993. Martinez, T. and D.E. Wheeler. Identification of two storage hexamers in the ant, Camponotus festinatus: accumulation in adult queenless workers. InsectBiochemistryandMolecularBiology 23:309-317.
1994. Martinez, T. and D.E. Wheeler. Storage proteins in adult ants: roles in colony founding by queens and in larval rearing by workers. JournalofInsectPhysiology 40: 723-729.
1995. Rosell, R. and D.E. Wheeler. Storage function and ultrastructure of the adult fat body in workers of the ant Camponotusfestinatus. InternationalJournalofInsectMorphologyandEmbryology 24:413-426.
1995. Wheeler, D.E. and N.A. Buck. Storage proteins in ants during development and colony founding. JournalofInsectPhysiology 41:885-894.
1995. Wheeler, D.E. and T. Martinez. Storage proteins in ants. ComparativeBiochemistryandPhysiology 112B:15-19.
1996. Wheeler, D.E. and N.A. Buck. A role for storage proteins in autogenous reproduction in Aedesatropalpus.JournalofInsectPhysiology 42:961-966
1996. Wheeler, D.E. and N.A. Buck. Depletion of reserves in ant queens during claustral colony founding. InsectesSociaux 43:297-302.
1999. Wheeler, D.E., J. Liebig, and B. Holldobler. Atypical vitellins in ponerine ants. Journal of Insect Physiology 45: 287-293
2000. Wheeler, D.E., I. Tuchinskaya, N.A. Buck, B.E. Tabashnik. Hexameric storage proteins during metamorphosis and egg reproduction in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella.Journal of Insect Physiology 46: 951-958.
2000. Martinéz, T., T. Burmester, J. Veenstra, D.E. Wheeler. Full cDNA sequence of an hexamerin expressed in adult workers of the ant Camponotus festinatus. Insect Molecular Biology 9:427-431.
2001.Telang, A., V. Booten, R.F. Chapman, D.E. Wheeler. Regulation of growth through post-ingestive compensation by Heliothis virescens larvae. Journal of Insect Physiology 47: 1055-1064.
2001. Zakharkin, S.O., V.V. Sitnikova, N. K. Kumar, N.A. Buck, D.E. Wheeler, and H. Benes. Female-specific expression of a hexamerin gene from the autogenous mosquito Aedes atropalpus. Cloning and expression of a storage hexamerin in Aedes atropalpus. European Journal of Biochemistry. 268, 5713-5722.
2002. Telang, A., N.A. Buck, and D.E. Wheeler. Response of storage protein levels to variation in dietary protein levels. Journal of Insect Physiology 48(11): 1021-1029.
2003. Telang, A., N.A. Buck, R.F. Chapman, D.E. Wheeler. Sexual differences in post-ingestive processing of dietary protein and carbohydrate in caterpillars of two species. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 76(2): 247-255.
2003. Hunt, J.H., N.A. Buck, and D.E. Wheeler. Storage proteins in vespid wasps: characterization, developmental pattern and occurrence in adults. J. Insect Physiology 49, 785-794.
2003. Hahn, D.A. and D.E. Wheeler. Presence of a single abundant storage hexamerin in both larvae and adults of the grasshopper, Schistocerca americana: J. Insect Physiology 49: 1189-1197
2004. Hahn, D. A., N.A. Buck, R.A. Johnson, D.E. Wheeler. Storage proteins and colony founding in the genus Pogonomyrmex. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77: 100-108.
2005. Cassill, D., J. Butler, S.B. Vinson, D.E. Wheeler. Cooperation during prey digestion between workers and larvae in the ant, Pheidole spadonia. Insectes Sociaux 52: 339-343.
2007. Johnston, M.L. and D.E. Wheeler. Storage proteins as a resource for colony founding in termites. Insectes Sociaux (accepted)
Sperm Storage and Management
1990. Wheeler, D.E., E.G. Crichton, and P.H. Krutzsch. Comparative ultrastructure of ant spermatozoa. JournalofMorphology 206:343-350.
1992. Wheeler, D.E. and P.H. Krutzsch. Internal reproductive system in adult males in the genus Camponotus. JournalofMorphology 211: 307-317.
1994. Wheeler, D.E. and P.H. Krutzsch. Anatomy and ultrastructure of the spermatheca and its associated gland in the ant, Crematogasteropuntiae. Zoomorphology 114:203-212.
1995. Reichardt, A.K. and D.E. Wheeler. Estimation of sperm number in insects by fluorometry. InsectesSociaux 42:449-452.
1996. Reichardt, A.K. and D.E. Wheeler. Multiple mating in ants: a case for female control. BehavioralEcologyandSociobiology 38:219-225.
Cephalotine Ants
1984. Wheeler, D.E. Behavior of the ant, Procryptocerusscabriusculus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), with comparisons to other cephalotines. Psyche 91:171-192.
1985. Wheeler, D.E. and B. Hölldobler. Cryptic phragmosis: The structural modifications. Psyche 92:337-353.
1997. Roche, R.K. and D.E. Wheeler. Morphological specializations of the digestive tract of Zacryptocerus rohweri.Journal of Morphology 234: 253-262.
Miscellaneous Ant Biology
1986. Wheeler, D.E. Ectatommatuberculatum: Foraging biology and association with Crematogaster. AnnalsoftheEntomologicalSocietyofAmerica 79:300-303.
1988. Wheeler, D.E. and S.L. Levings. Impact of the 1983 El Niño drought on the litter arthropods of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. AdvancesinMyrmecology 1:309-326.
1999. Wetterer, J.K., S.E. Miller, D.E. Wheeler, C.A. Olson, I.W. Ashton, M. Pitts, D.A. Polhemus, A.G. Himler, M.M. Yospin, K.R. Helms, E.L. Harken, J. Gallaher, C.E. Dunning, M. Nelson, J. Litsinger, and T.L. Burgess. Ecological dominance by Paratrechina longicornis, an invasive alien ant, in Biosphere 2. 1999. Florida Entomologist 82:381-388.
2002. Hahn, D. and D.E. Wheeler. Seasonal activity patterns of ants during an El Niño year on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Biotropica 34: 348-356.