Asian Regional Workshop on Free Trade Agreements

List of papers

General 1

Singapore issues 3

Generally 3

Investment 3

Competition 4

Government procurement 4

Services 4

Market access 4

Industrial products 4

Agriculture 4

Intellectual Property 5

Intellectual property and development 5


Intellectual property and access to medicines 5

Copyright 6

Intellectual property and other topics 7

Dispute resolution 7

Materials in italics were only available in hard copy and so are not on the website


1.  Bilateral/Regional Free Trade Agreements: An Outline of Elements, Nature and Development Implications, Martin Khor, Third World Network

2.  Globalization and the South: Some Critical Issues, Martin Khor, 2000, Third World Network

3.  The Current Negotiations in the WTO: Options, Opportunities and Risks for Developing Countries, Bhagirath Lal Das, 2005, Zed Books & Third World Network

4.  The Malaysian Experience in Financial-Economic Crisis Management: An Alternative to the IMF-Style Approach

5.  US Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002, Public Law 107-210

This Act contains the terms that the US Congress requires the United States Trade Representative’s (USTR) to obtain in any free trade agreement (FTA).[1] For example:

·  Trade and foreign policy objectives are interlinked eg ‘Trade will create new opportunities for the United States and preserve the unparalleled strength of the United States in economic, political, and military affairs’, p 116 STAT. 993.

·  The overall trade negotiating objectives are on p116 STAT 994, s2102(a)

·  The principle negotiating objectives begin on p116 STAT 994, s2102(b):

o  Re trade in services, p116 STAT994, s2102(b)(2)

o  Re foreign investment, p116 STAT995, s2102(b)(3)

o  Re intellectual property, p116 STAT995, s2102(b)(4)

o  Re reciprocal trade in agriculture, p116 STAT998, s2102(b)(10)

o  Re labour and the environment, p116 STAT1000, s2102(b)(11)

o  Re textiles, p116 STAT1002, s2102(b)(16)

·  ‘Fast track’ authority, p116 STAT1004, s2103

·  Maximum permitted tariff reductions, p116 STAT1004, s2103(a)(2), (definition of ‘import sensitive agricultural product’, p116 STAT1022, s2113(10))

·  It also contains the procedural requirements for the USTR to report to Congress and the way in which FTAs are implemented in the USA.

6.  African Union’s Ministerial Declaration on EPA Negotiations from the AU Conference of Ministers of Trade, Cairo, 2005

7.  The politics of the US’ free trade agreements, Sangeeta Shashikant, in “Third World Resurgence” No.167/168 (pages 14-20)

8.  The Great Maze: Regional and Bilateral Free Trade Agreements in Asia, Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative, UNDP Regional Centre, Colombo

9.  The FTA Maze in Asia: Trends, Characteristics and Implications, Swarnim Wagle, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo

10.  Thailand’s Free Trade Agreements and Human Rights Obligations, FTA Watch Thailand for submission to the UN Human Rights Committee

11.  The Impact of FTAs on Thailand, 2005, FTA Watch Coalition

12.  CAFTA: Few Benefits, Many Costs, Vincent McElhinny, 2004, IRC Americas

13.  An Evaluation of the Chile-U.S. Free Trade Agreement, Hugo Fazio, 2004

14.  The ASEAN-China Free Trade Area: Issues and Prospects, Natividad Y. Bernardino, 2004

15.  Indonesia and Bilateral Trade Agreements (BTAs), Alexander C. Chandra, Institute for Global Justice

16.  The Philippine FTA Experience

17.  Pakistan’s Market Access Initiative-Challenges and Opportunities, Humaira Zia Mufti, Ministry of Commerce, Pakistan

18.  Eight Lessons from the United States-Singapore FTA, Chang Li Lin

19.  Extortion at the gate: Will Viet Nam join the WTO on pro-development terms? Oxfam Briefing Paper 67 (from:

20.  Do as I say, not as I do: The unfair terms for Viet Nam’s entry to the WTO, Oxfam Briefing Paper 74 (from:

21.  Economic integration and maize-based livelihoods of poor Vietnamese: Discussion Paper, Hoang Xuan Thanh and Koos Neefjes (from: Report/Agriculture/MAIZE-e.pdf)

Further resources

1.  The full text of free trade agreements with the USA can be downloaded from:

2.  Third World Network’s website:

3.  A website which has a lot of commentary on FTAs:

4.  Re Economic Partnership Agreements between the European Union and African, Caribbean and Pacific countries, see

5.  The Australian Parliament’s Upper House formed a Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement between Australia and the United States of America to: examine the Australia-US FTA; provide a democratic and transparent process to review the FTA in its totality to ensure it is in Australia’s national interest; and examine the impacts of the FTA on Australia’s economic, trade, investment and social and environment policies, including, but not limited to, agriculture, health, education and the media. Submissions made to the Committee and its final report can be found at:

Singapore issues


1.  The Implications of the New Issues in the WTO (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 11), Bhagirath Lal Das, 2003, Third World Network

2.  The Proposed New Issues in the WTO and the Interests of Developing Countries (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 14), Martin Khor, 2001, Third World Network

3.  The “Singapore Issues” in the WTO: Implications and Recent Developments, Martin Khor, 2004, Third World Network

4.  The WTO “Singapore Issues”: What’s at Stake and Why it Matters (TWN Briefing Paper No. 16), Martin Khor, Third World Network

5.  After Singapore, battle of interpretations will start at WTO, Third World Economics, Issue No 154


1.  Investment Issue, Martin Khor, Third World Network

2.  Bilateral investment treaties chapter (pages 204-268) in “The International Law on Foreign Investment”, M. Sornarajah, 2004, Cambridge University Press

3.  Foreign Investment Policy, the Multilateral Agreement on Investment and Development Issues, Martin Khor

4.  Dangers of Negotiating Investment and Competition Rules in the WTO (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 16), Bhagirath Lal Das, 2001, Third World Network

5.  Financial Effects of Foreign Direct Investment in the Context of a Possible WTO Agreement on Investment (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 21), David Woodward, 2003, Third World Network

6.  US Model Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT): this is the basis for all its BITs (from: Investment/Model_BIT/asset_upload_file847_6897.pdf)

7.  Communication from China, Cuba, India, Kenya, Pakistan and Zimbabwe, 2002, World Trade Organization

8.  The Sharp Edge of International Investment Agreements: Expropriation and Dispute Settlement, Goh Chien Yen, Third World Network

9.  CAFTA’s Dept Trap, Aldo Caliari, 2005, FPIF

10.  CAFTA’s False Promise, Kevin P. Gallagher, 2005, IRC Americas

Further resources

The bilateral investment treaties which have been signed by each country can be identified and downloaded via a simple search from UNCTAD:

Intellectual property and investment

1.  Intellectual Property in Investment Agreements: The TRIPS-plus Implications for Developing Countries, South Centre Analytical Note, 2005

2.  Bilateral Investment Agreements: Agents of new global standards for the protection of intellectual property rights? Carlos M. Correa (from: correa-bits-august-2004.pdf)

Investor-state dispute settlement

NAFTA Chapter 11 Investor-State Cases, February 2005, Public Citizen (from (2Mb))


1.  Competition Issue, Martin Khor, Third World Network

2.  Trade and Competition Policy in the WTO (TWN Briefing Paper No. 18), Cecilia Oh, 2003, Third World Network

3.  Competition Policy, Development and Developing Countries, Ajit Singh & Rahul Dhumale, 1999, South Centre

4.  Competition Policy, Globalization and Economic Development, Ajit Singh

Government procurement

Government Procurement in FTAs: An Outline of the Issues, Martin Khor, Third World Network


1.  Services in the WTO and FTAs, Martin Khor, Third World Network

2.  Health Services and FTA, Suwit Wibulpolpraset, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

3.  The Wrong Model, GATS, trade liberalisation and children's right to health, John Hilary, 2001, Save the Children

4.  International Service Trade and its Implications for Human Resources for Health: A Case Study of Thailand, Suwit Wibulpolprasert, Cha-aim Pachanee, Siriwan Pitayarangsarit & Pintusorn Hempisut, 2004, BioMed Central

Market access

Market Access and the Experience of NAFTA and other Latin American Free Trade Agreements with the United States, Laura Carlsen, Americas Program, International Relations Centre

Industrial products

1.  Developing Countries Need to Wake Up to the Realities of the NAMA Negotiations (TWN Briefing Paper No. 26), Ha-Joon Chang, 2005, Third World Network

2.  Market Access for Non-Agricultural Products: A Development View of the Principles and Modalities (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 20), Martin Khor and Goh Chien Yen, 2003, Third World Network

3.  The WTO Negotiations on Industrial Tariffs: What is at stake for Developing Countries (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 24), Yilmaz Akyüz, 2005, Third World Network

4.  A note on WTO negotiations on Industrial Tariffs – Yilmaz Akyuz

5.  The Implications of Universal and Across-the-Board Trade Liberalisation: Structural Change or De-Industrialisation?, S.M. Shafaeddin, 2005

6.  The WTO Negotiations on Non-Agricultural Market Access: A Development Perspective, Martin Khor, Goh Chien Yen, Third World Network, 2004

7.  Trade, Growth and Industrialization: Issues, Experience and Policy Challenges, Yilmaz Akyüz, 2005

8.  International Trade in Textiles and Clothing and Development Policy Options, 2005, UNDP Regional Centre in Colombo


1.  Effects of Agricultural Liberalization: Experiences of Rural Producers in Developing Countries (TWN Trade & Development Series No. 23), Meenakshi Raman, 2004, Third World Network

2.  The Mexican Experience and Lessons for WTO Negotiations on the Agreement on Agriculture, Laura Carlsen

3.  Fields of Poverty, Tahir Hasnain, WTO Watch Group

4.  Effects of Agricultural Liberalization on Farmers, Antonio Tujan Jr., Asia Pacific Research Network

5.  From the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution: Agriculture, AFTA and the TNCs, Rene E. Ofreneo, UP School of Labor and Industrial Relations

Intellectual Property

Intellectual property and development

1.  Intellectual Property Rights and Economic Development – Historical Lessons and Emerging Issues (TWN Intellectual Property Rights Series No. 3), Ha-Joon Chang, 2001, Third World Network

2.  IP rights and wrongs, Joseph Stiglitz, The Edge Malaysia, 22-28 August 2005, p53

3.  Intellectual Property and Development, Peter Drahos, Australian National University

4.  Relationship between IP and Development and Recent Developments in IPR Negotiations in WTO and WIPO, Sangeeta Shashikant, Third World Network

5.  IP and the WIPO “Development Agenda”, Sangeeta Shashikant, Third World Network

6.  Intellectual Property Rights, Technology and Economic Development: Experiences of Asian Countries, Nagesh Kumar

7.  Who Owns the Knowledge Economy? Political Organising Behind TRIPS, Peter Drahos (


1.  Humanising Intellectual Property, Third World Resurgence No. 171-172, 2004, Third World Network

2.  Call for reform of IPR system intensifies (Third World Economics No. 339), 2004, Third World Network

3.  North-South dispute over WIPO reform (Third World Economics No. 353), 2005, Third World Network

4.  Multilateral agreements and a TRIPS-plus world: The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), Sisule F Musungu and Graham Dutfield (from:

Intellectual property and access to medicines

1.  Access to Medicines at Risk across the Globe: What to Watch Out For in Free Trade Agreements with the United States (MSF Briefing Note), 2004

2.  Undermining access to medicines: Comparison of five US FTAs (Oxfam Briefing Note), 2004, Oxfam International

3.  Manual on Good Practices in Public-Health-Sensitive Policy Measures and Patent Laws, 2003, Third World Network. This can be downloaded chapter by chapter from:

4.  Imports by and Exports to Countries with Insufficient or No Manufacturing Capacities in the Pharmaceutical Sector, Third World Network, 2004

5.  Patents and Access to Medicines: What Can be Done at National Level (TWN Briefing Paper No. 23), Martin Khor, 2004, Third World Network

6.  Recent Examples in Developing Countries of Compulsory Licences, “Government Use Orders” and Other Measures to Promote Access to Medicines, Third World Network, 2005

7.  Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, World Trade Organization, at the Ministerial Conference, Doha, 9-14 November 2001

8.  Medicines for all: Overcoming the patent barrier, Third World Resurgence No 173/174 (pages 9-13)

9.  Data exclusivity in international trade agreements: What consequences for access to medicines?, MSF technical brief, 2004

10.  Protection of Data Submitted for the Registration of Pharmaceuticals: Implementing the Standards of the TRIPS Agreement, Carlos Correa, South Centre (from: protection/protection.pdf)

11.  Data Exclusivity, Patents and Registration of Medicines, Karin Timmermans, World Health Organisation

12.  Conclusions of the Asian Workshop on TRIPS and Access to Medicines: Appropriate National Responses (Kuala Lumpur 28-30 November 2004)

13.  Statement by Senator Edward Kennedy to the US Senate on the Doha Declaration and the Trade Promotion Authority Act of 2002, made on 16 February 2005

14.  Trade Agreements and Access to Medications under the Bush Administration, Henry A. Waxman, 2005

15.  TRIPS and Public Health, Submission by the African Group, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, Peru, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Venezuela, 2001, World Trade Organization

16.  Flexibilities in WTOs TRIPS Agreement for Access to Medicines, Sangeeta Shashikant, Third World Network

17.  Malaysia’s Experience in Increasing Access to Antiretroviral Drugs: Exercising the “Government Use” option, Chee Yoke Ling, Third World Network

18.  WHO Perspective on Medicine Patents and FTAs, Zafar Mirza, World Health Organisation

19.  TRIPS+ Provisions in FTAs and the Implications for Access to Medicines, Sanya Smith, Third World Network

20.  The free trade agreement between Australia and the United States, Peter Drahos & David Henry, 2004, BMJ Volume 328

21.  CAFTA Side Letter Does Not Protect Access to Medicines, Center for Policy Analysis on Trade and Health, 30/9/2004.

22.  Effects of FTAs on Access to Medicines and Lessons from the Latin American Experience, Francisco Rossi, UNDP

23.  Patent Protection and Consideration of Public Health in China, Xikai Wen

24.  Free Trade Agreement Between the USA and Thailand Threatens Access to HIV/AIDS Treatment (Oxfam Briefing Note), 2004, Oxfam International

25.  Possible Impact of Market Exclusivity Extension on Pharmaceuticals in Thailand, Chutima Akaleephan, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand

26.  Thai NGOs appeal to UN on FTA’s effect on health, SUNS #5826 Wednesday 22 June 2005

27.  The Impact of US-Thai FTA: A Civil Society Perspective, Dr Jiraporn Limpananont, Drug Study Group