The purpose of this document is to provide support to you on how to set up and develop your web site. Websites are a great communication tool. Parents like and enjoy knowing what is going on in their children’s classroom. Drupal is an option accessible to all teachers through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development EduPortal.

First you must log in to the EduPortal at https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/eduportal/Login.aspx and click “Teacher Web Space” to get started. You will find an overview of Drupal on pages 2 and 3 of this document and how to activate your account on page 4. Once your account is activated you may continue to develop your web site using the steps provided below.

Table of Contents

1 - Drupal Overview 2,3

2 - How to activate your account ? 4

3 - How to create a new site?...... 4

4 - How to edit the main menu? 6

5 - How to switch theme?...... 7

6 - How to modify the site info?...... 7

7 - How to edit the home page?...... 8

8 - How to edit the about me page?...... 9

9 - How to create content?...... 10

10 - How to create content: Calendar Events?...... 11

11 - How to create content: Homework?...... 12

12 - How to create content: Documents?...... 13

13 - How to create content: Book page?...... 14

14 - How to create content: Quick Links?...... 15

15 - How to manage your content?...... 16

16 - How to disable, delete and reset your password?...... 16

Drupal Overview

Drupal is web base management system, it allows teachers to create web pages.


/ 3.

/ 5.
6. / 7.


2.  How to activate your account?

First you must log into the EduPortal at https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/eduportal/Login.aspx then click on “Teacher Web Space” in order to get access to the administration section of the web space service.

3.  How to create a new site?

4.  How to edit the main menu?

5.  How to switch theme?

6.  How to modify the site info?

7.  How to edit the <Home> page?

8.  How to edit the <About Me page?

9.  How to create content?

10.  How to create content: Calendar Events?

11. How to create content: Homework?

12. How to create content: Documents?

13. How to create content: Book page?

14. How to create content: Quick Links?

15. How to manage your content?

16. How to disable, delete and reset your password?

Go log into the EduPortal at https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/eduportal/Login.aspx then click on “Teacher Web Space” in order to get access to the administration section of the web space service.

http://ictic.hrsbteachers.ednet.ns.ca Eric Therrien June 2013