Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science

Appendix B

/ Clinical Education
Learning Contract



Re:Learning Contract


After reviewing your final CPI and in discussions with you and your CI, and in concert with the policies outlined in the Student Handbook and Clinical Education handbook, a learning contract has been formulated for you to help lead you to a successful completion of Internship 1. This contract will be what you must meet to achieve passing performance in this internship.

Please be advised that it is essential that you fully meet all components of this learning contract by the designated date and in accordance with the standards as outlined. Failure of any portion of this learning contract may lead to a “non-pass” grade of the course.

The components of the learning contract are outlined in detail below. By Friday October 10, 2013 at 5:00 PM, as measured by DCE, the objectives must be met using the identified criteria.


The student will be able to:

  1. History
  2. Able to perform basic subjective portion of eval/re-eval with < 5% assistance
  3. Tests & Measures
  4. Independently perform goniometric measurements of all patient-relevant joints (within 5o of CI), using landmarks according to Norkin & White textbook.
  5. Choose and provide rationale for appropriate special tests with < 5% assistance (for confirmation and direction)
  6. Perform and interpret basic orthopedic special tests with < 10% assistance
  7. Clinical Decision-making
  8. Will independently discern a PT diagnosis hypothesis for simple cases (one-body part soft tissue or post-op) PRIOR to discussion with CI
  9. (After < 15% assistance of CI) then arrive at an accurate diagnosis
  10. Independently present a treatment plan (with rationale) PRIOR to confirmation with CI
  11. Provide evidence of clinical decision-making in documentation with less than 10% assistance (diagnosis, prognosis, assessment, …)
  12. Communication and Professional Presentation
  13. Exude a professionally-confident presentation as exhibited by an upright posture and an audible and consistent voice tone.
  14. Provide statements to both CI/staff and patients/caregivers in the format of a statement (not a question)
  15. Safety
  16. Independently and consistently state and demonstrate all post-operative precautions for patients treated (referral to M.D. script and protocols permitted)
  17. Independently and consistently utilize proper body mechanics and patient positioning to prevent injury.

Educational Strategies:

  • Student self-assessed using CPI findings and personal goals were consistent with DCE (9/25)
  • Reviewed general goniometry with Dr. Gordes and classmates (9/25)
  • Reviewed hand tests & measures and orthopedic clinical decision-making with Dr. Film (9/26)
  • Studying anatomy throughout internships
  • Plan for review of materials each evening and review with CI
  • Use journaling throughout week to “reflect-on-action” in order to improve on “reflection-in-action”

Please sign and date below to confirm agreement with and understanding of the included information. The form should be scanned and e-mailed to t no later than 5:00 PM, Monday September 30, 2013. If you have questions regarding your learning contract, please do not hesitate to contact me via phone or email.


My signature below indicates that I agree with and understand the learning contract outlined in the letter from the Director of Clinical Education and dated 9/27/13. I have knowledge of the deadlines set within this plan and the implications if all components of the plan are not successfully completed by those deadlines.

Signed (Student): ______Date: ______

Signed (CI): ______Date: ______