Youth Member information - Cuboree

What is it

3,000 Cubs, Leaders and support people (Parents, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers) camping for five days in January 2014. The camp has a theme of “Once upon a time”


$250 for Cubs, $200 for Leaders and adults.

50% payment BY YOUR GROUP due by 31 May

Registration process

The registration process is on-line. When you finish the registration and submit your forms, print out a hard copy, sign them and give to your Cub leader.

There is an on-line guide to registration, available from the link below.

You will need a soft copy of a photo (Passport style) to upload to your .

A couple of hints:

  • You must register as a user – half way down the initial sign on page. You will then be sent an email to confirm you are registered as a user. The site says this could take 20 minutes (not the case for me but something to be aware of).
  • Your password must have a Capital Letter, a number, a lower case letter and a special character (!, @, etc)

You can save page by page (if you have entered the mandatory information), meaning you can complete the form over several sessions.

Special diets

There will be no raw eggs used at the Cuboree.

Special diets for medical reasons will require a Medical Certificate.

“Brand” requests cannot be accommodated.

Independent travel

Travel to and from the Cuboree will be by bus, with a local pick up point. In extenuating circumstances, the organisers will allow ‘Independent Travel’ (ie, being dropped off or picked up). This is subject to approval by the Cuboree organisers.


Below are the eligibility criteria for all youth members. Note the maximum age for Cubs.

Cubs / Invested member of the Cub Scout Pack & be born on or after 10th January 2003
Must attend a Pre Cuboree Camp (Dates to be advised by your Pack Coordinator).
Scouts: / Must be an invested Scout, have two (2) years service in the Scout Section and have attained their Red Cord.
Must have completed a Scout Leadership Course.
Must be recommended as suitable to attend by their Scout Leader, Group Leader, Regional Commissioner Scouts and the Cuboree Director.
Venturer Scouts: / Registered members of a Venturer Unit and hold the Venturing Skills Badge.
Recommended by their Venturer Unit, Venturer Leader, Group Leader, Regional Commissioner Venturer Scouts and the Cuboree Director as suitable to serve as a Service Leader.
Rovers: / Registered members of a Rover Crew at least 18 years of age, but no older than 26 years, at 1st January 2014 will be accepted as Service Leaders.
Leaders: / Must hold a Certificate of Adult Leadership.
Other Adults (Primarily Cooks): / Must be willing to act in any role in which the Cuboree Director and/or the Cuboree Executive considers necessary.
In addition, other adult members must complete a M2 - Check Consent Authority and aM5 - Prohibited Employment Declaration as well as read the Adult Code of Conduct and 2 Deep Leadership Principles Leader Support Guides.

Pre Cuboree (“Shakedown”) camp

Shakedownis a one night camp prior to the Cuboree. It is compulsory for all in the Cuboree pack (Youth, leaders and helpers) to attend. This camp allows finalization of gear, review of pack dynamics and making of banner. Only Cuboree participants can attend.

The date of the Shakedown will depend on which pack you are in and dates are scheduled for late October / early November.

Parent Helpers

We need parents to help with cooking / run the mega activity bases. It will not be possible to come and go, so a commitment for the five days is required. Talk to you Cub Leader, who has more information.

Link to sign on page:


If you have any questions, address them to your pack leader in the first instance. If they cannot answer your questions, please contact Sandy (Our District Cub Scout Leader) at

0413307732 after 6pm