The Anglican Trust (registered Charity 253536)

Evangelical Group of the General Synod: Subscription 2015-2020

Please complete the details of your name and address and your chosen method of payment,

together with the tax declaration in the first column for option 1 (A) or 2

Name...... Diocese...... Email......

Address...... Postcode...... GS No (if known)......

1.  Lump Sum Payment (Gift Aided)for 5 years' membership (Gross £69.00 net £55 )

o  (A) I enclose a cheque payable to The Anglican Trust for £55

o (B) I enclose a Charities Aid cheque (or other cheque drawn on a tax-recovered account) payable to The Anglican Trust for £69.00

This is the tax-grossed up value.


2. Annual Payments (gift aided)

By Bankers order (£15 per year)

o I wish to pay by Bankers order and enclose a cheque, payable to The Anglican Trust, for £15 in respect of the 2016 subscription and will instruct by bank to make four further payments of £15 due on 15 January 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 to

CAF Bank Ltd 25 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling Kent ME19 4JQ
Sort Code 40-52-40
Account Anglican Trust
A/C No: 00014554.

Please quote your name and synod number


 please send me a banker’s order form

The total payment under this method is £75

3. Annual Payment (£17 per year)

o I prefer to pay by cheque each year. I note that this payment is not gift aided. I enclose a cheque for £17 payable to The Anglican Trust.

Please send me a reminder each year.

The total payment under this method is £85


When you have completed the appropriate parts of this form, please send it, together with your cheque to:

Revd Dr Philip Plyming, The Vicarage, Church Road, Claygate, Esher, KT10 0JP