Patrick Henry PTA Executive Board (aka Leadership Team)

July 21, 2016, 7:00 to 8:30 PM

at Sydney’s House, 2700 Lansdale Road

Meeting Minutes

In attendance: Sydney Watts, Tiffany Ford, Ashley Kenneth, Erin Van Vleet, Lourdes Post, Ann-Alyssa Hill, Karen Cramer, Joe Hunt, Cathy Durrette, Rose Crews, Diane Heipel

Not Present: Kristin Kirchen, Chris Heipel (newly appointed Parental Involvement Co-chair), Elliott Jordan

  1. Welcome. Review meeting procedures, binder materials.
  • Sydney called the meeting to order at 7:15pm
  • Distributed binders and reviewed materials – all docs are also on google drive.
  • There will be one email address per committee, please copy Sydney on all communications.
  • Overview of Leadership Team meeting schedule and expectations.
  • Dr. Atkinson will be invited to all meetings.
  • Sydney will request that a teacher join the PTA Leadership Team, during Monday’s faculty meeting.
  • Will be using Robert’s Rules of Order during meetings.
  • Approvalof minutes from June 28th

Motion to Approve: Sydney Watts

Second: Ann-Alyssa Hill

Motion Carries unanimously.

  1. Treasurer’s Report
  2. 2016-17 PTA proposed budget (emailed)

Rose distributed copies of the budget and it was reviewed as a group. Please email any adjustments or changes to Rose by Friday, July 29th. Rose will have revised budget to the Officers and then the entire Leadership Team by August 5th. Will be presented to the general membership on August 9th.

  • Small amount remaining in Autumn Auction PayPal account. Will work with Sarah McLillard to transfer.
  • Target ended their redcard rewards program.
  • Discussion about holiday wreath and poinsettia program: Did not make much money past two years, may not be worth to continue this year. Garden and Events Committee Chairs will consider whether or not we will work on this.
  • T-Shirt Sales: Everything we sell now (the stock we currently have) will be profit.
  • Chipotle Night was a success this past year. This year the timing is better, we will begin advertising now and hope to raise more.
  • Penny Wars: We will be clear that the money raised is for playground for equipment. “Pennies for a playground.” Last year, we used the funds to purchase window.
  • Martins: We will continue the program until Martins closes.
  • Kroger: Working very well, we need more families enrolled.
  • BeThereRPS: Expecting a refund.
  • Baskin Robbins: Hoping to clear $300
  • Box Tops: Currently not coming to PTA – may be going to general fund. Sydney will discuss with Bunny about how the money is being collected. Maybe Dr. A can redirect to PTA.
  • Pumpkin Patch: Garden Committee will look into possibility of having pumpkins donated or discounted. Could be in conjunction with Fall Festival.
  • PHASE: Reduced the amount of income and expenses because number of sessions may be reduced this year. There is something new happening but Elliott was not present to report.
  • Rose will be adding a line item for PTA Officer thank-you gifts.
  • Membership: The goal is 300 total members, including parents (need 85%), teachers and community members.
  • We reviewed the membership form and made necessary changes – delete gender and student, move ‘community member’ to top of form. Staff/faculty will be charged the at-cost membership fee. All of the faculty will be asked to join.
  • Donations – if a committee received donations, they can use our provided form as receipt and the funds can be directed to their committee work.
  • We may want to have a thermometer display to indicate our goal and where we are in achieving it.
  • We want to raise $25,000 to cover our $10,000 operating costs and $15,000 for playground equipment – therefore we need to be highly strategic.
  1. President’s Report
  2. PTA 2015-16 financial audit

Brian Hill is working on the audit, we do not need an official committee. The audit requires approval of the budget.

  1. Goals for the year (in binder)

There are three goals for the overall PTA. Each committee is also encouraged to set their own goals. One significant goal is to help parents get their hours – there will be more serious consequences this year.

  1. 2016-17 calendar (emailed & in binder)

Please see the handout – may need edits.

  1. Standing rules, draft to review (emailed & in binder)

This is our first draft of standing rules – outlines how we will communicate, and our Leadership Team expectations. Please review and send any comments or edits to Sydney by Friday, July 29th. Will be presented again for approval, can be amended moving forward.

  • Will change the requirement for all flyers to be approved by the Principal.
  • Staff Funds Request Form (see handout)

This is a new form that staff/faculty will be required to fill out and submit to the PTA Leadership Team two weeks before they need the funds. Will be presented to teachers on Monday.

  • Approved by Consensus.
  • Communication software

Sydney will address this at a later date.

  1. Other committee reports (no agenda items submitted)
  2. Communications Coordinator

Visit the website, walk through and send feedback and edits to Ann-Alyssa. Ann-Alyssa will keep two email lists – PTA and full school list.

We will have a monthly PTA newsletter. The cutoff to have anything printed is the 25th of each month and the newsletter will go out on the 1st of each month.

Ann-Alyssa will send request for Open House volunteers to the entire school list.

  1. Membership Committee

Membership form amended to include membership for faculty/staff at $3.75 per person.

Will need to have member information submitted to the Virginia PTA by the end of September.

Will have at least 6 volunteers to work the tables at Open House, will take check, cash, square.

Need two people to count the money.

People who join will receive a sticker, all Leadership Team members need to join.

  1. Gardens Committee

Have the dates for work days identified. September 17th – will be an overview for new parents. There will be a mentorship program for new and returning Gardens volunteers.

Joe is moving the beds and building a fence next weekend. Pergola might not get up before next week. Moving the beds will allow for greater interaction, teaching opportunities, protection of the beds, watering ease.

Developing a one sheet of information about the changes. Will present to teachers next week.

  1. Events and Fundraising Committee

We will not receive funds from the Ellwood event because we did not have volunteers at the store to help bag groceries. We will be given a day next year.

Cathy developed a high level document outlining events, will be edited before Open House.

Discussion about shirts and jackets – will not have a hoodie because it is not uniform. Cathy will discuss with Catherine Cornachio before Open House.

Working with Betty on Davis on a painting and lemonade stand fundraiser which will be on August 27th.

Other ideas in the works: food truck night during PTA meeting, restaurant nights every month, color run.

  1. Parental Involvement Committee

Diane requested that we look into a software system to track hours. It costs $288/year. The Board should purchase on behalf of school because volunteer hours are a charter requirement. However, because we want to move forward – the PTA will purchase the software for this year.

  • Motion to purchase Track It Forward Software: Rose Crews
  • Second: Ann-Alyssa Hill

Motion Carries Unanimously.

  1. Hospitality Committee

Hosting breakfast for the faculty on Monday, July 25th.

Some confusion about who has the best SignUp Genius list.

We should think broadly about what ‘hospitality’ means.

Ashley brought up the idea of introducing a Watch D.O.G.S. Chapter to PHSSA through the hospitality committee – Encouraging dads to be in the halls, working the dropoff lane, volunteering in classrooms, etc. Ashley will send information to Erin.

Chairs need to be firm with teachers about what they can and cannot take on.

  1. PHASE Committee

No members present.

  1. Unfinished Business
  2. Buddy Bench

We have an offer from Luckstone to help with building materials. Joe, Elliott and Ashley need to discuss dimensions to submit to them ASAP.

  1. Rack for Lost and Found

Catherine already purchased supplies for $60. PTA will recruit parent volunteers to help organize.

  1. Gifts for outgoing PTA officers
  • Motion to allocate $50 for gift for outgoing PTA president: Ann-Alyssa Hill
  • Second: Cathy Durrette
  • Motion Carries Unanimously.
  1. New Business
  2. Open House, July 28th (5:30 to 7 pm in school cafeteria)

Membership drive (new form, room set up, payments, email lists)

Fundraising (t-shirt sales, Kroger and Martin’s cards)

Rose will provide $60 cash to have at membership table.

  1. First day of School, August 1st
  2. Baskin-Robbins Fundraiser, August 16th 3 to 10 PM

August 16th: State of the School. We will have a membership table there as well.

  1. Adjournment at 9:34pm.

*Next meeting, August 9th, 6 to 7 pm in PHSSA Auditorium.
(We are seeking volunteers for childcare)

Respectfully Submitted on 7/24 by Ashley Kenneth.